54,603 research outputs found

    Extension of multifactor dimensionality reduction for identifying multilocus effects in the GAW14 simulated data

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    The multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) is a model-free approach that can identify gene Ă— gene or gene Ă— environment effects in a case-control study. Here we explore several modifications of the MDR method. We extended MDR to provide model selection without crossvalidation, and use a chi-square statistic as an alternative to prediction error (PE). We also modified the permutation test to provide different levels of stringency. The extended MDR (EMDR) includes three permutation tests (fixed, non-fixed, and omnibus) to obtain p-values of multilocus models. The goal of this study was to compare the different approaches implemented in the EMDR method and evaluate the ability to identify genetic effects in the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14 simulated data. We used three replicates from the simulated family data, generating matched pairs from family triads. The results showed: 1) chi-square and PE statistics give nearly consistent results; 2) results of EMDR without cross-validation matched that of EMDR with 10-fold cross-validation; 3) the fixed permutation test reports false-positive results in data from loci unrelated to the disease, but the non-fixed and omnibus permutation tests perform well in preventing false positives, with the omnibus test being the most conservative. We conclude that the non-cross-validation test can provide accurate results with the advantage of high efficiency compared to 10-cross-validation, and the non-fixed permutation test provides a good compromise between power and false-positive rate

    Spatial clustering of array CGH features in combination with hierarchical multiple testing

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    We propose a new approach for clustering DNA features using array CGH data from multiple tumor samples. We distinguish data-collapsing: joining contiguous DNA clones or probes with extremely similar data into regions, from clustering: joining contiguous, correlated regions based on a maximum likelihood principle. The model-based clustering algorithm accounts for the apparent spatial patterns in the data. We evaluate the randomness of the clustering result by a cluster stability score in combination with cross-validation. Moreover, we argue that the clustering really captures spatial genomic dependency by showing that coincidental clustering of independent regions is very unlikely. Using the region and cluster information, we combine testing of these for association with a clinical variable in an hierarchical multiple testing approach. This allows for interpreting the significance of both regions and clusters while controlling the Family-Wise Error Rate simultaneously. We prove that in the context of permutation tests and permutation-invariant clusters it is allowed to perform clustering and testing on the same data set. Our procedures are illustrated on two cancer data sets

    A computationally fast variable importance test for random forests for high-dimensional data

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    Random forests are a commonly used tool for classification with high-dimensional data as well as for ranking candidate predictors based on the so-called variable importance measures. There are different importance measures for ranking predictor variables, the two most common measures are the Gini importance and the permutation importance. The latter has been found to be more reliable than the Gini importance. It is computed from the change in prediction accuracy when removing any association between the response and a predictor variable, with large changes indicating that the predictor variable is important. A drawback of those variable importance measures is that there is no natural cutoff that can be used to discriminate between important and non-important variables. Several approaches, for example approaches based on hypothesis testing, have been developed for addressing this problem. The existing testing approaches are permutation-based and require the repeated computation of forests. While for low-dimensional settings those permutation-based approaches might be computationally tractable, for high-dimensional settings typically including thousands of candidate predictors, computing time is enormous. A new computationally fast heuristic procedure of a variable importance test is proposed, that is appropriate for high-dimensional data where many variables do not carry any information. The testing approach is based on a modified version of the permutation variable importance measure, which is inspired by cross-validation procedures. The novel testing approach is tested and compared to the permutation-based testing approach of Altmann and colleagues using studies on complex high-dimensional binary classification settings. The new approach controlled the type I error and had at least comparable power at a substantially smaller computation time in our studies. The new variable importance test is implemented in the R package vita

    GEC-DePenD: Non-Autoregressive Grammatical Error Correction with Decoupled Permutation and Decoding

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    Grammatical error correction (GEC) is an important NLP task that is currently usually solved with autoregressive sequence-to-sequence models. However, approaches of this class are inherently slow due to one-by-one token generation, so non-autoregressive alternatives are needed. In this work, we propose a novel non-autoregressive approach to GEC that decouples the architecture into a permutation network that outputs a self-attention weight matrix that can be used in beam search to find the best permutation of input tokens (with auxiliary {ins} tokens) and a decoder network based on a step-unrolled denoising autoencoder that fills in specific tokens. This allows us to find the token permutation after only one forward pass of the permutation network, avoiding autoregressive constructions. We show that the resulting network improves over previously known non-autoregressive methods for GEC and reaches the level of autoregressive methods that do not use language-specific synthetic data generation methods. Our results are supported by a comprehensive experimental validation on the ConLL-2014 and Write&Improve+LOCNESS datasets and an extensive ablation study that supports our architectural and algorithmic choices.Comment: ACL 202

    A Permutation Test and Spatial Cross-Validation Approach to Assess Models of Interspecific Competition Between Trees

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    Measuring species-specific competitive interactions is key to understanding plant communities. Repeat censused large forest dynamics plots offer an ideal setting to measure these interactions by estimating the species-specific competitive effect on neighboring tree growth. Estimating these interaction values can be difficult, however, because the number of them grows with the square of the number of species. Furthermore, confidence in the estimates can be overestimated if any spatial structure of model errors is not considered. Here we measured these interactions in a forest dynamics plot in a transitional oak-hickory forest. We analytically fit Bayesian linear regression models of annual tree radial growth as a function of that tree’s species, its size, and its neighboring trees. We then compared these models to test whether the identity of a tree’s neighbors matters and if so at what level: based on trait grouping, based on phylogenetic family, or based on species. We used a spatial crossvalidation scheme to better estimate model errors while avoiding potentially over-fitting our models. Since our model is analytically solvable we can rapidly evaluate it, which allows our proposed cross-validation scheme to be computationally feasible. We found that the identity of the focal and competitor trees mattered for competitive interactions, but surprisingly, identity mattered at the family rather than species-level

    Multi-talker Speech Separation with Utterance-level Permutation Invariant Training of Deep Recurrent Neural Networks

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    In this paper we propose the utterance-level Permutation Invariant Training (uPIT) technique. uPIT is a practically applicable, end-to-end, deep learning based solution for speaker independent multi-talker speech separation. Specifically, uPIT extends the recently proposed Permutation Invariant Training (PIT) technique with an utterance-level cost function, hence eliminating the need for solving an additional permutation problem during inference, which is otherwise required by frame-level PIT. We achieve this using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) that, during training, minimize the utterance-level separation error, hence forcing separated frames belonging to the same speaker to be aligned to the same output stream. In practice, this allows RNNs, trained with uPIT, to separate multi-talker mixed speech without any prior knowledge of signal duration, number of speakers, speaker identity or gender. We evaluated uPIT on the WSJ0 and Danish two- and three-talker mixed-speech separation tasks and found that uPIT outperforms techniques based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) and Computational Auditory Scene Analysis (CASA), and compares favorably with Deep Clustering (DPCL) and the Deep Attractor Network (DANet). Furthermore, we found that models trained with uPIT generalize well to unseen speakers and languages. Finally, we found that a single model, trained with uPIT, can handle both two-speaker, and three-speaker speech mixtures
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