692 research outputs found

    Development of BEM for ceramic composites

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    It is evident that for proper micromechanical analysis of ceramic composites, one needs to use a numerical method that is capable of idealizing the individual fibers or individual bundles of fibers embedded within a three-dimensional ceramic matrix. The analysis must be able to account for high stress or temperature gradients from diffusion of stress or temperature from the fiber to the ceramic matrix and allow for interaction between the fibers through the ceramic matrix. The analysis must be sophisticated enough to deal with the failure of fibers described by a series of increasingly sophisticated constitutive models. Finally, the analysis must deal with micromechanical modeling of the composite under nonlinear thermal and dynamic loading. This report details progress made towards the development of a boundary element code designed for the micromechanical studies of an advanced ceramic composite. Additional effort has been made in generalizing the implementation to allow the program to be applicable to real problems in the aerospace industry

    Development of BEM for ceramic composites

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    Progress is summarized in the development of a boundary element code BEST3D, designed for the micromechanical studies of advanced ceramic composites. Additional effort was made in generalizing the implementation to allow the program to be applicable to real problems in the aerospace industry

    Development of an integrated BEM approach for hot fluid structure interaction

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    The progress made toward the development of a boundary element formulation for the study of hot fluid-structure interaction in Earth-to-Orbit engine hot section components is reported. The convective viscous integral formulation was derived and implemented in the general purpose computer program GP-BEST. The new convective kernel functions, in turn, necessitated the development of refined integration techniques. As a result, however, since the physics of the problem is embedded in these kernels, boundary element solutions can now be obtained at very high Reynolds number. Flow around obstacles can be solved approximately with an efficient linearized boundary-only analysis or, more exactly, by including all of the nonlinearities present in the neighborhood of the obstacle. The other major accomplishment was the development of a comprehensive fluid-structure interaction capability within GP-BEST. This new facility is implemented in a completely general manner, so that quite arbitrary geometry, material properties and boundary conditions may be specified. Thus, a single analysis code (GP-BEST) can be used to run structures-only problems, fluids-only problems, or the combined fluid-structure problem. In all three cases, steady or transient conditions can be selected, with or without thermal effects. Nonlinear analyses can be solved via direct iteration or by employing a modified Newton-Raphson approach

    A Study of Speed of the Boundary Element Method as applied to the Realtime Computational Simulation of Biological Organs

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    In this work, possibility of simulating biological organs in realtime using the Boundary Element Method (BEM) is investigated. Biological organs are assumed to follow linear elastostatic material behavior, and constant boundary element is the element type used. First, a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) is used to speed up the BEM computations to achieve the realtime performance. Next, instead of the GPU, a computer cluster is used. Results indicate that BEM is fast enough to provide for realtime graphics if biological organs are assumed to follow linear elastostatic material behavior. Although the present work does not conduct any simulation using nonlinear material models, results from using the linear elastostatic material model imply that it would be difficult to obtain realtime performance if highly nonlinear material models that properly characterize biological organs are used. Although the use of BEM for the simulation of biological organs is not new, the results presented in the present study are not found elsewhere in the literature.Comment: preprint, draft, 2 tables, 47 references, 7 files, Codes that can solve three dimensional linear elastostatic problems using constant boundary elements (of triangular shape) while ignoring body forces are provided as supplementary files; codes are distributed under the MIT License in three versions: i) MATLAB version ii) Fortran 90 version (sequential code) iii) Fortran 90 version (parallel code

    Compression of an elastic roller between two rigid plates

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    A closed solution - exact within two-dimensional linear elastostatics - is deduced for the problem appropriate to the compression of an elastic circular cylinder between two smooth, flat and parallel, rigid plates. The boundary displacements obtained for the cylinder involve elliptic integrals, whereas its stress field is given in terms of elementary functions exclusively. The results found for the distribution of the contact pressure and for the width of the contact zone are compared with the corresponding predictions of Hertz's approximate theory, for which elementary corrections are determined by asymptotic means. Analogous corrections are established for a previously available approximate estimate of the diametral compression undergone by the roller, which remains indeterminate in the Hertz treatment of this two-dimensional contact problem

    The application of the boundary integral equation method to foundation dynamics

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    Imperial Users onl


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    In this chapter, we are going to describe the main features as well as the basic steps of the Boundary Element Method (BEM) as applied to elastostatic problems and to compare them with other numerical procedures. As we shall show, it is easy to appreciate the adventages of the BEM, but it is also advisable to refrain from a possible unrestrained enthusiasm, as there are also limitations to its usefulness in certain types of problems. The number of these problems, nevertheless, is sufficient to justify the interest and activity that the new procedure has aroused among researchers all over the world. Briefly speaking, the most frequently used version of the BEM as applied to elastostatics works with the fundamental solution, i.e. the singular solution of the governing equations, as an influence function and tries to satisfy the boundary conditions of the problem with the aid of a discretization scheme which consists exclusively of boundary elements. As in other numerical methods, the BEM was developed thanks to the computational possibilities offered by modern computers on totally "classical" basis. That is, the theoretical grounds are based on linear elasticity theory, incorporated long ago into the curricula of most engineering schools. Its delay in gaining popularity is probably due to the enormous momentum with which Finite Element Method (FEM) penetrated the professional and academic media. Nevertheless, the fact that these methods were developed before the BEM has been beneficial because de BEM successfully uses those results and techniques studied in past decades. Some authors even consider the BEM as a particular case of the FEM while others view both methods as special cases of the general weighted residual technique. The first paper usually cited in connection with the BEM as applied to elastostatics is that of Rizzo, even though the works of Jaswon et al., Massonet and Oliveira were published at about the same time, the reason probably being the attractiveness of the "direct" approach over the "indirect" one. The work of Tizzo and the subssequent work of Cruse initiated a fruitful period with applicatons of the direct BEM to problems of elastostacs, elastodynamics, fracture, etc. The next key contribution was that of Lachat and Watson incorporating all the FEM discretization philosophy in what is sometimes called the "second BEM generation". This has no doubt, led directly to the current developments. Among the various researchers who worked on elastostatics by employing the direct BEM, one can additionallly mention Rizzo and Shippy, Cruse et al., Lachat and Watson, Alarcón et al., Brebbia el al, Howell and Doyle, Kuhn and Möhrmann and Patterson and Sheikh, and among those who used the indirect BEM, one can additionally mention Benjumea and Sikarskie, Butterfield, Banerjee et al., Niwa et al., and Altiero and Gavazza. An interesting version of the indirct method, called the Displacement Discontinuity Method (DDM) has been developed by Crounh. A comprehensive study on various special aspects of the elastostatic BEM has been done by Heisse, while review-type articles on the subject have been reported by Watson and Hartmann. At the present time, the method is well established and is being used for the solution of variety of problems in engineering mechanics. Numerous introductory and advanced books have been published as well as research-orientated ones. In this sense, it is worth noting the series of conferences promoted by Brebbia since 1978, wich have provoked a continuous research effort all over the world in relation to the BEM. In the following sections, we shall concentrate on developing the direct BEM as applied to elastostatics