4 research outputs found

    Chaotic-Based Encryption Algorithm using Henon and Logistic Maps for Fingerprint Template Protection

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    Fingerprint is a reliable user authentication method as it is unique to individual users that makes it efficient for authenticating users. In a fingerprint authentication system, user fingerprint information is stored in databases in an image format known as a fingerprint template. Although fingerprint is reliable, the templates stored in the database are exposed to security threats either during the data transmission process over the network or in storage. Therefore, there is a need to protect the fingerprint template, especially in unsecured networks to maintain data privacy and confidentiality. Many past studies proposed fingerprint template protection (FTP) using chaotic-based encryption algorithms that are more suitable to secure images than conventional encryption such as DES, AES, and RSA. The chaotic-based encryption algorithms have been improved a lot in terms of their robustness. However, the robustness of the algorithm caused a trade-off to encryption speed where it remains an issue in FTP.  Hence, this study aims to improve the limitations found in the existing chaotic-based encryption algorithms for FTP by improving its encryption speed using Henon and Logistic map. A series of simulations were conducted using MATLAB to evaluate the performance of the proposed chaotic-based encryption algorithm for FTP through different analyses covering key sensitivity, histogram, correlations, differential, information entropy, and encryption/decryption speed. The performance proposed encryption algorithm was promising which could be a starting point for detailed analysis and implementation in real application domains

    Chaotic-based encryption algorithm using henon and logistic maps for fingerprint template protection

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    Fingerprint is a reliable user authentication method as it is unique to individual users that makes it efficient for authenticating users. In a fingerprint authentication system, user fingerprint information is stored in databases in an image format known as a fingerprint template. Although fingerprint is reliable, the templates stored in the database are exposed to security threats either during the data transmission process over the network or in storage. Therefore, there is a need to protect the fingerprint template, especially in unsecured networks to maintain data privacy and confidentiality. Many past studies proposed fingerprint template protection (FTP) using chaotic-based encryption algorithms that are more suitable to secure images than conventional encryption such as DES, AES, and RSA. The chaotic-based encryption algorithms have been improved a lot in terms of their robustness. However, the robustness of the algorithm caused a trade-off to encryption speed where it remains an issue in FTP. Hence, this study aims to improve the limitations found in the existing chaotic-based encryption algorithms for FTP by improving its encryption speed using Henon and Logistic map. A series of simulations were conducted using MATLAB to evaluate the performance of the proposed chaotic-based encryption algorithm for FTP through different analyses covering key sensitivity, histogram, correlations, differential, information entropy, and encryption/decryption speed. The performance proposed encryption algorithm was promising which could be a starting point for detailed analysis and implementation in real application domains

    Cifrado de imágenes digitales basado en teoría del caos: mapas logísticos

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    Las nuevas tendencias de compartir archivos multimedia a través de redes abiertas, demanda el uso de mejores técnicas de encriptación que garanticen la integridad, disponibilidad y confidencialidad, manteniendo y/o mejorando la eficiencia del proceso de cifrado sobre estos archivos. Hoy en día es frecuente la transferencia de imágenes a través de medios tecnológicos, siendo necesario la actualización de las técnicas de encriptación existentes y mejor aún, la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas. Actualmente los algoritmos criptográficos clásicos son altamente conocidos en medio de la sociedad informática lo que provoca mayor vulnerabilidad, sin contar los altos tiempos de procesamiento al momento de ser utilizados, elevando la probabilidad de ser descifrados y minimizando la disponibilidad inmediata de los recursos. Para disminuir estas probabilidades, el uso de la teoría de caos surge como una buena opción para ser aplicada en un algoritmo que tome partida del comportamiento caótico de los sistemas dinámicos, y aproveche las propiedades de los mapas logísticos para elevar el nivel de robustez en el cifrado. Es por eso que este trabajo propone la creación de un sistema criptográfico basado sobre una arquitectura dividida en dos etapas de confusión y difusión. Cada una de ellas utiliza una ecuación logística para generar números pseudoaleatorios que permitan desordenar la posición del píxel y cambiar su intensidad en la escala de grises. Este proceso iterativo es determinado por la cantidad total de píxeles de una imagen. Finalmente, toda la lógica de cifrado es ejecutada sobre la tecnología CUDA que permite el procesamiento en paralelo. Como aporte sustancial, se propone una nueva técnica de encriptación vanguardista de alta sensibilidad ante ruidos externos manteniendo no solo la confidencialidad de la imagen, sino también la disponibilidad y la eficiencia en los tiempos de proceso.---ABSTRACT---New trends to share multimedia files over open networks, demand the best use of encryption techniques to ensure the integrity, availability and confidentiality, keeping and/or improving the efficiency of the encryption process on these files. Today it is common to transfer pictures through technological networks, thus, it is necessary to update existing techniques encryption, and even better, the searching of new alternatives. Nowadays, classic cryptographic algorithms are highly known in the midst of the information society which not only causes greater vulnerability, but high processing times when this algorithms are used. It raise the probability of being deciphered and minimizes the immediate availability of resources. To reduce these odds, the use of chaos theory emerged as a good option to be applied on an algorithm that takes advantage of chaotic behavior of dynamic systems, and take logistic maps’ properties to raise the level of robustness in the encryption. That is why this paper proposes the creation of a cryptographic system based on an architecture divided into two stages: confusion and diffusion. Each stage uses a logistic equation to generate pseudorandom numbers that allow mess pixel position and change their intensity in grayscale. This iterative process is determined by the total number of pixels of an image. Finally, the entire encryption logic is executed on the CUDA technology that enables parallel processing. As a substantial contribution, it propose a new encryption technique with high sensitivity on external noise not only keeping the confidentiality of the image, but also the availability and efficiency in processing times