2,676 research outputs found

    FATODE: A Library for Forward, Adjoint, and Tangent Linear Integration of ODEs

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    FATODE is a FORTRAN library for the integration of ordinary differential equations with direct and adjoint sensitivity analysis capabilities. The paper describes the capabilities, implementation, code organization, and usage of this package. FATODE implements four families of methods -- explicit Runge-Kutta for nonstiff problems and fully implicit Runge-Kutta, singly diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta, and Rosenbrock for stiff problems. Each family contains several methods with different orders of accuracy; users can add new methods by simply providing their coefficients. For each family the forward, adjoint, and tangent linear models are implemented. General purpose solvers for dense and sparse linear algebra are used; users can easily incorporate problem-tailored linear algebra routines. The performance of the package is demonstrated on several test problems. To the best of our knowledge FATODE is the first publicly available general purpose package that offers forward and adjoint sensitivity analysis capabilities in the context of Runge Kutta methods. A wide range of applications are expected to benefit from its use; examples include parameter estimation, data assimilation, optimal control, and uncertainty quantification

    Towards a Better Understanding of the Local Attractor in Particle Swarm Optimization: Speed and Solution Quality

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    Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a popular nature-inspired meta-heuristic for solving continuous optimization problems. Although this technique is widely used, the understanding of the mechanisms that make swarms so successful is still limited. We present the first substantial experimental investigation of the influence of the local attractor on the quality of exploration and exploitation. We compare in detail classical PSO with the social-only variant where local attractors are ignored. To measure the exploration capabilities, we determine how frequently both variants return results in the neighborhood of the global optimum. We measure the quality of exploitation by considering only function values from runs that reached a search point sufficiently close to the global optimum and then comparing in how many digits such values still deviate from the global minimum value. It turns out that the local attractor significantly improves the exploration, but sometimes reduces the quality of the exploitation. As a compromise, we propose and evaluate a hybrid PSO which switches off its local attractors at a certain point in time. The effects mentioned can also be observed by measuring the potential of the swarm

    Forward-Mode Automatic Differentiation in Julia

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    We present ForwardDiff, a Julia package for forward-mode automatic differentiation (AD) featuring performance competitive with low-level languages like C++. Unlike recently developed AD tools in other popular high-level languages such as Python and MATLAB, ForwardDiff takes advantage of just-in-time (JIT) compilation to transparently recompile AD-unaware user code, enabling efficient support for higher-order differentiation and differentiation using custom number types (including complex numbers). For gradient and Jacobian calculations, ForwardDiff provides a variant of vector-forward mode that avoids expensive heap allocation and makes better use of memory bandwidth than traditional vector mode. In our numerical experiments, we demonstrate that for nontrivially large dimensions, ForwardDiff's gradient computations can be faster than a reverse-mode implementation from the Python-based autograd package. We also illustrate how ForwardDiff is used effectively within JuMP, a modeling language for optimization. According to our usage statistics, 41 unique repositories on GitHub depend on ForwardDiff, with users from diverse fields such as astronomy, optimization, finite element analysis, and statistics. This document is an extended abstract that has been accepted for presentation at the AD2016 7th International Conference on Algorithmic Differentiation.Comment: 4 page

    Empirical Evaluation of Contextual Policy Search with a Comparison-based Surrogate Model and Active Covariance Matrix Adaptation

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    Contextual policy search (CPS) is a class of multi-task reinforcement learning algorithms that is particularly useful for robotic applications. A recent state-of-the-art method is Contextual Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategies (C-CMA-ES). It is based on the standard black-box optimization algorithm CMA-ES. There are two useful extensions of CMA-ES that we will transfer to C-CMA-ES and evaluate empirically: ACM-ES, which uses a comparison-based surrogate model, and aCMA-ES, which uses an active update of the covariance matrix. We will show that improvements with these methods can be impressive in terms of sample-efficiency, although this is not relevant any more for the robotic domain.Comment: Supplementary material for poster paper accepted at GECCO 2019; https://doi.org/10.1145/3319619.332193

    Experimental Comparisons of Derivative Free Optimization Algorithms

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    In this paper, the performances of the quasi-Newton BFGS algorithm, the NEWUOA derivative free optimizer, the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimizers (PSO) are compared experimentally on benchmark functions reflecting important challenges encountered in real-world optimization problems. Dependence of the performances in the conditioning of the problem and rotational invariance of the algorithms are in particular investigated.Comment: 8th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, Dortmund : Germany (2009
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