12,472 research outputs found

    A classification of Lagrangian planes in holomorphic symplectic varieties

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    Classically, an indecomposable class RR in the cone of effective curves on a K3 surface XX is representable by a smooth rational curve if and only if R2=−2R^2=-2. We prove a higher-dimensional generalization conjectured by Hassett and Tschinkel: for a holomorphic symplectic variety MM deformation equivalent to a Hilbert scheme of nn points on a K3 surface, an extremal curve class R∈H2(M,Z)R\in H_2(M,\mathbb{Z}) in the Mori cone is the line in a Lagrangian nn-plane Pn⊂M\mathbb{P}^n\subset M if and only if certain intersection-theoretic criteria are met. In particular, any such class satisfies (R,R)=−n+32(R,R)=-\frac{n+3}{2} and the primitive such classes are all contained in a single monodromy orbit.Comment: 18 pages, comments welcome. v3: classification extended to all curve classes; some examples added. v4: to appear in J. Inst. Math. Jussie

    Curves on Heisenberg invariant quartic surfaces in projective 3-space

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    This paper is about the family of smooth quartic surfaces X⊂P3X \subset \mathbb{P}^3 that are invariant under the Heisenberg group H2,2H_{2,2}. For a very general such surface XX, we show that the Picard number of XX is 16 and determine its Picard group. It turns out that the general Heisenberg invariant quartic contains 320 smooth conics and that in the very general case, this collection of conics generates the Picard group.Comment: Updated references, corrected typo

    On tangents to quadric surfaces

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    We study the variety of common tangents for up to four quadric surfaces in projective three-space, with particular regard to configurations of four quadrics admitting a continuum of common tangents. We formulate geometrical conditions in the projective space defined by all complex quadric surfaces which express the fact that several quadrics are tangent along a curve to one and the same quadric of rank at least three, and called, for intuitive reasons: a basket. Lines in any ruling of the latter will be common tangents. These considerations are then restricted to spheres in Euclidean three-space, and result in a complete answer to the question over the reals: ``When do four spheres allow infinitely many common tangents?''.Comment: 50 page

    How tangents solve algebraic equations, or a remarkable geometry of discriminant varieties

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    Let Dd,k\mathcal D_{d,k} denote the discriminant variety of degree dd polynomials in one variable with at least one of its roots being of multiplicity ≥k\geq k. We prove that the tangent cones to Dd,k\mathcal D_{d,k} span Dd,k−1\mathcal D_{d,k-1} thus, revealing an extreme ruled nature of these varieties. The combinatorics of the web of affine tangent spaces to Dd,k\mathcal D_{d,k} in Dd,k−1\mathcal D_{d,k-1} is directly linked to the root multiplicities of the relevant polynomials. In fact, solving a polynomial equation P(z)=0P(z) = 0 turns out to be equivalent to finding hyperplanes through a given point P(z)\in \mathcal D_{d,1} \approx \A^d which are tangent to the discriminant hypersurface Dd,2\mathcal D_{d,2}. We also connect the geometry of the Vi\`{e}te map \mathcal V_d: \A^d_{root} \to \A^d_{coef}, given by the elementary symmetric polynomials, with the tangents to the discriminant varieties {Dd,k}\{\mathcal D_{d,k}\}. Various dd-partitions {μ}\{\mu\} provide a refinement {Dμ∘}\{\mathcal D_\mu^\circ\} of the stratification of \A^d_{coef} by the Dd,k\mathcal D_{d,k}'s. Our main result, Theorem 7.1, describes an intricate relation between the divisibility of polynomials in one variable and the families of spaces tangent to various strata {Dμ∘}\{\mathcal D_\mu^\circ\}.Comment: 43 pages, 12 figure

    On organizing principles of Discrete Differential Geometry. Geometry of spheres

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    Discrete differential geometry aims to develop discrete equivalents of the geometric notions and methods of classical differential geometry. In this survey we discuss the following two fundamental Discretization Principles: the transformation group principle (smooth geometric objects and their discretizations are invariant with respect to the same transformation group) and the consistency principle (discretizations of smooth parametrized geometries can be extended to multidimensional consistent nets). The main concrete geometric problem discussed in this survey is a discretization of curvature line parametrized surfaces in Lie geometry. We find a discretization of curvature line parametrization which unifies the circular and conical nets by systematically applying the Discretization Principles.Comment: 57 pages, 18 figures; In the second version the terminology is slightly changed and umbilic points are discusse
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