2,951 research outputs found

    Optimization Methods for Inverse Problems

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    Optimization plays an important role in solving many inverse problems. Indeed, the task of inversion often either involves or is fully cast as a solution of an optimization problem. In this light, the mere non-linear, non-convex, and large-scale nature of many of these inversions gives rise to some very challenging optimization problems. The inverse problem community has long been developing various techniques for solving such optimization tasks. However, other, seemingly disjoint communities, such as that of machine learning, have developed, almost in parallel, interesting alternative methods which might have stayed under the radar of the inverse problem community. In this survey, we aim to change that. In doing so, we first discuss current state-of-the-art optimization methods widely used in inverse problems. We then survey recent related advances in addressing similar challenges in problems faced by the machine learning community, and discuss their potential advantages for solving inverse problems. By highlighting the similarities among the optimization challenges faced by the inverse problem and the machine learning communities, we hope that this survey can serve as a bridge in bringing together these two communities and encourage cross fertilization of ideas.Comment: 13 page

    Solution of partial differential equations on vector and parallel computers

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    The present status of numerical methods for partial differential equations on vector and parallel computers was reviewed. The relevant aspects of these computers are discussed and a brief review of their development is included, with particular attention paid to those characteristics that influence algorithm selection. Both direct and iterative methods are given for elliptic equations as well as explicit and implicit methods for initial boundary value problems. The intent is to point out attractive methods as well as areas where this class of computer architecture cannot be fully utilized because of either hardware restrictions or the lack of adequate algorithms. Application areas utilizing these computers are briefly discussed

    CoCoA: A General Framework for Communication-Efficient Distributed Optimization

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    The scale of modern datasets necessitates the development of efficient distributed optimization methods for machine learning. We present a general-purpose framework for distributed computing environments, CoCoA, that has an efficient communication scheme and is applicable to a wide variety of problems in machine learning and signal processing. We extend the framework to cover general non-strongly-convex regularizers, including L1-regularized problems like lasso, sparse logistic regression, and elastic net regularization, and show how earlier work can be derived as a special case. We provide convergence guarantees for the class of convex regularized loss minimization objectives, leveraging a novel approach in handling non-strongly-convex regularizers and non-smooth loss functions. The resulting framework has markedly improved performance over state-of-the-art methods, as we illustrate with an extensive set of experiments on real distributed datasets

    A Matrix Inversion Method with YML/OmniRPC on a Large Scale Platform

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    International audienceYML is a dedicated framework to develop and run parallel applications over a large scale middleware. This framework makes eas- ier the use of a grid and provides a high level programming tool. It is independent from middlewares and users are not in charge to manage communications. In consequence, it introduces a new level of commu- nications and it generates an overhead. In this paper, we proposed to showed the overhead of YML is tolerable in comparison to a direct use of a middleware. This is based on a matrix inversion method and a large scale platform, Grid'5000

    Adaptive Precision Block-Jacobi for High Performance Preconditioning in the Ginkgo Linear Algebra Software

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    © ACM, 2021. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Volume 47, Issue , June 2021, http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/3441850[EN] The use of mixed precision in numerical algorithms is a promising strategy for accelerating scientific applications. In particular, the adoption of specialized hardware and data formats for low-precision arithmetic in high-end GPUs (graphics processing units) has motivated numerous efforts aiming at carefully reducing the working precision in order to speed up the computations. For algorithms whose performance is bound by the memory bandwidth, the idea of compressing its data before (and after) memory accesses has received considerable attention. One idea is to store an approximate operator-like a preconditioner-in lower than working precision hopefully without impacting the algorithm output. We realize the first high-performance implementation of an adaptive precision block-Jacobi preconditioner which selects the precision format used to store the preconditioner data on-the-fly, taking into account the numerical properties of the individual preconditioner blocks. We implement the adaptive block-Jacobi preconditioner as production-ready functionality in the Ginkgo linear algebra library, considering not only the precision formats that are part of the IEEE standard, but also customized formats which optimize the length of the exponent and significand to the characteristics of the preconditioner blocks. Experiments run on a state-of-the-art GPU accelerator show that our implementation offers attractive runtime savings.H. Anzt and T. Cojean were supported by the "Impuls und Vernetzungsfond of the Helmholtz Association" under grant VH-NG-1241. G. Flegar and E. S. Quintana-Orti were supported by project TIN2017-82972-R of the MINECO and FEDER and the H2020 EU FETHPC Project 732631 "OPRECOMP". This research was supported by the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a collaborative effort of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Nuclear Security Administration. The authors want to acknowledge the access to the Piz Daint supercomputer at the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS) granted under the project #d100 and the Summit supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL).Flegar, G.; Anzt, H.; Cojean, T.; Quintana-Ortí, ES. (2021). Adaptive Precision Block-Jacobi for High Performance Preconditioning in the Ginkgo Linear Algebra Software. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. 47(2):1-28. https://doi.org/10.1145/3441850S12847