8 research outputs found

    Reducing consistency traffic and cache misses in the avalanche multiprocessor

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    Journal ArticleFor a parallel architecture to scale effectively, communication latency between processors must be avoided. We have found that the source of a large number of avoidable cache misses is the use of hardwired write-invalidate coherency protocols, which often exhibit high cache miss rates due to excessive invalidations and subsequent reloading of shared data. In the Avalanche project at the University of Utah, we are building a 64-node multiprocessor designed to reduce the end-to-end communication latency of both shared memory and message passing programs. As part of our design efforts, we are evaluating the potential performance benefits and implementation complexity of providing hardware support for multiple coherency protocols. Using a detailed architecture simulation of Avalanche, we have found that support for multiple consistency protocols can reduce the time parallel applications spend stalled on memory operations by up to 66% and overall execution time by up to 31%. Most of this reduction in memory stall time is due to a novel release-consistent multiple-writer write-update protocol implemented using a write state buffer

    Evaluating the potential of programmable multiprocessor cache controllers

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    technical reportThe next generation of scalable parallel systems (e.g., machines by KSR, Convex, and others) will have shared memory supported in hardware, unlike most current generation machines (e.g., offerings by Intel, nCube, and Thinking Machines). However, current shared memory architectures are constrained by the fact that their cache controllers are hardwired and inflexible, which limits the range of programs that can achieve scalable performance. This observation has led a number of researchers to propose building programmable multiprocessor cache controllers that can implement a variety of caching protocols, support multiple communication paradigms, or accept guidance from software. To evaluate the potential performance benefits of these designs, we have simulated five SPLASH benchmark programs on a virtual multiprocessor that supports five directory-based caching protocols. When we compared the off-line optimal performance of this design, wherein each cache line was maintained using the protocol that required the least communication, with the performance achieved when using a single protocol for all lines, we found that use of the "optimal" protocol reduced consistency traffic by 10-80%, with a mean improvement of 25-35%. Cache miss rates also dropped by up to 25%. Thus, the combination of programmable (or tunable) hardware and software able to exploit this added flexibility, e.g., via user pragmas or compiler analysis, could dramatically improve the performance of future shared memory multiprocessors

    A comparison of software and hardware synchronization mechanisms for distributed shared memory multiprocessors

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    technical reportEfficient synchronization is an essential component of parallel computing. The designers of traditional multiprocessors have included hardware support only for simple operations such as compare-and-swap and load-linked/store-conditional, while high level synchronization primitives such as locks, barriers, and condition variables have been implemented in software [9,14,15]. With the advent of directory-based distributed shared memory (DSM) multiprocessors with significant flexibility in their cache controllers [7,12,17], it is worthwhile considering whether this flexibility should be used to support higher level synchronization primitives in hardware. In particular, as part of maintaining data consistency, these architectures maintain lists of processors with a copy of a given cache line, which is most of the hardware needed to implement distributed locks. We studied two software and four hardware implementations of locks and found that hardware implementation can reduce lock acquire and release times by 25-94% compared to well tuned software locks. In terms of macrobenchmark performance, hardware locks reduce application running times by up to 75% on a synthetic benchmark with heavy lock contention and by 3%-6% on a suite of SPLASH-2 benchmarks. In addition, emerging cache coherence protocols promise to increase the time spent synchronizing relative to the time spent accessing shared data, and our study shows that hardware locks can reduce SPLASH-2 execution times by up to 10-13% if the time spent accessing shared data is small. Although the overall performance impact of hardware lock mechanisms varies tremendously depending on the application, the added hardware complexity on a flexible architecture like FLASH [12] or Avalanche [7] is negligible, and thus hardware support for high level synchronization operations should be provided

    Avalanche: A communication and memory architecture for scalable parallel computing

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    technical reportAs the gap between processor and memory speeds widens?? system designers will inevitably incorpo rate increasingly deep memory hierarchies to maintain the balance between processor and memory system performance At the same time?? most communication subsystems are permitted access only to main memory and not a processor s top level cache As memory latencies increase?? this lack of integration between the memory and communication systems will seriously impede interprocessor communication performance and limit e ective scalability In the Avalanche project we are re designing the memory architecture of a commercial RISC multiprocessor?? the HP PA RISC ?? to include a new multi level context sensitive cache that is tightly coupled to the communication fabric The primary goal of Avalanche s integrated cache and communication controller is attack ing end to end communication latency in all of its forms This includes cache misses induced by excessive invalidations and reloading of shared data by write invalidate coherence protocols and cache misses induced by depositing incoming message data in main memory and faulting it into the cache An execution driven simulation study of Avalanche s architecture indicates that it can reduce cache stalls by and overall execution times b

    Avalanche: A communication and memory architecture for scalable parallel computing

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    technical reportAs the gap between processor and memory speeds widens, system designers will inevitably incorporate increasingly deep memory hierarchies to maintain the balance between processor and memory system performance. At the same time, most communication subsystems are permitted access only to main memory and not a processor's top level cache. As memory latencies increase, this lack of integration between the memory and communication systems will seriously impede interprocessor communication performance and limit effective scalability. In the Avalanche project we are redesigning the memory architecture of a commercial RISC multiprocessor, the HP PA-RISC 7100, to include a new multi-level context sensitive cache that is tightly coupled to the communication fabric. The primary goal of Avalanche's integrated cache and communication controller is attacking end to end communication latency in all of its forms. This includes cache misses induced by excessive invalidations and reloading of shared data by write-invalidate coherence protocols and cache misses induced by depositing incoming message data in main memory and faulting it into the cache. An execution-driven simulation study of Avalanche's architecture indicates that it can reduce cache stalls by 5-60% and overall execution times by 10-28%

    Software Coherence in Multiprocessor Memory Systems

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    Processors are becoming faster and multiprocessor memory interconnection systems are not keeping up. Therefore, it is necessary to have threads and the memory they access as near one another as possible. Typically, this involves putting memory or caches with the processors, which gives rise to the problem of coherence: if one processor writes an address, any other processor reading that address must see the new value. This coherence can be maintained by the hardware or with software intervention. Systems of both types have been built in the past; the hardware-based systems tended to outperform the software ones. However, the ratio of processor to interconnect speed is now so high that the extra overhead of the software systems may no longer be significant. This issue is explored both by implementing a software maintained system and by introducing and using the technique of offline optimal analysis of memory reference traces. It finds that in properly built systems, software maintained coherence can perform comparably to or even better than hardware maintained coherence. The architectural features necessary for efficient software coherence to be profitable include a small page size, a fast trap mechanism, and the ability to execute instructions while remote memory references are outstanding

    A performance evaluation of optimal hybrid cache coherency protocols

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