5 research outputs found

    Cryptology for Christ: Steganography, Evangelism, and Closed Access Countries

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    Digital steganography is rooted in the ancient practice of hiding messages and has evolved dramatically with technology. In the Christian worldview, modern technology\u27s ethical application is rooted in the creation mandate, where Genesis 1:28 commands mankind to subdue the earth and have dominion over it. The Bible tells of examples where God directly instructs time-period specific technological application. For example, in Exodus 36, two men were charged with the task of using their technological skills to create objects for the purpose of housing the unique presence of God. Exodus 36:1 says, “Bezalel and Oholiab and every craftsman in whom the Lord has put skill and intelligence to know how to do any work in the construction of the sanctuary shall work in accordance with all that the Lord has commanded.” If Christians today are craftsmen in whom the Lord has put skill and intelligence, then the technology available today can help to fulfill God’s mandate to them in the Great Commission to spread the Gospel, especially where traditional methods of evangelism face constraints or persecution. Digital steganography offers secure, covert channels for data transmission, presenting unique applications for Christian evangelism in restricted regions. This paper explores the versatility of file-appending methods in digital steganography, which bypass traditional limitations on data size and type. Utilizing a full copy of the Bible in text form and a sample image in .png form, we showcased the efficacy and security of this steganography method. Results demonstrate not only high levels of data integrity but also an incredibly easy to use methodology for implementation, making it an effective tool for discreetly disseminating religious texts. This paper argues for the ethical application of these techniques in the spread of the Christian Gospel, particularly where traditional evangelistic efforts are hindered by legal or social constraints

    Cryptology for Christ: Steganography, Evangelism, and Closed Access Countries

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    Digital steganography is rooted in the ancient practice of hiding messages and has evolved dramatically with technology. In the Christian worldview, modern technology\u27s ethical application is rooted in the creation mandate, where Genesis 1:28 commands mankind to subdue the earth and have dominion over it. The Bible tells of examples where God directly instructs time-period specific technological application. For example, in Exodus 36, two men were charged with the task of using their technological skills to create objects for the purpose of housing the unique presence of God. Exodus 36:1 says, “Bezalel and Oholiab and every craftsman in whom the Lord has put skill and intelligence to know how to do any work in the construction of the sanctuary shall work in accordance with all that the Lord has commanded.” If Christians today are craftsmen in whom the Lord has put skill and intelligence, then the technology available today can help to fulfill God’s mandate to them in the Great Commission to spread the Gospel, especially where traditional methods of evangelism face constraints or persecution. Digital steganography offers secure, covert channels for data transmission, presenting unique applications for Christian evangelism in restricted regions. This paper explores the versatility of file-appending methods in digital steganography, which bypass traditional limitations on data size and type. Utilizing a full copy of the Bible in text form and a sample image in .png form, we showcased the efficacy and security of this steganography method. Results demonstrate not only high levels of data integrity but also an incredibly easy to use methodology for implementation, making it an effective tool for discreetly disseminating religious texts. This paper argues for the ethical application of these techniques in the spread of the Christian Gospel, particularly where traditional evangelistic efforts are hindered by legal or social constraints

    An analysis of alphabet-based techniques in text steganography

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    Steganography and cryptography are methods in information hiding.Cryptography scrambles the secret message, whereas steganography conceals a secret message in a carrier medium.An audio, video, image, and text can be used as a cover medium for hiding messages in steganography. The final output of steganography is a stego object that is sent to a receiver using a stego key. Suspiciousness of a generated stego text will encourage eavesdroppers to reveal the hidden message from stego text. Having reviewed substitution, injection, and propagation techniques for steganography, this paper discovers that there is a suspicion in the generated stego text. It is also discovered that text steganography using Genetic Algorithm (GA) is less focused by researchers compared to image and audio.Accordingly, this paper proposes that the adoption of GA should be focused in future works to protect stego text from suspiciousness due to the effectiveness and efficiency used in other media.Suspiciousness against stego text is very important in steganography to avoid third parties detecting the existence of secret message

    Teknik penyembunyian mesej dalam steganografi teks menggunakan pendekatan warna RGB dan penempatan rawak

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    Steganography is a technique that protects the confidentiality and integrity of data in a protective medium from suspicion of hidden data. The hiding of a message in a text medium can be performed on various text attributes such as type, style, size, and font color to generate a stego text. This study have identified two main problems that lead to the suspicion towards the stego text which is the obvious change of colors of the generated stego and the static representation of the secret message characters using sequential selection of hiding location. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to propose the use of specific value for each combination of Red, Green, Blue (RGB) color to reduce the generated stego text obvious color changes. This study also recommends a dynamic secret message representation method based on a randomly selected character location. A Homophonic Cipher Table was adapted as a method to generate the dynamic secret message characters. Besides, the Second Quotient Remainder Theorem was proposed to convert the secret message characters into a 3D representation by mapping (x,y,z) values to RGB color. The RGB color cube model values of RGB(0,0,0) to RGB(15,15,15) were used to format a selected cover text characters using the Pseudorandom Number Generator. The performance of stego text produced in this study was evaluated using three main measures namely capacity, imperceptibility, and robustness. The results revealed that the proposed method produces a better performance of secret message hiding by 41.31% increase in capacity and the Jaro Winkler's scale imperceptibility score of 1. The performance of stego text is proven to be robust as there is no difference compared to the cover text before and after the compression process. In conclusion, the proposed method has successfully reduced the generated stego text obviousness in the change of colors that lead to suspicion of existence of hidden message. Beside, this method also capable of producing dynamic secret messages using a single cover text