486 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient UAV-Assisted Emergency Communication with Reliable Connectivity and Collision Avoidance

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    Emergency communication is vital for search and rescue operations following natural disasters. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can significantly assist emergency communication by agile positioning, maintaining connectivity during rapid motion, and relaying critical disaster-related information to Ground Control Stations (GCS). Designing effective routing protocols for relaying crucial data in UAV networks is challenging due to dynamic topology, rapid mobility, and limited UAV resources. This paper presents a novel energy-constrained routing mechanism that ensures connectivity, inter-UAV collision avoidance, and network restoration post-UAV fragmentation while adapting without a predefined UAV path. The proposed method employs improved Q learning to optimize the next-hop node selection. Considering these factors, the paper proposes a novel, Improved Q-learning-based Multi-hop Routing (IQMR) protocol. Simulation results validate IQMRs adaptability to changing system conditions and superiority over QMR, QTAR, and QFANET in energy efficiency and data throughput. IQMR achieves energy consumption efficiency improvements of 32.27%, 36.35%, and 36.35% over QMR, Q-FANET, and QTAR, along with significantly higher data throughput enhancements of 53.3%, 80.35%, and 93.36% over Q-FANET, QMR, and QTAR.Comment: 13 page

    Selecting source image sensor nodes based on 2-hop information to improve image transmissions to mobile robot sinks in search \& rescue operations

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    We consider Robot-assisted Search &\& Rescue operations enhanced with some fixed image sensor nodes capable of capturing and sending visual information to a robot sink. In order to increase the performance of image transfer from image sensor nodes to the robot sinks we propose a 2-hop neighborhood information-based cover set selection to determine the most relevant image sensor nodes to activate. Then, in order to be consistent with our proposed approach, a multi-path extension of Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (called T-GPSR) wherein routing decisions are also based on 2-hop neighborhood information is proposed. Simulation results show that our proposal reduces packet losses, enabling fast packet delivery and higher visual quality of received images at the robot sink

    A stateless opportunistic routing protocol for underwater sensor networks

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    Routing packets in Underwater Sensor Networks (UWSNs) face different challenges, the most notable of which is perhaps how to deal with void communication areas. While this issue is not addressed in some underwater routing protocols, there exist some partially state-full protocols which can guarantee the delivery of packets using excessive communication overhead. However, there is no fully stateless underwater routing protocol, to the best of our knowledge, which can detect and bypass trapped nodes. A trapped node is a node which only leads packets to arrive finally at a void node. In this paper, we propose a Stateless Opportunistic Routing Protocol (SORP), in which the void and trapped nodes are locally detected in the different area of network topology to be excluded during the routing phase using a passive participation approach. SORP also uses a novel scheme to employ an adaptive forwarding area which can be resized and replaced according to the local density and placement of the candidate forwarding nodes to enhance the energy efficiency and reliability. We also make a theoretical analysis on the routing performance in case of considering the shadow zone and variable propagation delays. The results of our extensive simulation study indicate that SORP outperforms other protocols regarding the routing performance metrics

    A Wildfire Prediction Based on Fuzzy Inference System for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The study of forest fires has been traditionally considered as an important application due to the inherent danger that this entails. This phenomenon takes place in hostile regions of difficult access and large areas. Introduction of new technologies such as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has allowed us to monitor such areas. In this paper, an intelligent system for fire prediction based on wireless sensor networks is presented. This system obtains the probability of fire and fire behavior in a particular area. This information allows firefighters to obtain escape paths and determine strategies to fight the fire. A firefighter can access this information with a portable device on every node of the network. The system has been evaluated by simulation analysis and its implementation is being done in a real environment.Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-02476Junta de Andalucía TIC-570

    Investigation on Design and Development Methods for Internet of Things

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    The thesis work majorly focuses on the development methodologies of the Internet of Things (IoT). A detailed literature survey is presented for the discussion of various challenges in the development of software and design and deployment of hardware. The thesis work deals with the efficient development methodologies for the deployment of IoT system. Efficient hardware and software development reduces the risk of the system bugs and faults. The optimal placement of the IoT devices is the major challenge for the monitoring application. A Qualitative Spatial Reasoning (QSR) and Qualitative Temporal Reasoning (QTR) methodologies are proposed to build software systems. The proposed hybrid methodology includes the features of QSR, QTR, and traditional databased methodologies. The hybrid methodology is proposed to build the software systems and direct them to the specific goal of obtaining outputs inherent to the process. The hybrid methodology includes the support of tools and is detailed, integrated, and fits the general proposal. This methodology repeats the structure of Spatio-temporal reasoning goals. The object-oriented IoT device placement is the major goal of the proposed work. Segmentation and object detection is used for the division of the region into sub-regions. The coverage and connectivity are maintained by the optimal placement of the IoT devices using RCC8 and TPCC algorithms. Over the years, IoT has offered different solutions in all kinds of areas and contexts. The diversity of these challenges makes it hard to grasp the underlying principles of the different solutions and to design an appropriate custom implementation on the IoT space. One of the major objective of the proposed thesis work is to study numerous production-ready IoT offerings, extract recurring proven solution principles, and classify them into spatial patterns. The method of refinement of the goals is employed so that complex challenges are solved by breaking them down into simple and achievable sub-goals. The work deals with the major sub-goals e.g. efficient coverage of the field, connectivity of the IoT devices, Spatio-temporal aggregation of the data, and estimation of spatially connected regions of event detection. We have proposed methods to achieve each sub-goal for all different types of spatial patterns. The spatial patterns developed can be used in ongoing and future research on the IoT to understand the principles of the IoT, which will, in turn, promote the better development of existing and new IoT devices. The next objective is to utilize the IoT network for enterprise architecture (EA) based IoT application. EA defines the structure and operation of an organization to determine the most effective way for it to achieve its objectives. Digital transformation of EA is achieved through analysis, planning, design, and implementation, which interprets enterprise goals into an IoT-enabled enterprise design. A blueprint is necessary for the readying of IT resources that support business services and processes. A systematic approach is proposed for the planning and development of EA for IoT-Applications. The Enterprise Interface (EI) layer is proposed to efficiently categorize the data. The data is categorized based on local and global factors. The clustered data is then utilized by the end-users. A novel four-tier structure is proposed for Enterprise Applications. We analyzed the challenges, contextualized them, and offered solutions and recommendations. The last objective of the thesis work is to develop energy-efficient data consistency method. The data consistency is a challenge for designing energy-efficient medium access control protocol used in IoT. The energy-efficient data consistency method makes the protocol suitable for low, medium, and high data rate applications. The idea of energyefficient data consistency protocol is proposed with data aggregation. The proposed protocol efficiently utilizes the data rate as well as saves energy. The optimal sampling rate selection method is introduced for maintaining the data consistency of continuous and periodic monitoring node in an energy-efficient manner. In the starting phase, the nodes will be classified into event and continuous monitoring nodes. The machine learning based logistic classification method is used for the classification of nodes. The sampling rate of continuous monitoring nodes is optimized during the setup phase by using optimized sampling rate data aggregation algorithm. Furthermore, an energy-efficient time division multiple access (EETDMA) protocol is used for the continuous monitoring on IoT devices, and an energy-efficient bit map assisted (EEBMA) protocol is proposed for the event driven nodes

    Framework to facilitate smooth handovers between mobile IPv6 networks

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    Fourth generation (4G) mobile communication networks are characterised by heterogeneous access networks and IP based transport technologies. Different access technologies give users choices to select services such as levels of Quality of Service (QoS) support, business models and service providers. Flexibility of heterogeneous access is compounded by the overhead of scanning to discover accessible services, which added to the handoff latency. This thesis has developed mechanisms for service discovery and service selection, along with a novel proposal for mobility management architectures that reduced handoff latency. The service discovery framework included a service advertisement data repository and a single frequency band access mechanism, which enabled users to explore services offered by various operators with a reduced scanning overhead. The novel hierarchical layout of the repository enabled it to categorise information into various layers and facilitate location based information retrieval. The information made available by the repository included cost, bandwidth, Packet Loss (PL), latency, jitter, Bit Error Rate (BER), location and service connectivity information. The single frequency band access mechanism further enabled users to explore service advertisements in the absence of their main service providers. The single frequency access mechanism broadcasted service advertisements information piggybacked onto a router advertisement packet on a reserved frequency band for advertisements. Results indicated that scanning 13 channels on 802.11 b interface takes 189ms whereas executing a query with maximum permissible search parameters on the service advertisement data repository takes 67ms. A service selection algorithm was developed to make handoff decisions utilising the service advertisements acquired from the service discovery framework; based on a user's preference. The selection algorithm reduced the calculation overhead by eliminating unsuitable networks; based on interface compatibility, service provider location, unacceptable QoS (Quality of service) and unacceptable cost; from the selection process. The selection algorithm utilised cost, bandwidth, PL, latency, jitter, BER and terminal power for computing the most suitable network. Results indicated that the elimination based approach has improved the performance of the algorithm by 35% over non- elimination oriented selection procedures, even after utilising more selection parameters. The service discovery framework and the service selection algorithm are flexible enough to be employed in most mobility management architectures. The thesis recommends Seamless Mobile Internet Protocol (SMIP) as a mobility management scheme based on the simulation results. The SMIP protocol, a combination of Hierarchical Mobile Internet Protocol (HMIP) and Fast Mobile Internet Protocol (FMIP), suffered hand off latency increases when undergoing a global handoff due to HMIP. The proposed modification to the HMIP included the introduction of a coverage area overlap, to reduce the global handoff latency. The introduction of a Home Address (HA) in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) binding table enabled seamless handoffs from WLANs by having a redirection mechanism for the user's packets after handoff. The thesis delivered a new mobility management architecture with mechanisms for service discovery and service selection. The proposed framework enabled user oriented, application centric and terminal based approach for selecting IPv6 networks

    Enhancement of Performance Metrics of Heterogeneous Wireless Camera Sensor Network with Functionalization of Extensive Zonal Stable Election Protocol using Threshold Amplification and Residual Energy

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    We report a new improved energy competent and optimized data packet flow protocol with Hierarchical Clustering utilized in Wireless camera Sensor Network.The existing Extensive Zonal Stable Election Protocol has been modified along with the threshold parameters amplification and residual energy. It incorporates dynamic hybrid method with finite number of Member Sensor nodes (MSN) in proximity with the base station share their data directly , while the rest of the farther nodes form a cluster for data transference using Cluster Head. The performance metrics accompanied by heterogeneity, longer network survival and better throughput have been improved. The network field was divided into 4 zones with a gateway for defined region 2, 3, and 4. The criterion for zone division remained on the energy status (residual) of the MSNs and distance from the BS and the formulated field characteristics in the simulation were kept unknown. The obtained results demonstrate that our proposed modified version of EZSE protocol considerably performs better than existing EZ-SEP, Z-SEP, SEP, LEACH, Mod-Leach protocols during entire stability timeframe. The notable achievement is also reported in throughput as the same is enhanced more than  by ~ 39%, 43%, 49% ,56%, 53% while total packets communicated with base station has been increased more than by ~ 127%, 131%, 147%, 151%, 148% stability of the network is also improved more than by ~ 37%, 42%, 45%, 49%, 51% with the corresponding increase in the heterogeneity of networks

    Energy-Efficient Routing Control Algorithm in Large-Scale WSN for Water Environment Monitoring with Application to Three Gorges Reservoir Area

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    Published version of an article in the journal: The Scientific World Journal. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/802915 Open AccessThe typical application backgrounds of large-scale WSN (wireless sensor networks) for the water environment monitoring in the Three Gorges Reservoir are large coverage area and wide distribution. To maximally prolong lifetime of large-scale WSN, a new energy-saving routing algorithm has been proposed, using the method of maximum energy-welfare optimization clustering. Firstly, temporary clusters are formed based on two main parameters, the remaining energy of nodes and the distance between a node and the base station. Secondly, the algorithm adjusts cluster heads and optimizes the clustering according to the maximum energy-welfare of the cluster by the cluster head shifting mechanism. Finally, in order to save node energy efficiently, cluster heads transmit data to the base station in single-hop and multihop way. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is feasible and advanced. It can efficiently save the node energy, balance the energy dissipation of all nodes, and prolong the network lifetime

    Surveying Position Based Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor and Ad-hoc Networks

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    A focus of the scientific community is to design network oriented position-based routing protocols and this has resulted in a very high number of algorithms, different in approach and performance and each suited only to particular applications. However, though numerous, very few position-based algorithms have actually been adopted for commercial purposes. This article is a survey of almost 50 position-based routing protocols and it comes as an aid in the implementation of this type of routing in various applications which may need to consider the advantages and pitfalls of position-based routing. An emphasis is made on geographic routing, whose notion is clarified as a more restrictive and more efficient type of position-based routing. The protocols are therefore divided into geographic and non-geographic routing protocols and each is characterized according to a number of network design issues and presented in a comparative manner from multiple points of view. The main requirements of current general applications are also studied and, depending on these, the survey proposes a number of protocols for use in particular application areas. This aims to help both researchers and potential users assess and choose the protocol best suited to their interest