13,197 research outputs found

    Dependent Nonparametric Bayesian Group Dictionary Learning for online reconstruction of Dynamic MR images

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    In this paper, we introduce a dictionary learning based approach applied to the problem of real-time reconstruction of MR image sequences that are highly undersampled in k-space. Unlike traditional dictionary learning, our method integrates both global and patch-wise (local) sparsity information and incorporates some priori information into the reconstruction process. Moreover, we use a Dependent Hierarchical Beta-process as the prior for the group-based dictionary learning, which adaptively infers the dictionary size and the sparsity of each patch; and also ensures that similar patches are manifested in terms of similar dictionary atoms. An efficient numerical algorithm based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is also presented. Through extensive experimental results we show that our proposed method achieves superior reconstruction quality, compared to the other state-of-the- art DL-based methods

    Simultaneous multislice acquisition with multi-contrast segmented EPI for separation of signal contributions in dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging

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    We present a method to efficiently separate signal in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) into a base signal S0, representing the mainly T1-weighted component without T2*-relaxation, and its T2*-weighted counterpart by the rapid acquisition of multiple contrasts for advanced pharmacokinetic modelling. This is achieved by incorporating simultaneous multislice (SMS) imaging into a multi-contrast, segmented echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence to allow extended spatial coverage, which covers larger body regions without time penalty. Simultaneous acquisition of four slices was combined with segmented EPI for fast imaging with three gradient echo times in a preclinical perfusion study. Six female domestic pigs, German-landrace or hybrid-form, were scanned for 11 minutes respectively during administration of gadolinium-based contrast agent. Influences of reconstruction methods and training data were investigated. The separation into T1- and T2*-dependent signal contributions was achieved by fitting a standard analytical model to the acquired multi-echo data. The application of SMS yielded sufficient temporal resolution for the detection of the arterial input function in major vessels, while anatomical coverage allowed perfusion analysis of muscle tissue. The separation of the MR signal into T1- and T2*-dependent components allowed the correction of susceptibility related changes. We demonstrate a novel sequence for dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI that meets the requirements of temporal resolution (Δt < 1.5 s) and image quality. The incorporation of SMS into multi-contrast, segmented EPI can overcome existing limitations of dynamic contrast enhancement and dynamic susceptibility contrast methods, when applied separately. The new approach allows both techniques to be combined in a single acquisition with a large spatial coverage

    Spatio-temporal wavelet regularization for parallel MRI reconstruction: application to functional MRI

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    Parallel MRI is a fast imaging technique that enables the acquisition of highly resolved images in space or/and in time. The performance of parallel imaging strongly depends on the reconstruction algorithm, which can proceed either in the original k-space (GRAPPA, SMASH) or in the image domain (SENSE-like methods). To improve the performance of the widely used SENSE algorithm, 2D- or slice-specific regularization in the wavelet domain has been deeply investigated. In this paper, we extend this approach using 3D-wavelet representations in order to handle all slices together and address reconstruction artifacts which propagate across adjacent slices. The gain induced by such extension (3D-Unconstrained Wavelet Regularized -SENSE: 3D-UWR-SENSE) is validated on anatomical image reconstruction where no temporal acquisition is considered. Another important extension accounts for temporal correlations that exist between successive scans in functional MRI (fMRI). In addition to the case of 2D+t acquisition schemes addressed by some other methods like kt-FOCUSS, our approach allows us to deal with 3D+t acquisition schemes which are widely used in neuroimaging. The resulting 3D-UWR-SENSE and 4D-UWR-SENSE reconstruction schemes are fully unsupervised in the sense that all regularization parameters are estimated in the maximum likelihood sense on a reference scan. The gain induced by such extensions is illustrated on both anatomical and functional image reconstruction, and also measured in terms of statistical sensitivity for the 4D-UWR-SENSE approach during a fast event-related fMRI protocol. Our 4D-UWR-SENSE algorithm outperforms the SENSE reconstruction at the subject and group levels (15 subjects) for different contrasts of interest (eg, motor or computation tasks) and using different parallel acceleration factors (R=2 and R=4) on 2x2x3mm3 EPI images.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1103.353

    Real-time Assessment of Right and Left Ventricular Volumes and Function in Children Using High Spatiotemporal Resolution Spiral bSSFP with Compressed Sensing

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    Background: Real-time (RT) assessment of ventricular volumes and function enables data acquisition during free-breathing. However, in children the requirement for high spatiotemporal resolution requires accelerated imaging techniques. In this study, we implemented a novel RT bSSFP spiral sequence reconstructed using Compressed Sensing (CS) and validated it against the breath-hold (BH) reference standard for assessment of ventricular volumes in children with heart disease. Methods: Data was acquired in 60 children. Qualitative image scoring and evaluation of ventricular volumes was performed by 3 clinical cardiac MR specialists. 30 cases were reassessed for intra-observer variability, and the other 30 cases for inter-observer variability. Results: Spiral RT images were of good quality, however qualitative scores reflected more residual artefact than standard BH images and slightly lower edge definition. Quantification of Left Ventricular (LV) and Right Ventricular (RV) metrics showed excellent correlation between the techniques with narrow limits of agreement. However, we observed small but statistically significant overestimation of LV end-diastolic volume, underestimation of LV end-systolic volume, as well as a small overestimation of RV stroke volume and ejection fraction using the RT imaging technique. No difference in inter-observer or intra-observer variability were observed between the BH and RT sequences. Conclusions: Real-time bSSFP imaging using spiral trajectories combined with a compressed sensing reconstruction is feasible. The main benefit is that it can be acquired during free breathing. However, another important secondary benefit is that a whole ventricular stack can be acquired in ~20 seconds, as opposed to ~6 minutes for standard BH imaging. Thus, this technique holds the potential to significantly shorten MR scan times in children
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