160 research outputs found

    Automated prediction of sudden cardiac death using statistically extracted features from electrocardiogram signals

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    Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is becoming a severe problem despite significant advancements in the usage of the information and communication technology (ICT) in the health industry. Predicting an unexpected SCD of a person is of high importance. It might increase the survival rate. In this work, we have developed an automated method for predicting SCD utilizing statistical measures. We extracted the intrinsic attributes of the electrocardiogram (ECG) signals using Hilbert-Huang and wavelet transforms. Then utilizing machine learning (ML) classifier, we are using these traits to automatically classify regular and SCD existing risks. Support vector machine (SVM), decision tree (DT), naive Bayes (NB), discriminate k-nearest neighbors (KNN), analysis (Disc.), as well as an ensemble of classifiers also utilized (Ens.). The efficiency and practicality of the proposed methods are evaluated using a standard database and measured ECG data obtained from 18 ECG records of SCD cases and 18 ECG records of normal cases. For the automated scheme, the set of features can predict SCD very fast that is, half an hour before the occurrence of SCD with an average accuracy of 100.0% (KNN), 99.9% (SVM), 98.5% (NB), 99.4% (DT), 99.5% (Disc.), and 100.0% (Ens.

    Non-linear dynamical signal characterization for prediction of defibrillation success through machine learning

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    Abstract Background Ventricular Fibrillation (VF) is a common presenting dysrhythmia in the setting of cardiac arrest whose main treatment is defibrillation through direct current countershock to achieve return of spontaneous circulation. However, often defibrillation is unsuccessful and may even lead to the transition of VF to more nefarious rhythms such as asystole or pulseless electrical activity. Multiple methods have been proposed for predicting defibrillation success based on examination of the VF waveform. To date, however, no analytical technique has been widely accepted. We developed a unique approach of computational VF waveform analysis, with and without addition of the signal of end-tidal carbon dioxide (PetCO2), using advanced machine learning algorithms. We compare these results with those obtained using the Amplitude Spectral Area (AMSA) technique. Methods A total of 90 pre-countershock ECG signals were analyzed form an accessible preshosptial cardiac arrest database. A unified predictive model, based on signal processing and machine learning, was developed with time-series and dual-tree complex wavelet transform features. Upon selection of correlated variables, a parametrically optimized support vector machine (SVM) model was trained for predicting outcomes on the test sets. Training and testing was performed with nested 10-fold cross validation and 6–10 features for each test fold. Results The integrative model performs real-time, short-term (7.8 second) analysis of the Electrocardiogram (ECG). For a total of 90 signals, 34 successful and 56 unsuccessful defibrillations were classified with an average Accuracy and Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) Area Under the Curve (AUC) of 82.2% and 85%, respectively. Incorporation of the end-tidal carbon dioxide signal boosted Accuracy and ROC AUC to 83.3% and 93.8%, respectively, for a smaller dataset containing 48 signals. VF analysis using AMSA resulted in accuracy and ROC AUC of 64.6% and 60.9%, respectively. Conclusion We report the development and first-use of a nontraditional non-linear method of analyzing the VF ECG signal, yielding high predictive accuracies of defibrillation success. Furthermore, incorporation of features from the PetCO2 signal noticeably increased model robustness. These predictive capabilities should further improve with the availability of a larger database.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/112730/1/12911_2012_Article_558.pd

    Three-dimensional Phase Space Characteristics of Electrocardiogram Segments in Online and Early Prediction of Sudden Cardiac Death

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    Introduction: Predicting sudden cardiac death (SCD) using electrocardiogram (ECG) signals has come to the attention of researchers in recent years. One of the most common SCD identifiers is ventricular fibrillation (VF). The main objective of the present study was to provide an online prediction system of SCD using innovative ECG measures 10 minutes before VF onset. Additionally, it aimed to evaluate the different segments of the ECG signal (which depend on ventricular function) comparatively to determine the efficient component in predicting SCD. The ECG segments were QS, RT, QR, QT, and ST.Material and Methods: After defining the ECG characteristic points and segments, innovative measures were appraised using the three-dimensional phase space of the ECG component. Tracking signal dynamics and lowering the computational cost make the feature suitable for online and offline applications. Finally, the prediction was performed using the support vector machine (SVM).Results: Using the QR measures, SCD detection was realized ten minutes before its occurrence with an accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity of 100%.Conclusion: The superiority of the proposed system compared to the state-of-the-art SCD prediction schemes was revealed in terms of both classification performances and computational speed

    Prediction of ventricular fibrillation using support vector machine

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    Sudden cardiac death (SCD) remains one of the top causes of high mortality rate. Early prediction of ventricular fibrillation (VF), and hence SCD, can improve the survival chance of a patient by enabling earlier treatment. Heart rate variability analysis (HRV) has been widely adopted by the researchers in VF prediction. Different combinations of features from multiple domains were explored but the spectral analysis was performed without the required preprocessing or on a shorter segment as opposed to the standards of The European and North American Task force on HRV. Thus, our study aimed to develop a robust prediction algorithm by including only time domain and nonlinear features while maintaining the prediction resolution of one minute. Nine time domain features and seven nonlinear features were extracted and classified using support vector machine (SVM) of different kernels. High accuracy of 94.7% and sensitivity of 100% were achieved using extraction of only two HRV features and Gaussian kernel SVM without complicated preprocessing of HRV signals. This algorithm with high accuracy and low computational burden is beneficial for embedded system and real-time application which could help alert the individuals sooner and hence improving patient survival chance

    Non-linear dynamical analysis of biosignals

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    Biosignals are physiological signals that are recorded from various parts of the body. Some of the major biosignals are electromyograms (EMG), electroencephalograms (EEG) and electrocardiograms (ECG). These signals are of great clinical and diagnostic importance, and are analysed to understand their behaviour and to extract maximum information from them. However, they tend to be random and unpredictable in nature (non-linear). Conventional linear methods of analysis are insufficient. Hence, analysis using non-linear and dynamical system theory, chaos theory and fractal dimensions, is proving to be very beneficial. In this project, ECG signals are of interest. Changes in the normal rhythm of a human heart may result in different cardiac arrhythmias, which may be fatal or cause irreparable damage to the heart when sustained over long periods of time. Hence the ability to identify arrhythmias from ECG recordings is of importance for clinical diagnosis and treatment and also for understanding the electrophysiological mechanism of arrhythmias. To achieve this aim, algorithms were developed with the help of MATLAB® software. The classical logic of correlation was used in the development of algorithms to place signals into the various categories of cardiac arrhythmias. A sample set of 35 known ECG signals were obtained from the Physionet website for testing purposes. Later, 5 unknown ECG signals were used to determine the efficiency of the algorithms. A peak detection algorithm was written to detect the QRS complex. This complex is the most prominent waveform within an ECG signal and its shape, duration and time of occurrence provides valuable information about the current state of the heart. The peak detection algorithm gave excellent results with very good accuracy for all the downloaded ECG signals, and was developed using classical linear techniques. Later, a peak detection algorithm using the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) was implemented. This code was developed using nonlinear techniques and was amenable for implementation. Also, the time required for execution was reduced, making this code ideal for real-time processing. Finally, algorithms were developed to calculate the Kolmogorov complexity and Lyapunov exponent, which are nonlinear descriptors and enable the randomness and chaotic nature of ECG signals to be estimated. These measures of randomness and chaotic nature enable us to apply correct interrogative methods to the signal to extract maximum information. The codes developed gave fair results. It was possible to differentiate between normal ECGs and ECGs with ventricular fibrillation. The results show that the Kolmogorov complexity measure increases with an increase in pathology, approximately 12.90 for normal ECGs and increasing to 13.87 to 14.39 for ECGs with ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia. Similar results were obtained for Lyapunov exponent measures with a notable difference between normal ECG (0 – 0.0095) and ECG with ventricular fibrillation (0.1114 – 0.1799). However, it was difficult to differentiate between different types of arrhythmias.Biosignals are physiological signals that are recorded from various parts of the body. Some of the major biosignals are electromyograms (EMG), electroencephalograms (EEG) and electrocardiograms (ECG). These signals are of great clinical and diagnostic importance, and are analysed to understand their behaviour and to extract maximum information from them. However, they tend to be random and unpredictable in nature (non-linear). Conventional linear methods of analysis are insufficient. Hence, analysis using non-linear and dynamical system theory, chaos theory and fractal dimensions, is proving to be very beneficial. In this project, ECG signals are of interest. Changes in the normal rhythm of a human heart may result in different cardiac arrhythmias, which may be fatal or cause irreparable damage to the heart when sustained over long periods of time. Hence the ability to identify arrhythmias from ECG recordings is of importance for clinical diagnosis and treatment and also for understanding the electrophysiological mechanism of arrhythmias. To achieve this aim, algorithms were developed with the help of MATLAB® software. The classical logic of correlation was used in the development of algorithms to place signals into the various categories of cardiac arrhythmias. A sample set of 35 known ECG signals were obtained from the Physionet website for testing purposes. Later, 5 unknown ECG signals were used to determine the efficiency of the algorithms. A peak detection algorithm was written to detect the QRS complex. This complex is the most prominent waveform within an ECG signal and its shape, duration and time of occurrence provides valuable information about the current state of the heart. The peak detection algorithm gave excellent results with very good accuracy for all the downloaded ECG signals, and was developed using classical linear techniques. Later, a peak detection algorithm using the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) was implemented. This code was developed using nonlinear techniques and was amenable for implementation. Also, the time required for execution was reduced, making this code ideal for real-time processing. Finally, algorithms were developed to calculate the Kolmogorov complexity and Lyapunov exponent, which are nonlinear descriptors and enable the randomness and chaotic nature of ECG signals to be estimated. These measures of randomness and chaotic nature enable us to apply correct interrogative methods to the signal to extract maximum information. The codes developed gave fair results. It was possible to differentiate between normal ECGs and ECGs with ventricular fibrillation. The results show that the Kolmogorov complexity measure increases with an increase in pathology, approximately 12.90 for normal ECGs and increasing to 13.87 to 14.39 for ECGs with ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia. Similar results were obtained for Lyapunov exponent measures with a notable difference between normal ECG (0 – 0.0095) and ECG with ventricular fibrillation (0.1114 – 0.1799). However, it was difficult to differentiate between different types of arrhythmias

    Characterization and processing of novel neck photoplethysmography signals for cardiorespiratory monitoring

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    Epilepsy is a neurological disorder causing serious brain seizures that severely affect the patients' quality of life. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP), for which no evident decease reason is found after post-mortem examination, is a common cause of mortality. The mechanisms leading to SUDEP are uncertain, but, centrally mediated apneic respiratory dysfunction, inducing dangerous hypoxemia, plays a key role. Continuous physiological monitoring appears as the only reliable solution for SUDEP prevention. However, current seizure-detection systems do not show enough sensitivity and present a high number of intolerable false alarms. A wearable system capable of measuring several physiological signals from the same body location, could efficiently overcome these limitations. In this framework, a neck wearable apnea detection device (WADD), sensing airflow through tracheal sounds, was designed. Despite the promising performance, it is still necessary to integrate an oximeter sensor into the system, to measure oxygen saturation in blood (SpO2) from neck photoplethysmography (PPG) signals, and hence, support the apnea detection decision. The neck is a novel PPG measurement site that has not yet been thoroughly explored, due to numerous challenges. This research work aims to characterize neck PPG signals, in order to fully exploit this alternative pulse oximetry location, for precise cardiorespiratory biomarkers monitoring. In this thesis, neck PPG signals were recorded, for the first time in literature, in a series of experiments under different artifacts and respiratory conditions. Morphological and spectral characteristics were analyzed in order to identify potential singularities of the signals. The most common neck PPG artifacts critically corrupting the signal quality, and other breathing states of interest, were thoroughly characterized in terms of the most discriminative features. An algorithm was further developed to differentiate artifacts from clean PPG signals. Both, the proposed characterization and classification model can be useful tools for researchers to denoise neck PPG signals and exploit them in a variety of clinical contexts. In addition to that, it was demonstrated that the neck also offered the possibility, unlike other body parts, to extract the Jugular Venous Pulse (JVP) non-invasively. Overall, the thesis showed how the neck could be an optimum location for multi-modal monitoring in the context of diseases affecting respiration, since it not only allows the sensing of airflow related signals, but also, the breathing frequency component of the PPG appeared more prominent than in the standard finger location. In this context, this property enabled the extraction of relevant features to develop a promising algorithm for apnea detection in near-real time. These findings could be of great importance for SUDEP prevention, facilitating the investigation of the mechanisms and risk factors associated to it, and ultimately reduce epilepsy mortality.Open Acces

    Reflex syncope : an integrative physiological approach

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    Síncope, a forma mais comum de perda temporária de consciência é responsável por até 5% das idas aos serviços de emergência e até 3% dos internamentos hospitalares. É um problema médico frequente, com múltiplos gatilhos, incapacitante, potencialmente perigoso e desafiante em termos diagnósticos e terapêuticos. Assim, é necessária uma anamnese detalhada para primeiro estabelecer a natureza da perda de consciência, mas, após o diagnóstico, as medidas terapêuticas existentes são pouco eficazes. Embora a fisiopatologia da síncope vasovagal ainda não tenha sido completamente esclarecida, alguns mecanismos subjacentes foram já desvendados. Em última análise, a síncope depende de uma falha transitória na perfusão cerebral pelo que qualquer factor que afecte a circulação sanguínea cerebral pode determinar a ocorrência de síncope. Assim, o objectivo do presente estudo é caracterizar o impacto hemodinâmico e autonómico nos mecanismos subjacentes à síncope reflexa, para melhorar o diagnóstico, o prognóstico e a qualidade de vida dos doentes e dos seus cuidadores. Para isso, desenhámos e implementámos novas ferramentas matemáticas e computacionais que permitem uma avaliação autonómica e hemodinâmica integrada, de forma a aprofundar a compreensão do seu envolvimento nos mecanismos de síncope reflexa. Além disso, refinando a precisão do diagnóstico, a sensibilidade e a especificidade do teste de mesa de inclinação (“tilt test”), estabelecemos uma ferramenta preditiva do episódio iminente de síncope. Isso permitiu-nos estabelecer alternativas de tratamento eficazes e personalizadas para os doentes refractários às opções convencionais, sob a forma de um programa de treino de ortostatismo (“tilt training”), contribuindo para o aumento da sua qualidade de vida e para a redução dos custos directos e indirectos da sua assistência médica. Assim, num estudo verdadeiramente multidisciplinar envolvendo doentes com síncope reflexa refractária à terapêutica, conseguimos demonstrar uma assincronia funcional das respostas reflexas autonómicas e hemodinâmicas, expressas por um desajuste temporal entre o débito cardíaco e as adaptações de resistência total periférica, uma resposta baroreflexa atrasada e um desequilíbrio incremental do tónus autonómico que, em conjunto, poderão resultar de uma disfunção do sistema nervoso autónomo que se traduz por uma reserva simpática diminuída. Igualmente, desenhámos, testámos e implementámos uma plataforma computacional e respectivo software associado - a plataforma FisioSinal –incluindo novas formas, mais dinâmicas, de avaliação integrada autonómica e hemodinâmica, que levaram ao desenvolvimento de algoritmos preditivos para a estratificação de doentes com síncope. Além disso, na aplicação dessas ferramentas, comprovámos a eficácia de um tratamento não invasivo, não disruptivo e integrado, focado na neuromodulação das variáveis autonómicas e cardiovasculares envolvidas nos mecanismos de síncope. Esta terapêutica complementar levou a um aumento substancial da qualidade de vida dos doentes e à abolição dos eventos sincopais na grande maioria dos doentes envolvidos. Em conclusão, o nosso trabalho contribuiu para preencher a lacuna entre a melhor informação científica disponível e sua aplicação na prática clínica, sustentando-se nos três pilares da medicina translacional: investigação básica, clínica e comunidade.Syncope, the most common form of transient loss of consciousness, accounts for up to 5% of emergency room visits and up to 3% of hospital admissions. It is a frequent medical problem with multiple triggers, potentially dangerous, incapacitating, and challenging to diagnose. Therefore, a detailed clinical history is needed first to establish the nature of the loss of consciousness. However, after diagnosis, the therapeutic measures available are still very poor. Although the exact pathophysiology of vasovagal syncope remains to be clarified, some underlying mechanisms have been unveiled, dependent not only on the cause of syncope but also on age and various other factors that affect clinical presentation. Ultimately, syncope depends on a failure of the circulation to perfuse the brain, so any factor affecting blood circulation may determine syncope occurrence. Thus, the purpose of the present study is to understand the impact of the hemodynamic and autonomic functions on reflex syncope mechanisms to improve patients diagnose, prognosis and general quality of life. Bearing that in mind, we designed and implemented new mathematical and computational tools for autonomic and hemodynamic evaluation, in order to deepen the understanding of their involvement in reflex syncope mechanisms. Furthermore, by refining the diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the head-up tilt-table test, we established a predictive tool for the impending syncopal episode. This allowed us to establish effective and personalised treatment alternatives to patient’s refractory to conventional options, contributing to their increase in the quality of life and a reduction of health care and associated costs. In accordance, in a truly multidisciplinary study involving reflex syncope patients, we were able to show an elemental functional asynchrony of hemodynamic and autonomic reflex responses, expressed through a temporal mismatch between cardiac output and total peripheral resistance adaptations, a deferred baroreflex response and an unbalanced, but incremental, autonomic tone, all contributing to autonomic dysfunction, translated into a decreased sympathetic reserve. Through the design, testing and implementation of a computational platform and the associated software - FisioSinal platform -, we developed novel and dynamic ways of autonomic and hemodynamic evaluation, whose data lead to the development of predictive algorithms for syncope patients’risk stratification. Furthermore, through the application of these tools, we showed the effectiveness of a non-invasive, non-disruptive and integrated treatment, focusing on neuromodulation of the autonomic and cardiovascular variables involved in the syncope mechanisms, leading to a substantial increase of quality of life and the abolishment of syncopal events in a vast majority of the enrolled patients. In conclusion, our work contributed to fill the gap between the best available scientific information and its application in the clinical practice by tackling the three pillars of translational medicine: bench-side, bedside and community


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    In this work, new methods of feature extraction, feature selection, stochastic data characterization/modeling, variance reduction and measures for parametric discrimination are proposed. These methods have implications for data mining, machine learning, and information theory. A novel decision-support system is developed in order to guide intervention during cardiac arrest. The models are built upon knowledge extracted with signal-processing, non-linear dynamic and machine-learning methods. The proposed ECG characterization, combined with information extracted from PetCO2 signals, shows viability for decision-support in clinical settings. The approach, which focuses on integration of multiple features through machine learning techniques, suits well to inclusion of multiple physiologic signals. Ventricular Fibrillation (VF) is a common presenting dysrhythmia in the setting of cardiac arrest whose main treatment is defibrillation through direct current countershock to achieve return of spontaneous circulation. However, often defibrillation is unsuccessful and may even lead to the transition of VF to more nefarious rhythms such as asystole or pulseless electrical activity. Multiple methods have been proposed for predicting defibrillation success based on examination of the VF waveform. To date, however, no analytical technique has been widely accepted. For a given desired sensitivity, the proposed model provides a significantly higher accuracy and specificity as compared to the state-of-the-art. Notably, within the range of 80-90% of sensitivity, the method provides about 40% higher specificity. This means that when trained to have the same level of sensitivity, the model will yield far fewer false positives (unnecessary shocks). Also introduced is a new model that predicts recurrence of arrest after a successful countershock is delivered. To date, no other work has sought to build such a model. I validate the method by reporting multiple performance metrics calculated on (blind) test sets