851 research outputs found

    Ultra-Wideband Secure Communications and Direct RF Sampling Transceivers

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    Larger wireless device bandwidth results in new capabilities in terms of higher data rates and security. The 5G evolution is focus on exploiting larger bandwidths for higher though-puts. Interference and co-existence issues can also be addressed by the larger bandwidth in the 5G and 6G evolution. This dissertation introduces of a novel Ultra-wideband (UWB) Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technique to exploit the largest bandwidth available in the upcoming wireless connectivity scenarios. The dissertation addresses interference immunity, secure communication at the physical layer and longer distance communication due to increased receiver sensitivity. The dissertation presents the design, workflow, simulations, hardware prototypes and experimental measurements to demonstrate the benefits of wideband Code-Division-Multiple-Access. Specifically, a description of each of the hardware and software stages is presented along with simulations of different scenarios using a test-bench and open-field measurements. The measurements provided experimental validation carried out to demonstrate the interference mitigation capabilities. In addition, Direct RF sampling techniques are employed to handle the larger bandwidth and avoid analog components. Additionally, a transmit and receive chain is designed and implemented at 28 GHz to provide a proof-of-concept for future 5G applications. The proposed wideband transceiver is also used to demonstrate higher accuracy direction finding, as much as 10 times improvement


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    The inherit nonlinearity in analogue front-ends of transmitters and receivers have had primary impact on the overall performance of the wireless communication systems, as it gives arise of substantial distortion when transmitting and processing signals with such circuits. Therefore, the nonlinear compensation (linearization) techniques become essential to suppress the distortion to an acceptable extent in order to ensure sufficient low bit error rate. Furthermore, the increasing demands on higher data rate and ubiquitous interoperability between various multi-coverage protocols are two of the most important features of the contemporary communication system. The former demand pushes the communication system to use wider bandwidth and the latter one brings up severe coexistence problems. Having fully considered the problems raised above, the work in this Ph.D. thesis carries out extensive researches on the nonlinear compensations utilizing advanced digital signal processing techniques. The motivation behind this is to push more processing tasks to the digital domain, as it can potentially cut down the bill of materials (BOM) costs paid for the off-chip devices and reduce practical implementation difficulties. The work here is carried out using three approaches: numerical analysis & computer simulations; experimental tests using commercial instruments; actual implementation with FPGA. The primary contributions for this thesis are summarized as the following three points: 1) An adaptive digital predistortion (DPD) with fast convergence rate and low complexity for multi-carrier GSM system is presented. Albeit a legacy system, the GSM, however, has a very strict requirement on the out-of-band emission, thus it represents a much more difficult hurdle for DPD application. It is successfully implemented in an FPGA without using any other auxiliary processor. A simplified multiplier-free NLMS algorithm, especially suitable for FPGA implementation, for fast adapting the LUT is proposed. Many design methodologies and practical implementation issues are discussed in details. Experimental results have shown that the DPD performed robustly when it is involved in the multichannel transmitter. 2) The next generation system (5G) will unquestionably use wider bandwidth to support higher throughput, which poses stringent needs for using high-speed data converters. Herein the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) tends to be the most expensive single device in the whole transmitter/receiver systems. Therefore, conventional DPD utilizing high-speed ADC becomes unaffordable, especially for small base stations (micro, pico and femto). A digital predistortion technique utilizing spectral extrapolation is proposed in this thesis, wherein with band-limited feedback signal, the requirement on ADC speed can be significantly released. Experimental results have validated the feasibility of the proposed technique for coping with band-limited feedback signal. It has been shown that adequate linearization performance can be achieved even if the acquisition bandwidth is less than the original signal bandwidth. The experimental results obtained by using LTE-Advanced signal of 320 MHz bandwidth are quite satisfactory, and to the authors’ knowledge, this is the first high-performance wideband DPD ever been reported. 3) To address the predicament that mobile operators do not have enough contiguous usable bandwidth, carrier aggregation (CA) technique is developed and imported into 4G LTE-Advanced. This pushes the utilization of concurrent dual-band transmitter/receiver, which reduces the hardware expense by using a single front-end. Compensation techniques for the respective concurrent dual-band transmitter and receiver front-ends are proposed to combat the inter-band modulation distortion, and simultaneously reduce the distortion for the both lower-side band and upper-side band signals.電気通信大学201

    Adaptive Signal Processing Techniques and Realistic Propagation Modeling for Multiantenna Vital Sign Estimation

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    Tämän työn keskeisimpänä tavoitteena on ihmisen elintoimintojen tarkkailu ja estimointi käyttäen radiotaajuisia mittauksia ja adaptiivisia signaalinkäsittelymenetelmiä monen vastaanottimen kantoaaltotutkalla. Työssä esitellään erilaisia adaptiivisia menetelmiä, joiden avulla hengityksen ja sydämen värähtelyn aiheuttamaa micro-Doppler vaihemodulaatiota sisältävät eri vastaanottimien signaalit voidaan yhdistää. Työssä johdetaan lisäksi realistinen malli radiosignaalien etenemiselle ja heijastushäviöille, jota käytettiin moniantennitutkan simuloinnissa esiteltyjen menetelmien vertailemiseksi. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan osoittaa, että adaptiiviset menetelmät parantavat langattoman elintoimintojen estimoinnin luotettavuutta, ja mahdollistavat monitoroinnin myös pienillä signaali-kohinasuhteen arvoilla.This thesis addresses the problem of vital sign estimation through the use of adaptive signal enhancement techniques with multiantenna continuous wave radar. The use of different adaptive processing techniques is proposed in a novel approach to combine signals from multiple receivers carrying the information of the cardiopulmonary micro-Doppler effect caused by breathing and heartbeat. The results are based on extensive simulations using a realistic signal propagation model derived in the thesis. It is shown that these techniques provide a significant increase in vital sign rate estimation accuracy, and enable monitoring at lower SNR conditions

    Power efficient adaptive mitigation of local interference in multimode wireless transceivers

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    Ultra-wideband indoor communications using optical technology

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    La communication ultra large bande (UWB) a attiré une énorme quantité de recherches ces dernières années, surtout après la présentation du masque spectral de US Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Les impulsions ultra-courtes permettent de très hauts débits de faible puissance tout en éliminant les interférences avec les systèmes existants à bande étroite. La faible puissance, cependant, limite la portée de propagation des radios UWB à quelques mètres pour la transmission sans fil à l’intérieur d’une pièce. En outre, des signaux UWB reçu sont étendus dans le temps en raison de la propagation par trajet multiple qui résulte en beaucoup d’interférence inter-symbole (ISI) à haut débit. Le monocycle Gaussien, l’impulsion la plus commune dans UWB, a une mauvaise couverture sous le masque de la FCC. Dans cette thèse, nous démontrons des transmet- teurs qui sont capables de générer des impulsions UWB avec une efficacité de puissance élevée. Une impulsion efficace résulte dans un rapport de signal à bruit (SNR) supérieur au récepteur en utilisant plus de la puissance disponible sous le masque spectral de la FCC. On produit les impulsions dans le domaine optique et utilise la fibre optique pour les transporter sur plusieurs kilomètres pour la distribution dans un réseau optique pas- sif. La fibre optique est très fiable pour le transport des signaux radio avec une faible consommation de puissance. On utilise les éléments simples comme un modulateur Mach-Zehnder ou un résonateur en anneau pour générer des impulsions, ce qui permet l’intégration dans le silicium. Compatible avec la technologie CMOS, la photonique sur silicium a un potentiel énorme pour abaisser le coût et l’encombrement des systèmes optiques. La photodétection convertit les impulsions optiques en impulsions électriques avant la transmission sur l’antenne du côté de l’utilisateur. La réponse fréquentielle de l’antenne déforme la forme d’onde de l’impulsion UWB. Nous proposons une technique d’optimisation non-linéaire qui prend en compte la distorsion d’antenne pour trouver des impulsions qui maximisent la puissance transmise, en respectant le masque spectral de la FCC. Nous travaillons avec trois antennes et concevons une impulsion unique pour chacune d’entre elle. L’amélioration de l’énergie des impulsions UWB améliore directement la SNR au récepteur. Les résultats de simulation montrent que les impulsions optimisées améliorent considérablement le taux d’erreur (BER) par rapport au monocycle Gaussien sous propagation par trajet multiple. Notre autre contribution est l’évaluation d’un filtre adapté pour recevoir efficacement des impulsions UWB. Le filtre adapté est synthétisé et fabriqué en technologie microstrip, en collaboration avec l’Université McGill comme un dispositif de bande interdite électromagnétique. La réponse fréquentielle du filtre adapté montre une ex- cellente concordance avec le spectre ciblé de l’impulsion UWB. Les mesures de BER confirment la performance supérieure du filtre adapté par rapport à un récepteur à conversion directe. Le canal UWB est très riche en trajet multiple conduisant à l’ISI à haut débit. Notre dernière contribution est l’étude de performance des récepteurs en simulant un système avec des conditions de canaux réalistes. Les résultats de la simulation montrent que la performance d’un tel système se dégrade de façon significative pour les hauts débits. Afin de compenser la forte ISI dans les taux de transfert de données en Gb/s, nous étudions l’algorithme de Viterbi (VA) avec un nombre limité d’états et un égaliseur DFE (decision feedback equalizer). Nous examinons le nombre d’états requis dans le VA, et le nombre de coefficients du filtre dans le DFE pour une transmission fiable de UWB en Gb/s dans les canaux en ligne de vue. L’évaluation par simulation de BER confirme que l’égalisation améliore considérablement les performances par rapport à la détection de symbole. La DFE a une meilleure performance par rapport à la VA en utilisant une complexité comparable. La DFE peut couvrir une plus grande mémoire de canal avec un niveau de complexité relativement réduit.Ultra-wideband (UWB) communication has attracted an enormous amount of research in recent years, especially after the introduction of the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) spectral mask. Ultra-short pulses allow for very high bit-rates while low power eliminates interference with existing narrowband systems. Low power, however, limits the propagation range of UWB radios to a few meters for indoors wireless transmission. Furthermore, received UWB signals are spread in time because of multipath propagation which results in high intersymbol interference at high data rates. Gaussian monocycle, the most commonly employed UWB pulse, has poor coverage under the FCC mask. In this thesis we demonstrate transmitters capable of generating UWB pulses with high power efficiency at Gb/s bit-rates. An efficient pulse results in higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver by utilizing most of the available power under the FCC spectral mask. We generate the pulses in the optical domain and use optical fiber to transport the pulses over several kilometers for distribution in a passive optical network. Optical fiber is very reliable for transporting radio signals with low power consumption. We use simple elements such as a Mach Zehnder modulator or a ring resonator for pulse shaping, allowing for integration in silicon. Being compatible with CMOS technology, silicon photonics has huge potential for lowering the cost and bulkiness of optical systems. Photodetection converts the pulses to the electrical domain before antenna transmission at the user side. The frequency response of UWB antennas distorts the UWB waveforms. We pro- pose a nonlinear optimization technique which takes into account antenna distortion to find pulses that maximize the transmitted power, while respecting the FCC spectral mask. We consider three antennas and design a unique pulse for each. The energy improvement in UWB pulses directly improves the receiver SNR. Simulation results show that optimized pulses have a significant bit error rate (BER) performance improvement compared to the Gaussian monocycle under multipath propagation. Our other contribution is evaluating a matched filter to receive efficiently designed UWB pulses. The matched filter is synthesized and fabricated in microstrip technology in collaboration with McGill University as an electromagnetic bandgap device. The frequency response of the matched filter shows close agreement with the target UWB pulse spectrum. BER measurements confirm superior performance of the matched filter compared to a direct conversion receiver. The UWB channel is very rich in multipath leading to ISI at high bit rates. Our last contribution is investigating the performance of receivers by simulating a system employing realistic channel conditions. Simulation results show that the performance of such system degrades significantly for high data rates. To compensate the severe ISI at gigabit rates, we investigate the Viterbi algorithm (VA) with a limited number of states and the decision feedback equalizer (DFE). We examine the required number of states in the VA, and the number of taps in the DFE for reliable Gb/s UWB trans- mission for line-of-sight channels. Non-line-of-sight channels were also investigated at lower speeds. BER simulations confirm that equalization considerably improves the performance compared to symbol detection. The DFE results in better performance compared to the VA when using comparable complexity as the DFE can cover greater channel memory with a relatively low complexity level

    Study of modulation techniques for multiple access satellite communications

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    Multiple access communication utilizing small ground stations for satellite communication modulation - multiplexing technique

    The separation of multiple mutually interfering FM signals and the use of predistortion to compensate for nonlinear RF amplifiers

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    This thesis covers two fairly different topics, separation of multiple FM signals, emphasizing on the case of three FM signals, and pre-distortion for compensation of non-linear amplifiers. The thesis shows that given a received signals that is the sum of three or more interfering FM signals whose phases are bandlimited, there is strong reasons to believe that there is unique solution. I.e., it is probably not possible for any other FM signals that are bandlimited to add to the same received signal. The research also shows that the solution is stable, a small error will not cause a divergence from the solution. Furthermore, a series expansion of the received phase in the case of three interfering FM signals is derived that shows the phase error is wideband compared to the bandwidth of the phase, provided that the strongest signal is strictly dominating. This shows that there is a capture effect on the strongest signal, it also shows that it is not always be possible to separate the three FM signals through cross coupled phased locked loop (CCPLL) techniques. It is also shown that the amplitudes of the signals can be found and how this can be done. An iterative method is presented for separating the three FM signals together with some simulations. The simulations support the theoretical findings;In the pre-distorter research, high order pre-distorters have been found for a fairly wide class of amplifiers. The technique circumvents the Volterra series approach and its associated problems. As the implementation of these pre-distorters are very simple, there is not any practical limitations on the order. For example, an 11th order pre-distorter is easily implemented. The theory behind these types of pre-distorter is developed and is supported through simulations