697 research outputs found

    Interactive Visualization of the Largest Radioastronomy Cubes

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    3D visualization is an important data analysis and knowledge discovery tool, however, interactive visualization of large 3D astronomical datasets poses a challenge for many existing data visualization packages. We present a solution to interactively visualize larger-than-memory 3D astronomical data cubes by utilizing a heterogeneous cluster of CPUs and GPUs. The system partitions the data volume into smaller sub-volumes that are distributed over the rendering workstations. A GPU-based ray casting volume rendering is performed to generate images for each sub-volume, which are composited to generate the whole volume output, and returned to the user. Datasets including the HI Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS - 12 GB) southern sky and the Galactic All Sky Survey (GASS - 26 GB) data cubes were used to demonstrate our framework's performance. The framework can render the GASS data cube with a maximum render time < 0.3 second with 1024 x 1024 pixels output resolution using 3 rendering workstations and 8 GPUs. Our framework will scale to visualize larger datasets, even of Terabyte order, if proper hardware infrastructure is available.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, Accepted New Astronomy July 201

    Computational Physics on Graphics Processing Units

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    The use of graphics processing units for scientific computations is an emerging strategy that can significantly speed up various different algorithms. In this review, we discuss advances made in the field of computational physics, focusing on classical molecular dynamics, and on quantum simulations for electronic structure calculations using the density functional theory, wave function techniques, and quantum field theory.Comment: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference, PARA 2012, Helsinki, Finland, June 10-13, 201

    FPGA-Based Bandwidth Selection for Kernel Density Estimation Using High Level Synthesis Approach

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    FPGA technology can offer significantly hi\-gher performance at much lower power consumption than is available from CPUs and GPUs in many computational problems. Unfortunately, programming for FPGA (using ha\-rdware description languages, HDL) is a difficult and not-trivial task and is not intuitive for C/C++/Java programmers. To bring the gap between programming effectiveness and difficulty the High Level Synthesis (HLS) approach is promoting by main FPGA vendors. Nowadays, time-intensive calculations are mainly performed on GPU/CPU architectures, but can also be successfully performed using HLS approach. In the paper we implement a bandwidth selection algorithm for kernel density estimation (KDE) using HLS and show techniques which were used to optimize the final FPGA implementation. We are also going to show that FPGA speedups, comparing to highly optimized CPU and GPU implementations, are quite substantial. Moreover, power consumption for FPGA devices is usually much less than typical power consumption of the present CPUs and GPUs.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, extended version of initial pape

    An OpenSHMEM Implementation for the Adapteva Epiphany Coprocessor

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    This paper reports the implementation and performance evaluation of the OpenSHMEM 1.3 specification for the Adapteva Epiphany architecture within the Parallella single-board computer. The Epiphany architecture exhibits massive many-core scalability with a physically compact 2D array of RISC CPU cores and a fast network-on-chip (NoC). While fully capable of MPMD execution, the physical topology and memory-mapped capabilities of the core and network translate well to Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) programming models and SPMD execution with SHMEM.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures, OpenSHMEM 2016: Third workshop on OpenSHMEM and Related Technologie

    The role of concurrency in an evolutionary view of programming abstractions

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    In this paper we examine how concurrency has been embodied in mainstream programming languages. In particular, we rely on the evolutionary talking borrowed from biology to discuss major historical landmarks and crucial concepts that shaped the development of programming languages. We examine the general development process, occasionally deepening into some language, trying to uncover evolutionary lineages related to specific programming traits. We mainly focus on concurrency, discussing the different abstraction levels involved in present-day concurrent programming and emphasizing the fact that they correspond to different levels of explanation. We then comment on the role of theoretical research on the quest for suitable programming abstractions, recalling the importance of changing the working framework and the way of looking every so often. This paper is not meant to be a survey of modern mainstream programming languages: it would be very incomplete in that sense. It aims instead at pointing out a number of remarks and connect them under an evolutionary perspective, in order to grasp a unifying, but not simplistic, view of the programming languages development process

    Accelerating Scientific Computing Models Using GPU Processing

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    GPGPUs offer significant computational power for programmers to leverage. This computational power is especially useful when utilized for accelerating scientific models. This thesis analyzes the utilization of GPGPU programming to accelerate scientific computing models. First the construction of hardware for visualization and computation of scientific models is discussed. Several factors in the construction of the machines focus on the performance impacts related to scientific modeling. Image processing is an embarrassingly parallel problem well suited for GPGPU acceleration. An image processing library was developed to show the processes of recognizing embarrassingly parallel problems and serves as an excellent example of converting from a serial CPU implementation to a GPU accelerated implementation. Genetic algorithms are biologically inspired heuristic search algorithms based on natural selection. The Tetris genetic algorithm with A* pathfinding discusses memory bound limitations that can prevent direct algorithm conversions from the CPU to the GPU. An analysis of an existing landscape evolution model, CHILD, for GPU acceleration explores that even when a model shows promise for GPU acceleration, the underlying data structures can have a significant impact upon that ability to move to a GPU implementation. CHILD also offers an example of creating tighter MATLAB integration between existing models. Lastly, a parallel spatial sorting algorithm is discussed as a possible replacement for current spatial sorting algorithms implemented in models such as smoothed particle hydrodynamics