2,279 research outputs found

    Speeding-up Dynamic Programming with Representative Sets - An Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Steiner Tree on Tree Decompositions

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    Dynamic programming on tree decompositions is a frequently used approach to solve otherwise intractable problems on instances of small treewidth. In recent work by Bodlaender et al., it was shown that for many connectivity problems, there exist algorithms that use time, linear in the number of vertices, and single exponential in the width of the tree decomposition that is used. The central idea is that it suffices to compute representative sets, and these can be computed efficiently with help of Gaussian elimination. In this paper, we give an experimental evaluation of this technique for the Steiner Tree problem. A comparison of the classic dynamic programming algorithm and the improved dynamic programming algorithm that employs the table reduction shows that the new approach gives significant improvements on the running time of the algorithm and the size of the tables computed by the dynamic programming algorithm, and thus that the rank based approach from Bodlaender et al. does not only give significant theoretical improvements but also is a viable approach in a practical setting, and showcases the potential of exploiting the idea of representative sets for speeding up dynamic programming algorithms

    Spanning trees short or small

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    We study the problem of finding small trees. Classical network design problems are considered with the additional constraint that only a specified number kk of nodes are required to be connected in the solution. A prototypical example is the kkMST problem in which we require a tree of minimum weight spanning at least kk nodes in an edge-weighted graph. We show that the kkMST problem is NP-hard even for points in the Euclidean plane. We provide approximation algorithms with performance ratio 2k2\sqrt{k} for the general edge-weighted case and O(k1/4)O(k^{1/4}) for the case of points in the plane. Polynomial-time exact solutions are also presented for the class of decomposable graphs which includes trees, series-parallel graphs, and bounded bandwidth graphs, and for points on the boundary of a convex region in the Euclidean plane. We also investigate the problem of finding short trees, and more generally, that of finding networks with minimum diameter. A simple technique is used to provide a polynomial-time solution for finding kk-trees of minimum diameter. We identify easy and hard problems arising in finding short networks using a framework due to T. C. Hu.Comment: 27 page

    Hypergraphic LP Relaxations for Steiner Trees

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    We investigate hypergraphic LP relaxations for the Steiner tree problem, primarily the partition LP relaxation introduced by Koenemann et al. [Math. Programming, 2009]. Specifically, we are interested in proving upper bounds on the integrality gap of this LP, and studying its relation to other linear relaxations. Our results are the following. Structural results: We extend the technique of uncrossing, usually applied to families of sets, to families of partitions. As a consequence we show that any basic feasible solution to the partition LP formulation has sparse support. Although the number of variables could be exponential, the number of positive variables is at most the number of terminals. Relations with other relaxations: We show the equivalence of the partition LP relaxation with other known hypergraphic relaxations. We also show that these hypergraphic relaxations are equivalent to the well studied bidirected cut relaxation, if the instance is quasibipartite. Integrality gap upper bounds: We show an upper bound of sqrt(3) ~ 1.729 on the integrality gap of these hypergraph relaxations in general graphs. In the special case of uniformly quasibipartite instances, we show an improved upper bound of 73/60 ~ 1.216. By our equivalence theorem, the latter result implies an improved upper bound for the bidirected cut relaxation as well.Comment: Revised full version; a shorter version will appear at IPCO 2010

    Subjectively interesting connecting trees

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    The cavity approach for Steiner trees packing problems

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    The Belief Propagation approximation, or cavity method, has been recently applied to several combinatorial optimization problems in its zero-temperature implementation, the max-sum algorithm. In particular, recent developments to solve the edge-disjoint paths problem and the prize-collecting Steiner tree problem on graphs have shown remarkable results for several classes of graphs and for benchmark instances. Here we propose a generalization of these techniques for two variants of the Steiner trees packing problem where multiple "interacting" trees have to be sought within a given graph. Depending on the interaction among trees we distinguish the vertex-disjoint Steiner trees problem, where trees cannot share nodes, from the edge-disjoint Steiner trees problem, where edges cannot be shared by trees but nodes can be members of multiple trees. Several practical problems of huge interest in network design can be mapped into these two variants, for instance, the physical design of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) chips. The formalism described here relies on two components edge-variables that allows us to formulate a massage-passing algorithm for the V-DStP and two algorithms for the E-DStP differing in the scaling of the computational time with respect to some relevant parameters. We will show that one of the two formalisms used for the edge-disjoint variant allow us to map the max-sum update equations into a weighted maximum matching problem over proper bipartite graphs. We developed a heuristic procedure based on the max-sum equations that shows excellent performance in synthetic networks (in particular outperforming standard multi-step greedy procedures by large margins) and on large benchmark instances of VLSI for which the optimal solution is known, on which the algorithm found the optimum in two cases and the gap to optimality was never larger than 4 %

    Networking - A Statistical Physics Perspective

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    Efficient networking has a substantial economic and societal impact in a broad range of areas including transportation systems, wired and wireless communications and a range of Internet applications. As transportation and communication networks become increasingly more complex, the ever increasing demand for congestion control, higher traffic capacity, quality of service, robustness and reduced energy consumption require new tools and methods to meet these conflicting requirements. The new methodology should serve for gaining better understanding of the properties of networking systems at the macroscopic level, as well as for the development of new principled optimization and management algorithms at the microscopic level. Methods of statistical physics seem best placed to provide new approaches as they have been developed specifically to deal with non-linear large scale systems. This paper aims at presenting an overview of tools and methods that have been developed within the statistical physics community and that can be readily applied to address the emerging problems in networking. These include diffusion processes, methods from disordered systems and polymer physics, probabilistic inference, which have direct relevance to network routing, file and frequency distribution, the exploration of network structures and vulnerability, and various other practical networking applications.Comment: (Review article) 71 pages, 14 figure
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