4 research outputs found

    A Novel Technique for Avoiding Plateaus of Greedy Best-First Search in Satisficing Planning

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    Heuristic functions play an important role in drastically improving performance of satisficing planners based on greedy best-first search (GBFS). While automatic generation of heuristic functions (e.g., (Hoffmann and Nebel 2001; Helmert 2006)) enables state-of-the-art satisficing planners to solve very complicated planning problems including benchmarks in the International Planning Competitions, accurate evaluations of nodes still remain as a challenging task. Although GBFS is fundamental and powerful in planning, it has an essential drawback when heuristic functions return inaccurate estimates. Assume that a heuristic function underestimates the difficulties of unpromising nodes. Then, since GBFS must expand nodes with small heuristic values first, it spends most of time in searching only unpromising areas and delays moving to the promising part.Previous work tackles this issue by adding a diversity to search, which is an ability in simultaneously exploring different parts of the search space to bypass large errors in heuristic functions. Several algorithms combined with diversity (e.g., K-best-first search (KBFS) in (Felner, Kraus, and Korf 2003)) are empirically shown to be superior to naive best-first search algorithms. However, they still have limited diversity, since they do not immediately expand nodes mistakenly evaluated as very unpromising ones.This paper presents a new technique called diverse best-first search (DBFS), which incorporates a diversity into search in a different way than previous search-based approaches. We show empirical results clearly showing that DBFS is effective in satisficing planning


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 Fukunaga Alex, 東京大学教授 山口 和紀, 東京大学准教授 田中 哲朗, 東京大学准教授 金子 知適, 東京大学准教授 森畑 明昌University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Search behavior of greedy best-first search

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    Greedy best-first search (GBFS) is a sibling of A* in the family of best-first state-space search algorithms. While A* is guaranteed to find optimal solutions of search problems, GBFS does not provide any guarantees but typically finds satisficing solutions more quickly than A*. A classical result of optimal best-first search shows that A* with an admissible and consistent heuristic expands every state whose f-value is below the optimal solution cost and no state whose f-value is above the optimal solution cost. Theoretical results of this kind are useful for the analysis of heuristics in different search domains and for the improvement of algorithms. For satisficing algorithms, a similarly clear understanding is currently lacking. We examine the search behavior of GBFS in order to make progress towards such an understanding. We introduce the concept of high-water mark benches, which separate the search space into areas that are searched by GBFS in sequence. High-water mark benches allow us to exactly determine the set of states that GBFS expands under at least one tie-breaking strategy. We show that benches contain craters. Once GBFS enters a crater, it has to expand every state in the crater before being able to escape. Benches and craters allow us to characterize the best-case and worst-case behavior of GBFS in given search instances. We show that computing the best-case or worst-case behavior of GBFS is NP-complete in general but can be computed in polynomial time for undirected state spaces. We present algorithms for extracting the set of states that GBFS potentially expands and for computing the best-case and worst-case behavior. We use the algorithms to analyze GBFS on benchmark tasks from planning competitions under a state-of-the-art heuristic. Experimental results reveal interesting characteristics of the heuristic on the given tasks and demonstrate the importance of tie-breaking in GBFS