9 research outputs found

    Common Radio Resource Management Policy for Multimedia Traffic in Beyond 3G Heterogeneous Wireless Systems

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    Beyond 3G wireless systems will be composed of a variety of Radio Access Technologies (RATs) with different, but also complementary, performance and technical characteristics. To exploit such diversity while guaranteeing the interoperability and efficient management of the different RATs, common radio resource management (CRRM) techniques need to be defined. This work proposes and evaluates a CRRM policy that simultaneously assigns to each user an adequate combination of RAT and number of radio resources within such RAT to guarantee its QoS requirements. The proposed CRRM technique is based on linear objective functions and programming tools

    Flexible capacity sharing in multi-tenant wireless networks through fuzzy neural controllers

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The introduction of multi-tenancy in the Radio Access Network (RAN) is seen as a relevant capability of future 5G systems to support the challenging capacity requirements in a cost-effective way. Multi-tenancy brings in new challenges in the way how the RAN has to be managed and operated in order to provide the agreed service levels to each tenant and at the same time achieve an efficient utilization of the radio resources. This paper proposes a new solution for flexible capacity sharing among tenants based on a hybrid centralized/distributed Self- Organizing Network (SON) function to automatically adjust the Admission Control (AC) settings of the different cells. The proposed solution makes use of fuzzy neural controllers that provide intrinsic benefits in terms of dealing with the uncertainties of complex cellular scenarios and introducing the formulation of preferences and policies in the decision process. Together with the detailed description of the different components of the proposed solution, the paper presents an initial evaluation that provides sufficient insight into the potentials of the fuzzy neural hybrid SON to stimulate further and subsequent analysis.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Integer Linear Programming Optimization of Joint RRM Policies for Heterogeneous Wireless Systems

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    Wireless systems will be characterized by the coexistence of heterogeneous Radio Access Technologies (RATs) with different, but also complementary, performance and technical characteristics. These heterogeneous wireless networks will provide network operators the possibility to efficiently and coordinately use the heterogeneous radio resources, for which novel Joint Radio Resource Management (JRRM) policies need to be designed. In this context, this work proposes and evaluates a JRRM policy that simultaneously determines for each user an adequate combination of RAT and number of radio resources within such RAT to guarantee the user/service QoS requirements, and efficiently distribute the radio resources considering a user fairness approach aimed at maximizing the system capacity. To this aim, the JRRM algorithm, which takes into account the discrete nature of radio resources, is based on integer linear programming optimization mechanisms

    On the Real-Time Hardware Implementation Feasibility of Joint Radio Resource Management Policies for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    The study and design of Joint Radio Resource Management (JRRM) techniques is a key and challenging aspect in future heterogeneous wireless systems where different Radio Access Technologies will physically coexist. In these systems, the total available radio resources need to be used in a coordinated way to guarantee adequate satisfaction levels to all users, and maximize the system revenues. In addition to carry out an efficient use of the available radio resources, JRRM algorithms need to exhibit good computational performance to guarantee their future implementation viability. In this context, this paper proposes novel JRRM techniques based on linear programming techniques, and investigates their computational cost when implemented in DSP platforms commonly used in mobile base stations. The obtained results demonstrate the feasibility to implement the proposed JRRM algorithms in future heterogeneous wireless systems

    Joint radio resource management for heterogeneous wireless systems

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    Heterogeneous wireless systems are characterized by the physical coexistence of a variety of radio access technologies with different, but also complementary, technical characteristics and performance. A key aspect of heterogeneous systems is then the implementation of efficient joint radio resource management mechanisms. In this context, this paper presents and evaluates novel joint radio resource management techniques based on the CEA bankruptcy distribution rule. The proposed policies base their distribution decisions on the system conditions and the varying quality of service requirements present in multimedia scenarios. The obtained results demonstrate that the proposed policies can efficiently distribute the radio resources with a low computational cost

    Efficient Service for Next Generation Network Slicing Architecture and Mobile Traffic Analysis Using Machine Learning Technique

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    The tremendous growth of mobile devices, IOT devices, applications and many other services have placed high demand on mobile and wireless network infrastructures. Much research and development of 5G mobile networks have found the way to support the huge volume of traffic, extracting of fine-gained analytics and agile management of mobile network elements, so that it can maximize the user experience. It is very challenging to accomplish the tasks as mobile networks increase the complexity, due to increases in the high volume of data penetration, devices, and applications. One of the solutions, advance machine learning techniques, can help to mitigate the large number of data and algorithm driven applications. This work mainly focus on extensive analysis of mobile traffic for improving the performance, key performance indicators and quality of service from the operations perspective. The work includes the collection of datasets and log files using different kind of tools in different network layers and implementing the machine learning techniques to analyze the datasets to predict mobile traffic activity. A wide range of algorithms were implemented to compare the analysis in order to identify the highest performance. Moreover, this thesis also discusses about network slicing architecture its use cases and how to efficiently use network slicing to meet distinct demands

    An intelligent radio access network selection and optimisation system in heterogeneous communication environments

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    PhDThe overlapping of the different wireless network technologies creates heterogeneous communication environments. Future mobile communication system considers the technological and operational services of heterogeneous communication environments. Based on its packet switched core, the access to future mobile communication system will not be restricted to the mobile cellular networks but may be via other wireless or even wired technologies. Such universal access can enable service convergence, joint resource management, and adaptive quality of service. However, in order to realise the universal access, there are still many pending challenges to solve. One of them is the selection of the most appropriate radio access network. Previous work on the network selection has concentrated on serving the requesting user, but the existing users and the consumption of the network resources were not the main focus. Such network selection decision might only be able to benefit a limited number of users while the satisfaction levels of some users are compromised, and the network resources might be consumed in an ineffective way. Solutions are needed to handle the radio access network selection in a manner that both of the satisfaction levels of all users and the network resource consumption are considered. This thesis proposes an intelligent radio access network selection and optimisation system. The work in this thesis includes the proposal of an architecture for the radio access network selection and optimisation system and the creation of novel adaptive algorithms that are employed by the network selection system. The proposed algorithms solve the limitations of previous work and adaptively optimise network resource consumption and implement different policies to cope with different scenarios, network conditions, and aims of operators. Furthermore, this thesis also presents novel network resource availability evaluation models. The proposed models study the physical principles of the considered radio access network and avoid employing assumptions which are too stringent abstractions of real network scenarios. They enable the implementation of call level simulations for the comparison and evaluation of the performance of the network selection and optimisation algorithms

    A Novel Approach for Joint Radio Resource Management Based on Fuzzy Neural Methodology

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