33 research outputs found

    CamFlow: Managed Data-sharing for Cloud Services

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    A model of cloud services is emerging whereby a few trusted providers manage the underlying hardware and communications whereas many companies build on this infrastructure to offer higher level, cloud-hosted PaaS services and/or SaaS applications. From the start, strong isolation between cloud tenants was seen to be of paramount importance, provided first by virtual machines (VM) and later by containers, which share the operating system (OS) kernel. Increasingly it is the case that applications also require facilities to effect isolation and protection of data managed by those applications. They also require flexible data sharing with other applications, often across the traditional cloud-isolation boundaries; for example, when government provides many related services for its citizens on a common platform. Similar considerations apply to the end-users of applications. But in particular, the incorporation of cloud services within `Internet of Things' architectures is driving the requirements for both protection and cross-application data sharing. These concerns relate to the management of data. Traditional access control is application and principal/role specific, applied at policy enforcement points, after which there is no subsequent control over where data flows; a crucial issue once data has left its owner's control by cloud-hosted applications and within cloud-services. Information Flow Control (IFC), in addition, offers system-wide, end-to-end, flow control based on the properties of the data. We discuss the potential of cloud-deployed IFC for enforcing owners' dataflow policy with regard to protection and sharing, as well as safeguarding against malicious or buggy software. In addition, the audit log associated with IFC provides transparency, giving configurable system-wide visibility over data flows. [...]Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Dynamic IFC Theorems for Free!

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    We show that noninterference and transparency, the key soundness theorems for dynamic IFC libraries, can be obtained "for free", as direct consequences of the more general parametricity theorem of type abstraction. This allows us to give very short soundness proofs for dynamic IFC libraries such as faceted values and LIO. Our proofs stay short even when fully mechanized for Agda implementations of the libraries in terms of type abstraction.Comment: CSF 2021 final versio

    A Verified Information-Flow Architecture

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    SAFE is a clean-slate design for a highly secure computer system, with pervasive mechanisms for tracking and limiting information flows. At the lowest level, the SAFE hardware supports fine-grained programmable tags, with efficient and flexible propagation and combination of tags as instructions are executed. The operating system virtualizes these generic facilities to present an information-flow abstract machine that allows user programs to label sensitive data with rich confidentiality policies. We present a formal, machine-checked model of the key hardware and software mechanisms used to dynamically control information flow in SAFE and an end-to-end proof of noninterference for this model. We use a refinement proof methodology to propagate the noninterference property of the abstract machine down to the concrete machine level. We use an intermediate layer in the refinement chain that factors out the details of the information-flow control policy and devise a code generator for compiling such information-flow policies into low-level monitor code. Finally, we verify the correctness of this generator using a dedicated Hoare logic that abstracts from low-level machine instructions into a reusable set of verified structured code generators

    Using JOANA for Information Flow Control in Java Programs - A Practical Guide

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    Securing Databases from Probabilistic Inference

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    Databases can leak confidential information when users combine query results with probabilistic data dependencies and prior knowledge. Current research offers mechanisms that either handle a limited class of dependencies or lack tractable enforcement algorithms. We propose a foundation for Database Inference Control based on ProbLog, a probabilistic logic programming language. We leverage this foundation to develop Angerona, a provably secure enforcement mechanism that prevents information leakage in the presence of probabilistic dependencies. We then provide a tractable inference algorithm for a practically relevant fragment of ProbLog. We empirically evaluate Angerona's performance showing that it scales to relevant security-critical problems.Comment: A short version of this paper has been accepted at the 30th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF 2017

    High-level Programming on Low-level Platforms: Two Domain-specific Languages based on Haskell

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    In this thesis, we describe our research on how to program low-level platforms with high-level languages.As an example, consider applications that run on microcontrollers. Such applicationsmay need to specify precise temporal behavior, carefully manage power usage, and handle cryptographic keys.Low-level platforms are programmed using low-level languages such as C/C++, where the lack of expressiveness canlead to error-prone code.We investigate whether we can use high-level languages to program these platforms, by embedding domain-specific languagesin a host language, Haskell. A high-level language offers better expressivity and shields the developer from low-leveldetails, yielding code that more concretely describes what the application is supposed to do. Furthermore, a richer runtimesystem could ease the burden of e.g. memory management and scheduling of coroutines.The papers in this thesis indicate that it is possible to program these devices using a high-level language. We developtwo domain-specific languages, Scoria and HasTEE. Scoria is evaluated on NRF52 microcontrollers, where we run applicationsthat require precise, temporal behavior and perform I/O. HasTEE is evaluated on machines whose processor has supportfor Intel Software Guard Extension and shows that the type system of Haskell can be used to automatically partition a Haskellapplication and run it in a trusted execution environment

    Securing the Foundations of Practical Information Flow Control

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    Language-based information flow control (IFC) promises to secure computer programs against malicious or incompetent programmers by addressing key shortcomings of modern programming languages. In spite of showing great promise, the field remains under-utilised in practise. This thesis makes contributions to the theoretical foundations of IFC aimed at making the techniques practically applicable. The paper addresses two primary topics, IFC as a library and IFC without false alarms. The contributions range from foundational observations about soundness and completeness, to practical considerations of efficiency and expressiveness

    Strong and Provably Secure Database Access Control

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    Existing SQL access control mechanisms are extremely limited. Attackers can leak information and escalate their privileges using advanced database features such as views, triggers, and integrity constraints. This is not merely a problem of vendors lagging behind the state-of-the-art. The theoretical foundations for database security lack adequate security definitions and a realistic attacker model, both of which are needed to evaluate the security of modern databases. We address these issues and present a provably secure access control mechanism that prevents attacks that defeat popular SQL database systems.Comment: A short version of this paper has been published in the proceedings of the 1st IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P 2016