4 research outputs found


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    The Earth’s surface is covered with 72% water. This fact alone emphasizes the importance of proper monitoring and regulation of maritime activities. This monitoring can be useful in an array of applications including illegal transitions, rescue operations, territory regulation among many other applications. In order to achieve the task of “Maritime Surveillance” or simply the marine object detection, we need a structured approach combined with a set of algorithms. The objective of this paper is to study an emerging open source tool- Search for Unidentified Maritime Objects (SUMO) developed for the detection of ships which work regardless of weather conditions and coverage limits. Based on the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data, this paper aims to process the satellite-borne data provided by the Sentinel-1 satellite. Proposed by the Joint Research Centre, SUMO is a pixel-based algorithm which follows a structured approach in order to identify marine objects and remove false alarms. It is observed that many of the false alarms are caused due to the presence of land. These are reduced by using the buffered coastlines referred to as land masks. A local threshold is calculated using the background clutter for the generation of false alarm rate and the pixels above this threshold are identified and clustered to form targets. A reliability value is computed for the elimination of azimuth ambiguities. Also, various attributes of the detected targets are calculated in order to give an accurate description of ships and its characteristics. With the SAR data being freely available due to the open data policy of the EU’s Copernicus program, it has never been more viable to employ new methods for marine object detection and this paper explores this possibility by analyzing the results obtained. Specifically, the employed data consists of Sentinel-1 fine dual-pol acquisitions over the coastal regions of India

    A New Method Based on Two-Stage Detection Mechanism for Detecting Ships in High-Resolution SAR Images

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    Ship detection in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) remote sensing images, being a fundamental but challenging problem in the field of satellite image analysis, plays an important role for a wide range of applications and is receiving significant attention in recent years. Aiming at the requirements of ship detection in high-resolution SAR images, the accuracy, the intelligent level, a better real-time operation and processing efficiency, The characteristics of ocean background and ship target in high-resolution SAR images were analyzed, we put forward a ship detection algorithm in high-resolution SAR images. The algorithm consists of two detection stages: The first step designs a pre-training classifier based on improved spectral residual visual model to obtain the visual salient regions containing ship targets quickly, then achieve the purpose of probably detection of ships. In the second stage, considering the Bayesian theory of binary hypothesis detection, a local maximum posterior probability (MAP) classifier is designed for the classification of pixels. After the parameter estimation and judgment criterion, the classification of pixels are carried out in the target areas to achieve the classification of two types of pixels in the salient regions. In the paper, several types of satellite image data, such as TerraSAR-X (TS-X), Radarsat-2, are used to evaluate the performance of detection methods. Comparing with classical CFAR detection algorithms, experimental results show that the algorithm can achieve a better effect of suppressing false alarms, which caused by the speckle noise and ocean clutter background inhomogeneity. At the same time, the detection speed is increased by 25% to 45%

    State of the Art of Radar Images Recognition of Surface Ships by Means of Space Monitoring

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    Поступила: 01.02.2024. Принята в печать: 01.03.2024.Received: 01.02.2024. Accepted: 01.03.2024.Проблема синтеза и анализа алгоритмов обработки радиолокационных изображений пространственно-распределенных целей, полученных средствами космического мониторинга, была и остается одной из наиболее значимых как с теоретических, так и практических позиций для обеспечения безопасности мореплавания, контроля за незаконной добычей рыбы, мониторинга и управления кризисными ситуациями, такими как естественные бедствия, миграционные потоки и другие. Одним из наиболее распространенных приложений названной проблемы является распознавание надводных кораблей, которому и посвящен данный обзор, выполненный по иностранным источникам. В связи с этим предлагаемый обзор, содержащий достаточно подробный анализ современных методов решения названной задачи, предложенных широким кругом авторов в последние десятилетия, будет полезен создателям и исследователям средств космического наблюдения за состоянием морской поверхности.The issue of synthesizing and analyzing algorithms of processing radar images of spatially distributed targets, obtained through space monitoring tools, remains one of the most significant both theoretically and practically. This is particularly crucial for ensuring maritime safety, monitoring illegal fishing activities, and managing crisis situations such as natural disasters and migration flows. One of the most common applications of this problem is the recognition of surface ships, to which this review is devoted. The review is performed using foreign materials. Thus, the proposed review, which includes a detailed analysis of contemporary methods addressing the mentioned challenges, proposed by a wide range of authors over the past decades, will be valuable for developers and researchers in the field of space observation of marine surface conditions

    훈련 자료 자동 추출 알고리즘과 기계 학습을 통한 SAR 영상 기반의 선박 탐지

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    학위논문 (석사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 자연과학대학 지구환경과학부, 2021. 2. 김덕진.Detection and surveillance of vessels are regarded as a crucial application of SAR for their contribution to the preservation of marine resources and the assurance on maritime safety. Introduction of machine learning to vessel detection significantly enhanced the performance and efficiency of the detection, but a substantial majority of studies focused on modifying the object detector algorithm. As the fundamental enhancement of the detection performance would be nearly impossible without accurate training data of vessels, this study implemented AIS information containing real-time information of vessel’s movement in order to propose a robust algorithm which acquires the training data of vessels in an automated manner. As AIS information was irregularly and discretely obtained, the exact target interpolation time for each vessel was precisely determined, followed by the implementation of Kalman filter, which mitigates the measurement error of AIS sensor. In addition, as the velocity of each vessel renders an imprint inside the SAR image named as Doppler frequency shift, it was calibrated by restoring the elliptic satellite orbit from the satellite state vector and estimating the distance between the satellite and the target vessel. From the calibrated position of the AIS sensor inside the corresponding SAR image, training data was directly obtained via internal allocation of the AIS sensor in each vessel. For fishing boats, separate information system named as VPASS was applied for the identical procedure of training data retrieval. Training data of vessels obtained via the automated training data procurement algorithm was evaluated by a conventional object detector, for three detection evaluating parameters: precision, recall and F1 score. All three evaluation parameters from the proposed training data acquisition significantly exceeded that from the manual acquisition. The major difference between two training datasets was demonstrated in the inshore regions and in the vicinity of strong scattering vessels in which land artifacts, ships and the ghost signals derived from them were indiscernible by visual inspection. This study additionally introduced a possibility of resolving the unclassified usage of each vessel by comparing AIS information with the accurate vessel detection results.전천후 지구 관측 위성인 SAR를 통한 선박 탐지는 해양 자원의 확보와 해상 안전 보장에 매우 중요한 역할을 한다. 기계 학습 기법의 도입으로 인해 선박을 비롯한 사물 탐지의 정확도 및 효율성이 향상되었으나, 이와 관련된 다수의 연구는 탐지 알고리즘의 개량에 집중되었다. 그러나, 탐지 정확도의 근본적인 향상은 정밀하게 취득된 대량의 훈련자료 없이는 불가능하기에, 본 연구에서는 선박의 실시간 위치, 속도 정보인 AIS 자료를 이용하여 인공 지능 기반의 선박 탐지 알고리즘에 사용될 훈련자료를 자동적으로 취득하는 알고리즘을 제안하였다. 이를 위해 이산적인 AIS 자료를 SAR 영상의 취득시각에 맞추어 정확하게 보간하고, AIS 센서 자체가 가지는 오차를 최소화하였다. 또한, 이동하는 산란체의 시선 속도로 인해 발생하는 도플러 편이 효과를 보정하기 위해 SAR 위성의 상태 벡터를 이용하여 위성과 산란체 사이의 거리를 정밀하게 계산하였다. 이렇게 계산된 AIS 센서의 영상 내의 위치로부터 선박 내 AIS 센서의 배치를 고려하여 선박 탐지 알고리즘의 훈련자료 형식에 맞추어 훈련자료를 취득하고, 어선에 대한 위치, 속도 정보인 VPASS 자료 역시 유사한 방법으로 가공하여 훈련자료를 취득하였다. AIS 자료로부터 취득한 훈련자료는 기존 방법대로 수동 취득한 훈련자료와 함께 인공 지능 기반 사물 탐지 알고리즘을 통해 정확도를 평가하였다. 그 결과, 제시된 알고리즘으로 취득한 훈련 자료는 수동 취득한 훈련 자료 대비 더 높은 탐지 정확도를 보였으며, 이는 기존의 사물 탐지 알고리즘의 평가 지표인 정밀도, 재현율과 F1 score를 통해 진행되었다. 본 연구에서 제안한 훈련자료 자동 취득 기법으로 얻은 선박에 대한 훈련자료는 특히 기존의 선박 탐지 기법으로는 분별이 어려웠던 항만에 인접한 선박과 산란체 주변의 신호에 대한 정확한 분별 결과를 보였다. 본 연구에서는 이와 함께, 선박 탐지 결과와 해당 지역에 대한 AIS 및 VPASS 자료를 이용하여 선박의 미식별성을 판정할 수 있는 가능성 또한 제시하였다.Chapter 1. Introduction - 1 - 1.1 Research Background - 1 - 1.2 Research Objective - 8 - Chapter 2. Data Acquisition - 10 - 2.1 Acquisition of SAR Image Data - 10 - 2.2 Acquisition of AIS and VPASS Information - 20 - Chapter 3. Methodology on Training Data Procurement - 26 - 3.1 Interpolation of Discrete AIS Data - 29 - 3.1.1 Estimation of Target Interpolation Time for Vessels - 29 - 3.1.2 Application of Kalman Filter to AIS Data - 34 - 3.2 Doppler Frequency Shift Correction - 40 - 3.2.1 Theoretical Basis of Doppler Frequency Shift - 40 - 3.2.2 Mitigation of Doppler Frequency Shift - 48 - 3.3 Retrieval of Training Data of Vessels - 53 - 3.4 Algorithm on Vessel Training Data Acquisition from VPASS Information - 61 - Chapter 4. Methodology on Object Detection Architecture - 66 - Chapter 5. Results - 74 - 5.1 Assessment on Training Data - 74 - 5.2 Assessment on AIS-based Ship Detection - 79 - 5.3 Assessment on VPASS-based Fishing Boat Detection - 91 - Chapter 6. Discussions - 110 - 6.1 Discussion on AIS-Based Ship Detection - 110 - 6.2 Application on Determining Unclassified Vessels - 116 - Chapter 7. Conclusion - 125 - 국문 요약문 - 128 - Bibliography - 130 -Maste