3 research outputs found


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    На  сьогоднішній  день  в  індустрії  безпеки  розпочався  новий  етап.  На  загальному  фоні найбільш  динамічно  продовжують  розвиватись  сучасні  системи  ідентифікації  та  захисту інформації. Особливу увагу привертають до себе біометричні засоби захисту інформації (БЗЗІ), що обумовлено їх високою надійністю та досягненим в останній час значним здешевленням [1]. Використання  БЗЗІ  дозволяє  підняти  на  принципово  новий  рівень  якості  автоматизовані системи різнопланового призначення. Це обумовлено перспективністю використання біометрії, універсальністю біометричних  характеристик  та розвитком інформаційних технологій. Саме в момент такого великого поширення інформації [2,3,4,5,6,26,28] стосовно БЗЗІ постає проблема вибору  біометричної  технології  в  залежності  від  вимог  конкретної  прикладної  задачі,  тому створення реокмендації щодо вибору БЗЗІ є актульною задачею

    Biometric Person Identification Using Near-infrared Hand-dorsa Vein Images

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    Biometric recognition is becoming more and more important with the increasing demand for security, and more usable with the improvement of computer vision as well as pattern recognition technologies. Hand vein patterns have been recognised as a good biometric measure for personal identification due to many excellent characteristics, such as uniqueness and stability, as well as difficulty to copy or forge. This thesis covers all the research and development aspects of a biometric person identification system based on near-infrared hand-dorsa vein images. Firstly, the design and realisation of an optimised vein image capture device is presented. In order to maximise the quality of the captured images with relatively low cost, the infrared illumination and imaging theory are discussed. Then a database containing 2040 images from 102 individuals, which were captured by this device, is introduced. Secondly, image analysis and the customised image pre-processing methods are discussed. The consistency of the database images is evaluated using mean squared error (MSE) and peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). Geometrical pre-processing, including shearing correction and region of interest (ROI) extraction, is introduced to improve image consistency. Image noise is evaluated using total variance (TV) values. Grey-level pre-processing, including grey-level normalisation, filtering and adaptive histogram equalisation are applied to enhance vein patterns. Thirdly, a gradient-based image segmentation algorithm is compared with popular algorithms in references like Niblack and Threshold Image algorithm to demonstrate its effectiveness in vein pattern extraction. Post-processing methods including morphological filtering and thinning are also presented. Fourthly, feature extraction and recognition methods are investigated, with several new approaches based on keypoints and local binary patterns (LBP) proposed. Through comprehensive comparison with other approaches based on structure and texture features as well as performance evaluation using the database created with 2040 images, the proposed approach based on multi-scale partition LBP is shown to provide the best recognition performance with an identification rate of nearly 99%. Finally, the whole hand-dorsa vein identification system is presented with a user interface for administration of user information and for person identification

    A Novel Biometric System Based on Hand Vein

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