439 research outputs found

    A Novel Highly Integrated Hybrid Energy Storage System for Electric Propulsion and Smart Grid Applications

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    This chapter addresses potentialities and advantages of a highly integrated hybrid energy storage system (HESS) for electric propulsion and smart grids. This configuration consists of a highly integrated battery-ultracapacitor system (HIBUC) and aims to benefit from the advantages of both passive and active HESS configurations. Particularly, the integration of the ultracapacitor module (UM) within the DC-link of the DC/AC multilevel converter enables the decoupling between DC-link voltage and energy content without the need for any additional DC/DC converter. As a result, HIBUC benefits from simplicity and energy flow management capabilities very similar to those achieved by passive and active HESS configurations, respectively. This is highlighted properly by a theoretical analysis, which also accounts for a comparison between HIBUC and both passive and active HESS configurations. Some HIBUC application examples are also reported, which highlight the flexibility and potentialities of HIBUC for both electric propulsion systems and smart grids

    A Modular Multi-level Converter for Energy Management of Hybrid Energy-Storage Systems in Electric Vehicles

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are substantial applications of clean energy. Their effectiveness for mainstream transportation is predicated on the efficient use of stored energy within the vehicles’ power pack. Among rechargeable storage solutions, lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery cells have high energy density making them suitable to supply the EVs’ average power. However, the peak power requirements of the vehicles exert stress on the Li-ion cells due to their low pulsating power capabilities. Ultracapacitors can be used instead as the power-pulsating storage elements given their superior power density. Incorporating the two cell types for energy storage signifies a hybrid configuration that leads to challenging tasks in managing the energy between cells due to varying cell dynamics. Therefore, this study investigated the design of an end-to-end hybrid energy-storage and management system. The limitations of existing power electronics and control schemes were identified based on comparative analysis, both on a cell level and on a system level. Subsequently, an energy system was developed that utilized modular multi-level converters to manage the energy between the different cell types. The formulated control strategy accounted for various power modes and added immense flexibility in charge sharing through diverse switching states. Furthermore, the proposed configuration eliminated the conventional need for a system level drive inverter feeding the EV motor. Electro-mechanical modeling results and physical design merits verified the proposed configuration’s effectiveness in improving EV efficiency

    E-transportation: the role of embedded systems in electric energy transfer from grid to vehicle

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) are a promising solution to reduce the transportation dependency on oil, as well as the environmental concerns. Realization of E-transportation relies on providing electrical energy to the EVs in an effective way. Energy storage system (ESS) technologies, including batteries and ultra-capacitors, have been significantly improved in terms of stored energy and power. Beside technology advancements, a battery management system is necessary to enhance safety, reliability and efficiency of the battery. Moreover, charging infrastructure is crucial to transfer electrical energy from the grid to the EV in an effective and reliable way. Every aspect of E-transportation is permeated by the presence of an intelligent hardware platform, which is embedded in the vehicle components, provided with the proper interfaces to address the communication, control and sensing needs. This embedded system controls the power electronics devices, negotiates with the partners in multi-agent scenarios, and performs fundamental tasks such as power flow control and battery management. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the open challenges in E-transportation and to show the fundamental role played by embedded systems. The conclusion is that transportation electrification cannot fully be realized without the inclusion of the recent advancements in embedded systems

    Sizing and Energy Management of a Hybrid Locomotive Based on Flywheel and Accumulators

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    The French National Railways Company (SNCF) is interested in the design of a hybrid locomotive based on various storage devices (accumulator, flywheel, and ultracapacitor) and fed by a diesel generator. This paper particularly deals with the integration of a flywheel device as a storage element with a reduced-power diesel generator and accumulators on the hybrid locomotive. First, a power flow model of energy-storage elements (flywheel and accumulator) is developed to achieve the design of the whole traction system. Then, two energy-management strategies based on a frequency approach are proposed. The first strategy led us to a bad exploitation of the flywheel, whereas the second strategy provides an optimal sizing of the storage device. Finally, a comparative study of the proposed structure with a flywheel and the existing structure of the locomotive (diesel generator, accumulators, and ultracapacitors) is presented

    A comprehensive study of key Electric Vehicle (EV) components, technologies, challenges, impacts, and future direction of development

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    Abstract: Electric vehicles (EV), including Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV), are becoming more commonplace in the transportation sector in recent times. As the present trend suggests, this mode of transport is likely to replace internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles in the near future. Each of the main EV components has a number of technologies that are currently in use or can become prominent in the future. EVs can cause significant impacts on the environment, power system, and other related sectors. The present power system could face huge instabilities with enough EV penetration, but with proper management and coordination, EVs can be turned into a major contributor to the successful implementation of the smart grid concept. There are possibilities of immense environmental benefits as well, as the EVs can extensively reduce the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the transportation sector. However, there are some major obstacles for EVs to overcome before totally replacing ICE vehicles. This paper is focused on reviewing all the useful data available on EV configurations, battery energy sources, electrical machines, charging techniques, optimization techniques, impacts, trends, and possible directions of future developments. Its objective is to provide an overall picture of the current EV technology and ways of future development to assist in future researches in this sector

    Energy Storage Systems for Traction and Renewable Energy Applications

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    Energy storage systems are the set of technologies used to store various forms of energy, and by necessity, can be discharged. Energy storage technologies have a wide range of characteristics and specifications. Like any other technology, each type of energy storage has its pros and cons. Depending on the application, it is crucial to perform a tradeoff study between the various energy storage options to choose the optimal solution based on the key performance objectives and various aspects of those technologies. The purpose of this thesis is to present a thorough literature review of the various energy storage options highlighting the key tradeoffs involved. This thesis focuses on evaluating energy storage options for traction and renewable energy applicationsHybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) is one key application space driving breakthroughs in energy storage technologies. The focus though has been typically on using one type of energy storage systems. This thesis investigates the impact of combining several types of batteries with ultracapacitor. A case study of integrating two energy storage systems in a series-parallel hybrid electric vehicle is simulated by using MATLAB-SIMULINK software.The other key application space is renewable energy especially wind and solar. Due to the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources, energy storage is a must to achieve the required power quality. Therefore, this thesis aims to investigate different cases of combining different types of energy storage with wind and solar. Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables (HOMER) software is utilized to study the economic and sizing aspects in each case

    Lithium-Ion Ultracapacitor Energy Storage Integrated with a Variable Speed Wind Turbine for Improved Power Conversion Control

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    The energy of wind has been increasingly used for electric power generation worldwide due to its availability and ecologically sustainability. Utilization of wind energy in modern power systems creates many technical and economical challenges that need to be addressed for successful large scale wind energy integration. Variations in wind velocity result in variations of output power produced by wind turbines. Variable power output becomes a challenge as the amount of output power of the wind turbines integrated into power systems increases. Large power variations cause voltage and frequency deviations from nominal values that may lead to activation of relay protective equipment, which may result in disconnection of the wind turbines from the grid. Particularly community wind power systems, where only one or a few wind turbines supply loads through a weak grid such as distribution network, are sensitive to supply disturbances. While a majority of power produced in modern power systems comes from synchronous generators that have large inertias and whose control systems can compensate for slow power variations in the system, faster power variations at the scale of fraction of a second to the tens of seconds can seriously reduce reliability of power system operation. Energy storage integrated with wind turbines can address this challenge. In this dissertation, lithium-ion ultracapacitors are investigated as a potential solution for filtering power variations at the scale of tens of seconds. Another class of issues related to utilization of wind energy is related to economical operation of wind energy conversion systems. Wind speed variations create large mechanical loads on wind turbine components, which lead to their early failures. One of the most critical components of a wind turbine is a gearbox that mechanically couples turbine rotor and generator. Gearboxes are exposed to large mechanical load variations which lead to their early failures and increased cost of wind turbine operation and maintenance. This dissertation proposes a new critical load reduction strategy that removes mechanical load components that are the most dangerous in terms of harmful effect they have on a gearbox, resulting in more reliable operation of a wind turbine

    Design and test of a new two-stage control scheme for SMES-battery hybrid energy storage systems for microgrid applications

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    This paper proposes a novel control scheme for a hybrid energy storage system (HESS) for microgrid applications. The proposed two-stage control method is used to control the HESS to stabilize a microgrid’s voltage level and extend battery service lifetime during the coupling/decoupling of a microgrid from the main power grid. The conventional HESS control method (the filtration method) is not suitable to compensate for a microgrid’s power demand when it is decoupled from the main grid. This research focuses on using a superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) and battery HESS to assist with the microgrid coupling/decoupling process. To compensate for the instantaneous high power demand during decoupling, the battery will need to rapidly discharge. Moreover, batteries have difficulty supporting high discharging rates, which results in ineffective compensation of the power demand. In this paper, the high power density of the SMES system combined with the high energy density of a battery shows good performance on stabilizing microgrid bus voltage during the decoupling process. A novel energy management method for the HESS is proposed to improve the battery performance when the microgird coupled/decoupled from main grid. The sizing design is simplified based on the control methodology. Moreover, a SMES and battery HESS experimental platform is built to validate the proposed control methodology and its reliability.<br/
