8 research outputs found

    SDN-based traffic engineering in data centers, Interconnects, and Carrier Networks

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    Server virtualization and cloud computing have escalated the bandwidth and performance demands on the DCN (data center network). The main challenges in DCN are maximizing network utilization and ensuring fault tolerance to address multiple node-and-link failures. A multitenant and highly dynamic virtualized environment consists of a large number of endstations, leading to a very large number of flows that challenge the scalability of a solution to network throughput maximization. The challenges are scalability, in terms of address learning, forwarding decision convergence, and forwarding state size, as well as flexibility for offloading with VM migration. Geographically distributed data centers are inter-connected through service providers’ carrier network. Service providers offer wide-area network (WAN) connection such as private lines and MPLS circuits between edges of data centers. DC sides of network operators try to maximize the utilization of such defined overlay WAN connection i.e. data center interconnection (DCI), which applies to edges of DC networks. Service provider sides of network operators try to optimize the core of carrier network. Along with the increasing adoption of ROADM, OTN, and packet switching technologies, traditional two-layer IP/MPLS-over-WDM network has evolved into three-layer IP/MPLS-over-OTN-over-DWDM network and once defined overlay topology is now transitioning to dynamic topologies based on on-demand traffic demands. Network operations are thus divided into three physical sub-networks: DCN, overlay DCI, and multi-layer carrier network. Server virtualization, cloud computing and evolving multilayer carrier network challenge traffic engineering to maximize utilization on all physical subnetworks. The emerging software-defined networking (SDN) architecture moves path computation towards a centralized controller, which has global visibility. Carriers indicate a strong preference for SDN to be interoperable between multiple vendors in heterogeneous transport networks. SDN is a natural way to create a unified control plane across multiple administrative divisions. This thesis contributes SDN-based traffic engineering techniques for maximizing network utilization of DCN, DCI, and carrier network. The first part of the thesis focuses on DCN traffic engineering. Traditional forwarding mechanisms using a single path are not able to take advantages of available multiple physical paths. The state-of-the-art MPTCP (Multipath Transmission Control Protocol) solution uses multiple randomly selected paths, but cannot give total aggregated capacity. Moreover, it works as a TCP process, and so does not support other protocols like UDP. To address these issues, this thesis presents a solution using adaptive multipath routing in a Layer-2 network with static (capacity and latency) metrics, which adapts link and path failures. This solution provides innetwork aggregated path capacity to individual flows, as well as scalability and multitenancy, by separating end-station services from the provider’s network. The results demonstrate an improvement of 14% in the worst bisection bandwidth utilization, compared to the MPTCP with 5 sub-flows. The second part of the thesis focuses on DCI traffic engineering. The existing approaches to reservation services provide limited reservation capabilities, e.g. limited connections over links returned by the traceroute over traditional IP-based networks. Moreover, most existing approaches do not address fault tolerance in the event of node or link failures. To address these issues, this thesis presents ECMP-like multipath routing algorithm and forwarding assignment scheme that increase reservation acceptance rate compared to state-of-art reservation frameworks in the WAN-links between data centers, and such reservations can be configured with a limited number of static forwarding rules on switches. Our prototype provides the RESTful web service interface for link-fail event management and re-routes paths for all the affected reservations. In the final part of the thesis, we focused on multi-layer carrier network traffic engineering. New dynamic traffic trends in upper layers (e.g. IP routing) require dynamic configuration of the optical transport to re-direct the traffic, and this in turn requires an integration of multiple administrative control layers. When multiple bandwidth path requests come from different nodes in different layers, a distributed sequential computation cannot optimize the entire network. Most prior research has focused on the two-layer problem, and recent three-layer research studies are limited to the capacity dimensioning problem. In this thesis, we present an optimization model with MILP formulation for dynamic traffic in a three-layer network, especially taking into account the unique technological constraints of the distinct OTN layer. Our experimental results show how unit cost values of different layers affect network cost and parameters in the presence of multiple sets of traffic loads. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed heuristic approach

    Towards Terabit Carrier Ethernet and Energy Efficient Optical Transport Networks

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    Resilience mechanisms for carrier-grade networks

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    In recent years, the advent of new Future Internet (FI) applications is creating ever-demanding requirements. These requirements are pushing network carriers for high transport capacity, energy efficiency, as well as high-availability services with low latency. A widespread practice to provide FI services is the adoption of a multi-layer network model consisting in the use of IP/MPLS and optical technologies such as Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). Indeed, optical transport technologies are the foundation supporting the current telecommunication network backbones, because of the high transmission bandwidth achieved in fiber optical networks. Traditional optical networks consist of a fixed 50 GHz grid, resulting in a low Optical Spectrum (OS) utilization, specifically with transmission rates above 100 Gbps. Recently, optical networks have been undergoing significant changes with the purpose of providing a flexible grid that can fully exploit the potential of optical networks. This has led to a new network paradigm termed as Elastic Optical Network (EON). In recent years, the advent of new Future Internet (FI) applications is creating ever-demanding requirements. A widespread practice to provide FI services is the adoption of a multi-layer network model consisting in the use of IP/MPLS and optical technologies such as Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). Traditional optical networks consist of a fixed 50 GHz grid, resulting in a low Optical Spectrum (OS) utilization. Recently, optical networks have been undergoing significant changes with the purpose of providing a flexible grid that can fully exploit the potential of optical networks. This has led to a new network paradigm termed as Elastic Optical Network (EON). Recently, a new protection scheme referred to as Network Coding Protection (NCP) has emerged as an innovative solution to proactively enable protection in an agile and efficient manner by means of throughput improvement techniques such as Network Coding. It is an intuitive reasoning that the throughput advantages of NCP might be magnified by means of the flexible-grid provided by EONs. The goal of this thesis is three-fold. The first, is to study the advantages of NCP schemes in planning scenarios. For this purpose, this thesis focuses on the performance of NCP assuming both a fixed as well as a flexible spectrum grid. However, conversely to planning scenarios, in dynamic scenarios the accuracy of Network State Information (NSI) is crucial since inaccurate NSI might substantially affect the performance of an NCP scheme. The second contribution of this thesis is to study the performance of protection schemes in dynamic scenarios considering inaccurate NSI. For this purpose, this thesis explores prediction techniques in order to mitigate the negative effects of inaccurate NSI. On the other hand, Internet users are continuously demanding new requirements that cannot be supported by the current host-oriented communication model.This communication model is not suitable for future Internet architectures such as the so-called Internet of Things (IoT). Fortunately, there is a new trend in network research referred to as ID/Locator Split Architectures (ILSAs) which is a non-disruptive technique to mitigate the issues related to host-oriented communications. Moreover, a new routing architecture referred to as Path Computation Element (PCE) has emerged with the aim of overcoming the well-known issues of the current routing schemes. Undoubtedly, routing and protection schemes need to be enhanced to fully exploit the advantages provided by new network architectures.In light of this, the third goal of this thesis introduces a novel PCE-like architecture termed as Context-Aware PCE. In a context-aware PCE scenario, the driver of a path computation is not a host/location, as in conventional PCE architectures, rather it is an interest for a service defined within a context.En los últimos años la llegada de nuevas aplicaciones del llamado Internet del Futuro (FI) está creando requerimientos sumamente exigentes. Estos requerimientos están empujando a los proveedores de redes a incrementar sus capacidades de transporte, eficiencia energética, y sus prestaciones de servicios de alta disponibilidad con baja latencia. Es una práctica sumamente extendida para proveer servicios (FI) la adopción de un modelo multi-capa el cual consiste en el uso de tecnologías IP/MPLS así como también ópticas como por ejemplo Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). De hecho, las tecnologías de transporte son el sustento del backbone de las redes de telecomunicaciones actuales debido al gran ancho de banda que proveen las redes de fibra óptica. Las redes ópticas tradicionales consisten en el uso de un espectro fijo de 50 GHz. Esto resulta en una baja utilización del espectro Óptico, específicamente con tasas de transmisiones superiores a 100 Gbps. Recientemente, las redes ópticas están experimentado cambios significativos con el propósito de proveer un espectro flexible que pueda explotar el potencial de las redes ópticas. Esto ha llevado a un nuevo paradigma denominado Redes Ópticas Elásticas (EON). Por otro lado, un nuevo esquema de protección llamado Network Coding Protection (NCP) ha emergido como una solución innovadora para habilitar de manera proactiva protección eficiente y ágil usando técnicas de mejora de throughput como es Network Coding (NC). Es un razonamiento lógico pensar que las ventajas relacionadas con throughput de NCP pueden ser magnificadas mediante el espectro flexible proveído por las redes EONs. El objetivo de esta tesis es triple. El primero es estudiar las ventajas de esquemas NCP en un escenario de planificación. Para este propósito, esta tesis se enfoca en el rendimiento de NCP asumiendo un espectro fijo y un espectro flexible. Sin embargo, contrario a escenarios de planificación, en escenarios dinámicos la precisión relacionada de la Información de Estado de Red (NSI) es crucial, ya que la imprecisión de NSI puede afectar sustancialmente el rendimiento de un esquema NCP. La segunda contribución de esta tesis es el estudio del rendimiento de esquemas de protección en escenarios dinámicos considerando NSI no precisa. Para este propósito, esta tesis explora técnicas predictivas con el propósito de mitigar los efectos negativos de NSI impreciso. Por otro lado, los usuarios de Internet están demandando continuamente nuevos requerimientos los cuales no pueden ser soportados por el modelo de comunicación orientado a hosts. Este modelo de comunicaciones no es factible para arquitecturas FI como es el Internet de las cosas (IoT). Afortunadamente, existe un nueva línea investigativa llamada ID/Locator Split Architectures (ILSAs) la cual es una técnica no disruptiva para mitigar los problemas relacionadas con el modelo de comunicación orientado a hosts. Además, un nuevo esquema de enrutamiento llamado as Path Computation Element (PCE) ha emergido con el propósito de superar los problemas bien conocidos de los esquemas de enrutamiento tradicionales. Indudablemente, los esquemas de enrutamiento y protección deben ser mejorados para que estos puedan explotar las ventajas introducidas por las nuevas arquitecturas de redes. A luz de esto, el tercer objetivo de esta tesis es introducir una nueva arquitectura PCE denominada Context-Aware PCE. En un escenario context-aware PCE, el objetivo de una acción de computación de camino no es un host o localidad, como es el caso en lo esquemas PCE tradicionales. Más bien, es un interés por un servicio definido dentro de una información de contexto

    Future large broadband switched satellite communications networks

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    Critical technical, market, and policy issues relevant to future large broadband switched satellite networks are summarized. Our market projections for the period 1980 to 2000 are compared. Clusters of switched satellites, in lieu of large platforms, etc., are shown to have significant advantages. Analysis of an optimum terrestrial network architecture suggests the proper densities of ground stations and that link reliabilities 99.99% may entail less than a 10% cost premium for diversity protection at 20/30 GHz. These analyses suggest that system costs increase as the 0.6 power of traffic. Cost estimates for nominal 20/30 GHz satellite and ground facilities suggest optimum system configurations might employ satellites with 285 beams, multiple TDMA bands each carrying 256 Mbps, and 16 ft ground station antennas. A nominal development program is outlined

    A Parallel Route Assignment Algorithm for Fault-Tolerant Clos Networks in OTN Switches

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    IUS/TUG orbital operations and mission support study. Volume 3: Space tug operations

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    A study was conducted to develop space tug operational concepts and baseline operations plan, and to provide cost estimates for space tug operations. Background data and study results are presented along with a transition phase analysis (the transition from interim upper state to tug operations). A summary is given of the tug operational and interface requirements with emphasis on the on-orbit checkout requirements, external interface operational requirements, safety requirements, and system operational interface requirements. Other topics discussed include reference missions baselined for the tug and details for the mission functional flows and timelines derived for the tug mission, tug subsystems, tug on-orbit operations prior to the tug first burn, spacecraft deployment and retrieval by the tug, operations centers, mission planning, potential problem areas, and cost data