2 research outputs found

    Analyzing Radiation-Induced Transient Errors on SRAM-Based FPGAs by Propagation of Broadening Effect

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    SRAM-based field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are widely used in mission-critical applications, such as aerospace and avionics. Due to the increasing working frequency and technology scaling of ultra-nanometer technology, single event transients (SETs) are becoming a major source of errors for these devices. In this paper, we propose a workflow for evaluating the behavior of SETs in SRAM-based FPGAs. The method is able to compute the propagation-induced pulse broadening (PIPB) effect introduced by the logic resources traversed by transient pulses. Besides, we developed an accurate look-up table (LUT) layout model able to effectively predict the kinds of the SETs induced by radiation-particle and to accurately mimic the phenomena of the SET generation and propagation. The proposed methodology is applicable to any recent technology to provide the SET analysis, necessary for an efficient mitigation technology. The experimental results achieved from a set of benchmark circuits mapped on a 28-nm SRAM-based FPGA and compared with the fault injection experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our technique

    Novel fault tolerant Multi-Bit Upset (MBU) Error-Detection and Correction (EDAC) architecture

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    Desde el punto de vista de seguridad, la certificaci贸n aeron谩utica de aplicaciones cr铆ticas de vuelo requiere diferentes t茅cnicas que son usadas para prevenir fallos en los equipos electr贸nicos. Los fallos de tipo hardware debido a la radiaci贸n solar que existe a las alturas standard de vuelo, como SEU (Single Event Upset) y MCU (Multiple Bit Upset), provocan un cambio de estado de los bits que soportan la informaci贸n almacenada en memoria. Estos fallos se producen, por ejemplo, en la memoria de configuraci贸n de una FPGA, que es donde se definen todas las funcionalidades. Las t茅cnicas de protecci贸n requieren normalmente de redundancias que incrementan el coste, n煤mero de componentes, tama帽o de la memoria y peso. En la fase de desarrollo de aplicaciones cr铆ticas de vuelo, generalmente se utilizan una serie de est谩ndares o recomendaciones de dise帽o como ABD100, RTCA DO-160, IEC62395, etc, y diferentes t茅cnicas de protecci贸n para evitar fallos del tipo SEU o MCU. Estas t茅cnicas est谩n basadas en procesos tecnol贸gicos espec铆ficos como memorias robustas, codificaciones para detecci贸n y correcci贸n de errores (EDAC), redundancias software, redundancia modular triple (TMR) o soluciones a nivel sistema. Esta tesis est谩 enfocada a minimizar e incluso suprimir los efectos de los SEUs y MCUs que particularmente ocurren en la electr贸nica de avi贸n como consecuencia de la exposici贸n a radiaci贸n de part铆culas no cargadas (como son los neutrones) que se encuentra potenciada a las t铆picas alturas de vuelo. La criticidad en vuelo que tienen determinados sistemas obligan a que dichos sistemas sean tolerantes a fallos, es decir, que garanticen un correcto funcionamiento a煤n cuando se produzca un fallo en ellos. Es por ello que soluciones como las presentadas en esta tesis tienen inter茅s en el sector industrial. La Tesis incluye una descripci贸n inicial de la f铆sica de la radiaci贸n incidente sobre aeronaves, y el an谩lisis de sus efectos en los componentes electr贸nicos aerona煤ticos basados en semiconductor, que desembocan en la generaci贸n de SEUs y MCUs. Este an谩lisis permite dimensionar adecuadamente y optimizar los procedimientos de correcci贸n que se propongan posteriormente. La Tesis propone un sistema de correcci贸n de fallos SEUs y MCUs que permita cumplir la condici贸n de Sistema Tolerante a Fallos, a la vez que minimiza los niveles de redundancia y de complejidad de los c贸digos de correcci贸n. El nivel de redundancia es minimizado con la introducci贸n del concepto propuesto HSB (Hardwired Seed Bits), en la que se reduce la informaci贸n esencial a unos pocos bits semilla, neutros frente a radiaci贸n. Los c贸digos de correcci贸n requeridos se reducen a la correcci贸n de un 煤nico error, gracias al uso del concepto de Distancia Virtual entre Bits, a partir del cual ser谩 posible corregir m煤ltiples errores simult谩neos (MCUs) a partir de c贸digos simples de correcci贸n. Un ejemplo de aplicaci贸n de la Tesis es la implementaci贸n de una Protecci贸n Tolerante a Fallos sobre la memoria SRAM de una FPGA. Esto significa que queda protegida no s贸lo la informaci贸n contenida en la memoria sino que tambi茅n queda auto-protegida la funci贸n de protecci贸n misma almacenada en la propia SRAM. De esta forma, el sistema es capaz de auto-regenerarse ante un SEU o incluso un MCU, independientemente de la zona de la SRAM sobre la que impacte la radiaci贸n. Adicionalmente, esto se consigue con c贸digos simples tales como correcci贸n por bit de paridad y Hamming, minimizando la dedicaci贸n de recursos de computaci贸n hacia tareas de supervisi贸n del sistema.For airborne safety critical applications certification, different techniques are implemented to prevent failures in electronic equipments. The HW failures at flying heights of aircrafts related to solar radiation such as SEU (Single-Event-Upset) and MCU (Multiple Bit Upset), causes bits alterations that corrupt the information at memories. These HW failures cause errors, for example, in the Configuration-Code of an FPGA that defines the functionalities. The protection techniques require classically redundant functionalities that increases the cost, components, memory space and weight. During the development phase for airborne safety critical applications, different aerospace standards are generally recommended as ABD100, RTCA-DO160, IEC62395, etc, and different techniques are classically used to avoid failures such as SEU or MCU. These techniques are based on specific technology processes, Hardened memories, error detection and correction codes (EDAC), SW redundancy, Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) or System level solutions. This Thesis is focussed to minimize, and even to remove, the effects of SEUs and MCUs, that particularly occurs in the airborne electronics as a consequence of its exposition to solar radiation of non-charged particles (for example the neutrons). These non-charged particles are even powered at flying altitudes due to aircraft volume. The safety categorization of different equipments/functionalities requires a design based on fault-tolerant approach that means, the system will continue its normal operation even if a failure occurs. The solution proposed in this Thesis is relevant for the industrial sector because of its Fault-tolerant capability. Thesis includes an initial description for the physics of the solar radiation that affects into aircrafts, and also the analyses of their effects into the airborne electronics based on semiconductor components that create the SEUs and MCUs. This detailed analysis allows the correct sizing and also the optimization of the procedures used to correct the errors. This Thesis proposes a system that corrects the SEUs and MCUs allowing the fulfilment of the Fault-Tolerant requirement, reducing the redundancy resources and also the complexity of the correction codes. The redundancy resources are minimized thanks to the introduction of the concept of HSB (Hardwired Seed Bits), in which the essential information is reduced to a few seed bits, neutral to radiation. The correction codes required are reduced to the correction of one error thanks to the use of the concept of interleaving distance between adjacent bits, this allows the simultaneous multiple error correction with simple single error correcting codes. An example of the application of this Thesis is the implementation of the Fault-tolerant architecture of an SRAM-based FPGA. That means that the information saved in the memory is protected but also the correction functionality is auto protected as well, also saved into SRAM memory. In this way, the system is able to self-regenerate the information lost in case of SEUs or MCUs. This is independent of the SRAM area affected by the radiation. Furthermore, this performance is achieved by means simple error correcting codes, as parity bits or Hamming, that minimize the use of computational resources to this supervision tasks for system.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingenier铆a El茅ctrica, Electr贸nica y Autom谩ticaPresidente: Luis Alfonso Entrena Arrontes.- Secretario: Pedro Reviriego Vasallo.- Vocal: M陋 Luisa L贸pez Vallej