64 research outputs found

    A PTAS for the Multiple Knapsack Problem

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    The Multiple Knapsack problem (MKP) is a natural and well known generalization of the single knapsack problem and is defined as follows. We are given a set of n items and m bins (knapsacks) such that each item i has a profit p(i) and a size s(i), and each bin j has a capacity c(j). The goal is to find a subset of items of maximum profit such that they have a feasible packing in the bins. MKP is a special case of the Generalized Assignment problem (GAP) where the profit and the size of an item can vary based on the specific bin that it is assigned to. GAP is APX-hard and a 2-approximation for it is implicit in the work of Shmoys and Tardos [26], and thus far, this was also the best known approximation for MKP. The main result of this paper is a polynomial time approximation scheme for MKP. Apart from its inherent theoretical interest as a common generalization of the well-studied knapsack and bin packing problems, it appears to be the strongest special case of GAP that is not APX-hard. We substantiate this by showing that slight generalizations of MKP are APX-hard. Thus our results help demarcate the boundary at which instances of GAP become APX-hard. An interesting aspect of our approach is a ptas-preserving reduction from an arbitrary instance of MKP to an instance with O(log n) distinct sizes and profits

    Partitioning a weighted partial order.

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    The problem of partitioning a partially ordered set into a minimum number of chains is a well-known problem. In this paper we study a generalization of this problem, where we not only assume that the chains have bounded size, but also that a weight wi is given for each element i in the partial order such that wiOrder; Studies; Size; Lower bounds;

    Generalized Assignment via Submodular Optimization with Reserved Capacity

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    We study a variant of the generalized assignment problem (GAP) with group constraints. An instance of (Group GAP) is a set I of items, partitioned into L groups, and a set of m uniform (unit-sized) bins. Each item i in I has a size s_i >0, and a profit p_{i,j} >= 0 if packed in bin j. A group of items is satisfied if all of its items are packed. The goal is to find a feasible packing of a subset of the items in the bins such that the total profit from satisfied groups is maximized. We point to central applications of Group GAP in Video-on-Demand services, mobile Device-to-Device network caching and base station cooperation in 5G networks. Our main result is a 1/6-approximation algorithm for Group GAP instances where the total size of each group is at most m/2. At the heart of our algorithm lies an interesting derivation of a submodular function from the classic LP formulation of GAP, which facilitates the construction of a high profit solution utilizing at most half the total bin capacity, while the other half is reserved for later use. In particular, we give an algorithm for submodular maximization subject to a knapsack constraint, which finds a solution of profit at least 1/3 of the optimum, using at most half the knapsack capacity, under mild restrictions on element sizes. Our novel approach of submodular optimization subject to a knapsack with reserved capacity constraint may find applications in solving other group assignment problems


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    Rendezvous point (RP) selection for multicast groups is the problem of selecting a node to serve as the RP-host for a multicast group. We consider rendezvous point selection in the context of channelization where groups have been established based on user preferences for a set of available flows. Thus, each of the flows associated with a group will arrive at the node that serves as the RP-host for that group, from which those flows will be multicast to the group subscribers. We study the simultaneous assignment of RP-hosts for a collection of multicast groups with the dual goals of a) not overloading any single node serving as a host; and, b) minimizing the total network traffic. Toward those ends we consider two versions of the problem. For Bounded Host Assignment, we give a polynomial time algorithm for finding an optimal assignment. For Host Traffic Constrained Assignment, we establish that the problem is NP-complete and then study approximation algorithms. Simulation results are provided for the latter problem comparing the effectiveness of the solutions produced by our algorithms with optimal solutions

    Truthful Assignment without Money

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    We study the design of truthful mechanisms that do not use payments for the generalized assignment problem (GAP) and its variants. An instance of the GAP consists of a bipartite graph with jobs on one side and machines on the other. Machines have capacities and edges have values and sizes; the goal is to construct a welfare maximizing feasible assignment. In our model of private valuations, motivated by impossibility results, the value and sizes on all job-machine pairs are public information; however, whether an edge exists or not in the bipartite graph is a job's private information. We study several variants of the GAP starting with matching. For the unweighted version, we give an optimal strategyproof mechanism; for maximum weight bipartite matching, however, we show give a 2-approximate strategyproof mechanism and show by a matching lowerbound that this is optimal. Next we study knapsack-like problems, which are APX-hard. For these problems, we develop a general LP-based technique that extends the ideas of Lavi and Swamy to reduce designing a truthful mechanism without money to designing such a mechanism for the fractional version of the problem, at a loss of a factor equal to the integrality gap in the approximation ratio. We use this technique to obtain strategyproof mechanisms with constant approximation ratios for these problems. We then design an O(log n)-approximate strategyproof mechanism for the GAP by reducing, with logarithmic loss in the approximation, to our solution for the value-invariant GAP. Our technique may be of independent interest for designing truthful mechanisms without money for other LP-based problems.Comment: Extended abstract appears in the 11th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC), 201

    Stochastic Budget Optimization in Internet Advertising

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    Internet advertising is a sophisticated game in which the many advertisers "play" to optimize their return on investment. There are many "targets" for the advertisements, and each "target" has a collection of games with a potentially different set of players involved. In this paper, we study the problem of how advertisers allocate their budget across these "targets". In particular, we focus on formulating their best response strategy as an optimization problem. Advertisers have a set of keywords ("targets") and some stochastic information about the future, namely a probability distribution over scenarios of cost vs click combinations. This summarizes the potential states of the world assuming that the strategies of other players are fixed. Then, the best response can be abstracted as stochastic budget optimization problems to figure out how to spread a given budget across these keywords to maximize the expected number of clicks. We present the first known non-trivial poly-logarithmic approximation for these problems as well as the first known hardness results of getting better than logarithmic approximation ratios in the various parameters involved. We also identify several special cases of these problems of practical interest, such as with fixed number of scenarios or with polynomial-sized parameters related to cost, which are solvable either in polynomial time or with improved approximation ratios. Stochastic budget optimization with scenarios has sophisticated technical structure. Our approximation and hardness results come from relating these problems to a special type of (0/1, bipartite) quadratic programs inherent in them. Our research answers some open problems raised by the authors in (Stochastic Models for Budget Optimization in Search-Based Advertising, Algorithmica, 58 (4), 1022-1044, 2010).Comment: FINAL versio
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