123 research outputs found

    RF Power Amplifier and Its Envelope Tracking

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    This dissertation introduces an agile supply modulator with optimal transient performance for the envelope tracking supply in linear power amplifiers. For this purpose, an on-demand current source module, the bang-bang transient performance enhancer (BBTPE), is proposed. Its objective is to follow fast variations in input signals with reduced overshoot and settling time without deteriorating the steady-state performance of the buck regulator. The proposed approach enables fast system response through the BBTPE and an accurate steady-state output response through a low switching ripple and power efficient dynamic buck regulator. Fast output response with the help of the added module induces a slower rise of inductor current in the buck converter that further assists the proposed system to reduce both overshoot and settling time. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed solution, extensive simulations and experimental results from a discrete system are reported. The proposed supply modulator shows 80% improvement in rise time along with 60% reduction in both overshoot and settling time compared to the conventional dynamic buck regulator-based solution. Experimental results for a PA using the LTE 16-QAM 5 MHz standard shows improvement of 7.68 dB and 65.1% in ACPR and EVM, respectively. In a polar power amplifier, the input signal splits into phase and amplitude components using a non-linear conversion operation. This operation broadens the spectrum of the polar signal components. The information of amplitude and phase contains spectral images due to the sampling operation in non-linear conversion operation. These spectral images can be large and cause out-of-band emission in the output spectrum. In addition, during the recombination process of phase and amplitude, a delay mismatch between amplitude and phase signals, which can occur due to separate processing paths of amplitude and phase signals, causes out-of-band emissions, also known as spectral regrowth. This dissertation presents solutions to both of the issues of digital polar power amplifier: spectral images and delay mismatch. In order to reduce the problem of spectral images, interpolation of phase and amplitude is proposed in this work. This increases the effective sampling frequency of the amplitude and phase, which helps to improve the linearity by around 10 dB. In addition, a novel calibration scheme is proposed here for the delay mismatch between phase and amplitude path in a digital polar power amplifier. The scheme significantly reduces the spectral regrowth. The scheme uses the same path for phase and amplitude delay calculation after the recombination that allows having a robust calibration. Furthermore, it can be executed during the empty transmission slots. The proposed scheme is designed in a 40 nm CMOS technology and simulated with a 64-QAM IEEE 802.11n wireless standard. The scheme achieved 7.57 dB enhancement in ACLR and 84.35% improvement in EVM for a 3.5 ns mismatch in phase and amplitude path

    RF Power Amplifier and Its Envelope Tracking

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    This dissertation introduces an agile supply modulator with optimal transient performance for the envelope tracking supply in linear power amplifiers. For this purpose, an on-demand current source module, the bang-bang transient performance enhancer (BBTPE), is proposed. Its objective is to follow fast variations in input signals with reduced overshoot and settling time without deteriorating the steady-state performance of the buck regulator. The proposed approach enables fast system response through the BBTPE and an accurate steady-state output response through a low switching ripple and power efficient dynamic buck regulator. Fast output response with the help of the added module induces a slower rise of inductor current in the buck converter that further assists the proposed system to reduce both overshoot and settling time. To demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed solution, extensive simulations and experimental results from a discrete system are reported. The proposed supply modulator shows 80% improvement in rise time along with 60% reduction in both overshoot and settling time compared to the conventional dynamic buck regulator-based solution. Experimental results for a PA using the LTE 16-QAM 5 MHz standard shows improvement of 7.68 dB and 65.1% in ACPR and EVM, respectively. In a polar power amplifier, the input signal splits into phase and amplitude components using a non-linear conversion operation. This operation broadens the spectrum of the polar signal components. The information of amplitude and phase contains spectral images due to the sampling operation in non-linear conversion operation. These spectral images can be large and cause out-of-band emission in the output spectrum. In addition, during the recombination process of phase and amplitude, a delay mismatch between amplitude and phase signals, which can occur due to separate processing paths of amplitude and phase signals, causes out-of-band emissions, also known as spectral regrowth. This dissertation presents solutions to both of the issues of digital polar power amplifier: spectral images and delay mismatch. In order to reduce the problem of spectral images, interpolation of phase and amplitude is proposed in this work. This increases the effective sampling frequency of the amplitude and phase, which helps to improve the linearity by around 10 dB. In addition, a novel calibration scheme is proposed here for the delay mismatch between phase and amplitude path in a digital polar power amplifier. The scheme significantly reduces the spectral regrowth. The scheme uses the same path for phase and amplitude delay calculation after the recombination that allows having a robust calibration. Furthermore, it can be executed during the empty transmission slots. The proposed scheme is designed in a 40 nm CMOS technology and simulated with a 64-QAM IEEE 802.11n wireless standard. The scheme achieved 7.57 dB enhancement in ACLR and 84.35% improvement in EVM for a 3.5 ns mismatch in phase and amplitude path

    mm-Wave Data Transmission and Measurement Techniques: A Holistic Approach

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    The ever-increasing demand on data services places unprecedented technical requirements on networks capacity. With wireless systems having significant roles in broadband delivery, innovative approaches to their development are imperative. By leveraging new spectral resources available at millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequencies, future systems can utilize new signal structures and new system architectures in order to achieve long-term sustainable solutions.This thesis proposes the holistic development of efficient and cost-effective techniques and systems which make high-speed data transmission at mm-wave feasible. In this paradigm, system designs, signal processing, and measurement techniques work toward a single goal; to achieve satisfactory system level key performance indicators (KPIs). Two intimately-related objectives are simultaneously addressed: the realization of efficient mm-wave data transmission and the development of measurement techniques to enable and assist the design and evaluation of mm-wave circuits.The standard approach to increase spectral efficiency is to increase the modulation order at the cost of higher transmission power. To improve upon this, a signal structure called spectrally efficient frequency division multiplexing (SEFDM) is utilized. SEFDM adds an additional dimension of continuously tunable spectral efficiency enhancement. Two new variants of SEFDM are implemented and experimentally demonstrated, where both variants are shown to outperform standard signals.A low-cost low-complexity mm-wave transmitter architecture is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. A simple phase retarder predistorter and a frequency multiplier are utilized to successfully generate spectrally efficient mm-wave signals while simultaneously mitigating various issues found in conventional mm-wave systems.A measurement technique to characterize circuits and components under antenna array mutual coupling effects is proposed and demonstrated. With minimal setup requirement, the technique effectively and conveniently maps prescribed transmission scenarios to the measurement environment and offers evaluations of the components in terms of relevant KPIs in addition to conventional metrics.Finally, a technique to estimate transmission and reflection coefficients is proposed and demonstrated. In one variant, the technique enables the coefficients to be estimated using wideband modulated signals, suitable for implementation in measurements performed under real usage scenarios. In another variant, the technique enhances the precision of noisy S-parameter measurements, suitable for characterizations of wideband mm-wave components

    Application of the polar loop technique to UHF SSB transmitters

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D68470/86 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    High Performance Optical Transmitter Ffr Next Generation Supercomputing and Data Communication

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    High speed optical interconnects consuming low power at affordable prices are always a major area of research focus. For the backbone network infrastructure, the need for more bandwidth driven by streaming video and other data intensive applications such as cloud computing has been steadily pushing the link speed to the 40Gb/s and 100Gb/s domain. However, high power consumption, low link density and high cost seriously prevent traditional optical transceiver from being the next generation of optical link technology. For short reach communications, such as interconnects in supercomputers, the issues related to the existing electrical links become a major bottleneck for the next generation of High Performance Computing (HPC). Both applications are seeking for an innovative solution of optical links to tackle those current issues. In order to target the next generation of supercomputers and data communication, we propose to develop a high performance optical transmitter by utilizing CISCO Systems®\u27s proprietary CMOS photonic technology. The research seeks to achieve the following outcomes: 1. Reduction of power consumption due to optical interconnects to less than 5pJ/bit without the need for Ring Resonators or DWDM and less than 300fJ/bit for short distance data bus applications. 2. Enable the increase in performance (computing speed) from Peta-Flop to Exa-Flops without the proportional increase in cost or power consumption that would be prohibitive to next generation system architectures by means of increasing the maximum data transmission rate over a single fiber. 3. Explore advanced modulation schemes such as PAM-16 (Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation with 16 levels) to increase the spectrum efficiency while keeping the same or less power figure. This research will focus on the improvement of both the electrical IC and optical IC for the optical transmitter. An accurate circuit model of the optical device is created to speed up the performance optimization and enable co-simulation of electrical driver. Circuit architectures are chosen to minimize the power consumption without sacrificing the speed and noise immunity. As a result, a silicon photonic based optical transmitter employing 1V supply, featuring 20Gb/s data rate is fabricated. The system consists of an electrical driver in 40nm CMOS and an optical MZI modulator with an RF length of less than 0.5mm in 0.13&mu m SOI CMOS. Two modulation schemes are successfully demonstrated: On-Off Keying (OOK) and Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation-N (PAM-N N=4, 16). Both versions demonstrate signal integrity, interface density, and scalability that fit into the next generation data communication and exa-scale computing. Modulation power at 20Gb/s data rate for OOK and PAM-16 of 4pJ/bit and 0.25pJ/bit are achieved for the first time of an MZI type optical modulator, respectively

    Active Backscattering Positioning System Using Innovative Harmonic Oscillator Tags for Future Internet of Things: Theory and Experiments

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    RÉSUMÉ D'ici 2020, l'Internet des objets (IoT) permettra probablement de créer 25 milliards d'objets connectés, 44 ZB de données et de débloquer 11 000 milliards de dollars d’opportunités commerciales. Par conséquent, ce sujet a suscité d’énormes intérêts de recherche dans le monde académique entier. L'une des technologies clés pour l'IoT concerne le positionnement physique intérieur précis. Le principal objectif dans ce domaine est le développement d'un système de positionnement intérieur avec une grande précision, une haute résolution, un fonctionnement à plusieurs cibles, un faible coût, un faible encombrement et une faible consommation d'énergie. Le système de positionnement intérieur conventionnel basé sur les technologies de Wi-Fi ou d'identification par radiofréquence (RFID) ne peut répondre à ces exigences. Principalement parce que leur appareil et leur signal ne sont pas conçus spécialement pour atteindre les objectifs visés. Les chercheurs ont découvert qu'en mettant en oeuvre de différents types de modulation sur les étiquettes, le radar à onde continue (CW) et ses dérivés deviennent des solutions prometteuses. Les activités de recherche présentées dans cette thèse sont menées dans le but de développer des systèmes de positionnement en intérieur bidimensionnel (2-D) à plusieurs cibles basées sur des étiquettes actives à rétrodiffusion harmonique avec une technique à onde continue modulée en fréquence (FMCW). Les contributions de cette thèse peuvent être résumées comme suit: Tout d'abord, la conception d'un circuit actif harmonique, plus spécifiquement une classe d'oscillateurs harmoniques innovants utilisée comme composant central des étiquettes actives dans notre système, implique une méthodologie de conception de signal de grande taille et des installations de caractérisation. L’analyseur de réseau à grand signal (LSNA) est un instrument émergent basé sur les fondements théoriques du cadre de distorsion polyharmonique (PHD). Bien qu'ils soient disponibles dans le commerce depuis 2008, des organismes de normalisation et de recherche tels que l’Institut national des normes et de la technologie (NIST) des États-Unis travaillent toujours à la mise au point d'un standard largement reconnu permettant d'évaluer et de comparer leurs performances. Dans ce travail, un artefact de génération multi-harmonique pour la vérification LSNA est développé. C'est un dispositif actif capable de générer les 5 premières harmoniques d'un signal d'entrée avec une réponse ultra-stables en amplitude et en phase, quelle que soit la variation de l'impédance de la charge.----------ABSTRACT By 2020, the internet of things (IoT) will probably enable 25 billion connected objects, create 44 ZB data and unlock 11 trillion US dollar business opportunities. Therefore, this topic has been attracting tremendous research interests in the entire academic world. One of the key enabling technologies for IoT is concerned with accurate indoor physical positioning. The development of such an indoor positioning system with high accuracy, high resolution, multitarget operation, low cost, small footprint, and low power consumption is the major objective in this area. The conventional indoor positioning system based on WiFi or radiofrequency identification (RFID) technology cannot fulfill these requirements mainly because their device and signal are not purposely designed for achieving the targeted goals. Researchers have found that by implementing different types of modulation on the tags, continuous-wave (CW) radar and its derivatives become promising solutions. The research activities presented in this Ph.D. thesis are carried out towards the goal of developing multitarget two-dimensional (2-D) indoor positioning systems based on harmonic backscattering active tags together with a frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) technique. Research contributions of this thesis can be summarized as follows: First of all, the design of a harmonic active circuit, more specifically, a class of innovative harmonic oscillators used as the core component of active tags in our system, involves a large signal design methodology and characterization facilities. The large signal network analyzer (LSNA) is an emerging instrument based on the theoretical foundation for the Poly-Harmonic Distortion (PHD) framework. Although they have been commercially available since 2008, standard and research organizations such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the US are still working towards a widely-recognized standard to evaluate and cross-reference their performances. In this work, a multi-harmonic generation artifact for LSNA verification is developed. It is an active device that can generate the first 5 harmonics of an input signal with ultra-stable amplitude and phase response regardless of the load impedance variation

    NASA Tech Briefs, December 2012

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    The topics include: Pattern Generator for Bench Test of Digital Boards; 670-GHz Down- and Up-Converting HEMT-Based Mixers; Lidar Electro-Optic Beam Switch with a Liquid Crystal Variable Retarder; Feedback Augmented Sub-Ranging (FASR) Quantizer; Real-Time Distributed Embedded Oscillator Operating Frequency Monitoring; Software Modules for the Proximity-1 Space Link Interleaved Time Synchronization (PITS) Protocol; Description and User Instructions for the Quaternion to Orbit v3 Software; AdapChem; Mars Relay Lander and Orbiter Overflight Profile Estimation; Extended Testability Analysis Tool; Interactive 3D Mars Visualization; Rapid Diagnostics of Onboard Sequences; MER Telemetry Processor; pyam: Python Implementation of YaM; Process for Patterning Indium for Bump Bonding; Archway for Radiation and Micrometeorite Occurrence Resistance; 4D Light Field Imaging System Using Programmable Aperture; Device and Container for Reheating and Sterilization; Radio Frequency Plasma Discharge Lamps for Use as Stable Calibration Light Sources; Membrane Shell Reflector Segment Antenna; High-Speed Transport of Fluid Drops and Solid Particles via Surface Acoustic Waves; Compact Autonomous Hemispheric Vision System; A Distributive, Non-Destructive, Real-Time Approach to Snowpack Monitoring; Wideband Single-Crystal Transducer for Bone Characterization; Numerical Simulation of Rocket Exhaust Interaction With Lunar Soil; Motion Imagery and Robotics Application (MIRA): Standards-Based Robotics; Particle Filtering for Model-Based Anomaly Detection in Sensor Networks; Ka-band Digitally Beamformed Airborne Radar Using SweepSAR Technique; Composite With In Situ Plenums; Multi-Beam Approach for Accelerating Alignment and Calibration of HyspIRI-Like Imaging Spectrometers; JWST Lifting System; Next-Generation Tumbleweed Rover; Pneumatic System for Concentration of Micrometer-Size Lunar Soil

    Investigation into a GPS time pulse radiator for testing time-stamp accuracy of a radio telescope

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    The MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa is required to tag the arrival time of a signal to within 10 ns of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The telescope has a local atomic clock ensemble and uses satellite based remote clock comparison techniques to compare the telescope time to UTC. The master clock timing edge is distributed to each telescope antenna via an optical fibre precise time transfer. Although the timing accuracy of the telescope time was measured internally by the telescope, there is a need for an independent method to verify how well each antenna and its associated processing stages are aligned to UTC. A portable GNSS time-pulse radiator (GTR) device for testing the time-stamp accuracy was developed. The GTR was calibrated at the National Metrology Institute of South Africa and laboratory characterisation tests measured its RF timing pulse to be 1.32 ± 0.100 µs ahead of the UTC second. The telescope’s time and frequency reference clock ensemble consists of two hydrogen masers, an ultrastable crystal and GPS disciplined Rubidium clocks. During operation, the GTR radiates a broadband GPS time synchronised RF timing signal at a known distance from the telescope antennas and the corresponding timestamps were compared to the expected value. Recent GTR timing tests performed on one of the MeerKAT antennas showed that the telescope’s generated timestamps associated with the GTR’s RF timing signal coincided with the expected delay of approximately 16 ± 0.1 µs measured from an antenna 4.8 km away from the telescope’s master clock transmitter. Ultimately we used the GTR to verify that the telescope time and UTC were aligned to within 100 ns. Future work is planned to improve the profile of the transmitted signal and timing critical hardware in order to reduce the GTR’s error budget

    Proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1990)

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    Presented here are the proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC), held June 17-20, 1990 in Ottawa, Canada. Topics covered include future mobile satellite communications concepts, aeronautical applications, modulation and coding, propagation and experimental systems, mobile terminal equipment, network architecture and control, regulatory and policy considerations, vehicle antennas, and speech compression

    Analysis and Design of Energy Efficient Frequency Synthesizers for Wireless Integrated Systems

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    Advances in ultra-low power (ULP) circuit technologies are expanding the IoT applications in our daily life. However, wireless connectivity, small form factor and long lifetime are still the key constraints for many envisioned wearable, implantable and maintenance-free monitoring systems to be practically deployed at a large scale. The frequency synthesizer is one of the most power hungry and complicated blocks that not only constraints RF performance but also offers subtle scalability with power as well. Furthermore, the only indispensable off-chip component, the crystal oscillator, is also associated with the frequency synthesizer as a reference. This thesis addresses the above issues by analyzing how phase noise of the LO affect the frequency modulated wireless system in different aspects and how different noise sources in the PLL affect the performance. Several chip prototypes have been demonstrated including: 1) An ULP FSK transmitter with SAR assisted FLL; 2) A ring oscillator based all-digital BLE transmitter utilizing a quarter RF frequency LO and 4X frequency multiplier; and 3) An XO-less BLE transmitter with an RF reference recovery receiver. The first 2 designs deal with noise sources in the PLL loop for ultimate power and cost reduction, while the third design deals with the reference noise outside the PLL and explores a way to replace the XO in ULP wireless edge nodes. And at last, a comprehensive PN theory is proposed as the design guideline.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/153420/1/chenxing_1.pd
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