79,098 research outputs found

    4-Holes in point sets

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    We consider a variant of a question of Erdos on the number of empty k-gons (k-holes) in a set of n points in the plane, where we allow the k-gons to be non-convex. We show bounds and structural results on maximizing and minimizing the number of general 4-holes, and maximizing the number of non-convex 4-holes. In particular, we show that for n >= 9, the maximum number of general 4-holes is ((pi)(4)); the minimum number of general 4-holes is at least 5/2 n(2) - circle minus(n); and the maximum number of non-convex 4-holes is at least 1/2 n(3) - circle minus(n(2) logn) and at most 1/2 n(3) - circle minus(n(2)). 2014 (c) Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Postprint (author’s final draft

    Empty monochromatic simplices

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    Let S be a k-colored (finite) set of n points in , da parts per thousand yen3, in general position, that is, no (d+1) points of S lie in a common (d-1)-dimensional hyperplane. We count the number of empty monochromatic d-simplices determined by S, that is, simplices which have only points from one color class of S as vertices and no points of S in their interior. For 3a parts per thousand currency signka parts per thousand currency signd we provide a lower bound of and strengthen this to Omega(n (d-2/3)) for k=2.; On the way we provide various results on triangulations of point sets in . In particular, for any constant dimension da parts per thousand yen3, we prove that every set of n points (n sufficiently large), in general position in , admits a triangulation with at least dn+Omega(logn) simplices.Postprint (author’s final draft

    Four-connected triangulations of planar point sets

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of determining in polynomial time whether a given planar point set PP of nn points admits 4-connected triangulation. We propose a necessary and sufficient condition for recognizing PP, and present an O(n3)O(n^3) algorithm of constructing a 4-connected triangulation of PP. Thus, our algorithm solves a longstanding open problem in computational geometry and geometric graph theory. We also provide a simple method for constructing a noncomplex triangulation of PP which requires O(n2)O(n^2) steps. This method provides a new insight to the structure of 4-connected triangulation of point sets.Comment: 35 pages, 35 figures, 5 reference

    Empty Monochromatic Simplices

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    Let SS be a kk-colored (finite) set of nn points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, d3d\geq 3, in general position, that is, no {(d+1)(d + 1)} points of SS lie in a common (d1)(d - 1)}-dimensional hyperplane. We count the number of empty monochromatic dd-simplices determined by SS, that is, simplices which have only points from one color class of SS as vertices and no points of SS in their interior. For 3kd3 \leq k \leq d we provide a lower bound of Ω(ndk+1+2d)\Omega(n^{d-k+1+2^{-d}}) and strengthen this to Ω(nd2/3)\Omega(n^{d-2/3}) for k=2k=2. On the way we provide various results on triangulations of point sets in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. In particular, for any constant dimension d3d\geq3, we prove that every set of nn points (nn sufficiently large), in general position in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, admits a triangulation with at least dn+Ω(logn)dn+\Omega(\log n) simplices

    Erdos-Hajnal-type theorems in hypergraphs

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    The Erdos-Hajnal conjecture states that if a graph on n vertices is H-free, that is, it does not contain an induced copy of a given graph H, then it must contain either a clique or an independent set of size n^{d(H)}, where d(H) > 0 depends only on the graph H. Except for a few special cases, this conjecture remains wide open. However, it is known that a H-free graph must contain a complete or empty bipartite graph with parts of polynomial size. We prove an analogue of this result for 3-uniform hypergraphs, showing that if a 3-uniform hypergraph on n vertices is H-free, for any given H, then it must contain a complete or empty tripartite subgraph with parts of order c(log n)^{1/2 + d(H)}, where d(H) > 0 depends only on H. This improves on the bound of c(log n)^{1/2}, which holds in all 3-uniform hypergraphs, and, up to the value of the constant d(H), is best possible. We also prove that, for k > 3, no analogue of the standard Erdos-Hajnal conjecture can hold in k-uniform hypergraphs. That is, there are k-uniform hypergraphs H and sequences of H-free hypergraphs which do not contain cliques or independent sets of size appreciably larger than one would normally expect.Comment: 15 page

    Geometric representations of linear codes

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    We say that a linear code C over a field F is triangular representable if there exists a two dimensional simplicial complex Δ\Delta such that C is a punctured code of the kernel ker Δ\Delta of the incidence matrix of Δ\Delta over F and there is a linear mapping between C and ker Δ\Delta which is a bijection and maps minimal codewords to minimal codewords. We show that the linear codes over rationals and over GF(p), where p is a prime, are triangular representable. In the case of finite fields, we show that this representation determines the weight enumerator of C. We present one application of this result to the partition function of the Potts model. On the other hand, we show that there exist linear codes over any field different from rationals and GF(p), p prime, that are not triangular representable. We show that every construction of triangular representation fails on a very weak condition that a linear code and its triangular representation have to have the same dimension.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, v3 major change

    On kk-Gons and kk-Holes in Point Sets

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    We consider a variation of the classical Erd\H{o}s-Szekeres problems on the existence and number of convex kk-gons and kk-holes (empty kk-gons) in a set of nn points in the plane. Allowing the kk-gons to be non-convex, we show bounds and structural results on maximizing and minimizing their numbers. Most noteworthy, for any kk and sufficiently large nn, we give a quadratic lower bound for the number of kk-holes, and show that this number is maximized by sets in convex position

    Coloring decompositions of complete geometric graphs

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    A decomposition of a non-empty simple graph GG is a pair [G,P][G,P], such that PP is a set of non-empty induced subgraphs of GG, and every edge of GG belongs to exactly one subgraph in PP. The chromatic index χ([G,P])\chi'([G,P]) of a decomposition [G,P][G,P] is the smallest number kk for which there exists a kk-coloring of the elements of PP in such a way that: for every element of PP all of its edges have the same color, and if two members of PP share at least one vertex, then they have different colors. A long standing conjecture of Erd\H{o}s-Faber-Lov\'asz states that every decomposition [Kn,P][K_n,P] of the complete graph KnK_n satisfies χ([Kn,P])n\chi'([K_n,P])\leq n. In this paper we work with geometric graphs, and inspired by this formulation of the conjecture, we introduce the concept of chromatic index of a decomposition of the complete geometric graph. We present bounds for the chromatic index of several types of decompositions when the vertices of the graph are in general position. We also consider the particular case in which the vertices are in convex position and present bounds for the chromatic index of a few types of decompositions.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure