10,516 research outputs found

    Investigating the potential impact of 1.5, 2 and 3 °C global warming levels on crop suitability and planting season over West Africa

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    West African rainfed agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate variability and change. Global warming is projected to result in higher regional warming and have a strong impact on agriculture. This study specifically examines the impact of global warming levels (GWLs) of 1.5°, 2° and 3 °C relative to 1971–2000 on crop suitability over West Africa. We used 10 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase5 Global Climate Models (CMIP5 GCMs) downscaled by Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) Rossby Centre’s regional Atmospheric model version 4, RCA4, to drive Ecocrop, a crop suitability model, for pearl millet, cassava, groundnut, cowpea, maize and plantain. The results show Ecocrop simulated crop suitability spatial representation with higher suitability, observed to the south of latitude 14°N and lower suitability to its north for 1971–2000 for all crops except for plantain (12°N). The model also simulates the best three planting months within the growing season from September-August over the past climate. Projected changes in crop suitability under the three GWLs 1.5–3.0 °C suggest a spatial suitability expansion for legume and cereal crops, notably in the central southern Sahel zone; root and tuber and plantain in the central Guinea-Savanna zone. In contrast, projected decreases in the crop suitability index value are predicted to the south of 14°N for cereals, root and tuber crops; nevertheless, the areas remain suitable for the crops. A delay of between 1-3 months is projected over the region during the planting month under the three GWLs for legumes, pearl millet and plantain. A two month delay in planting is projected in the south, notably over the Guinea and central Savanna zone with earlier planting of about three months in the Savanna-Sahel zones. The effect of GWL2.0 and GWL3.0 warming in comparison to GWL1.5 °C are more dramatic on cereals and root and tuber crops, especially cassava. All the projected changes in simulated crop suitability in response to climatic variables are statistically significant at 99% confidence level. There is also an increasing trend in the projected crop suitability change across the three warming except for cowpea. This study has implications for improving the resilience of crop production to climate changes, and more broadly, to food security in West Africa

    Development of a Secured Information System to Manage Malaria Related Cases in South Western region of Nigeria

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    Effective community based management of malaria incidences in most community health care centers are hampered by failure in the prompt diagnosis and treatment of malaria. This challenge is exacerbated by the emergence of multidrug resistant plasmodium parasites which makes ineffective most of the effective therapeutic drugs used in the treatment of malaria. Furthermore, even at abrupt changes in the therapeutic recommendations does not always translate to an immediate change in the effective management and control of malaria. Thus, the quest for effective diagnosis and appropriate treatment becomes a daunting and necessary task. . In this article, a secured Information system to manage malaria related cases was developed by 2-tier architecture by using the VB.NET programming language within the Microsoft Visual studio 2008 edition. The database employed for storing relevant data was the SQL server 2005 edition and fingerprint device integrated into the information system was the Microsoft fingerprint reader. From the results in this study, we modeled a feasible medical history system for prompt diagnosis, effective drug recommendations and promulgation of policies that would serve as palliatives for community health care centers that suffers shortages in material and human resources handling malaria and its related diseases

    Bayesian spatial analysis of a national urinary schistosomiasis questionnaire to assist geographic targeting of schistosomiasis control in Tanzania, East Africa.

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    Spatial modelling was applied to self-reported schistosomiasis data from over 2.5 million school students from 12,399 schools in all regions of mainland Tanzania. The aims were to derive statistically robust prevalence estimates in small geographical units (wards), to identify spatial clusters of high and low prevalence and to quantify uncertainty surrounding prevalence estimates. The objective was to permit informed decision-making for targeting of resources by the Tanzanian national schistosomiasis control programme. Bayesian logistic regression models were constructed to investigate the risk of schistosomiasis in each ward, based on the prevalence of self-reported schistosomiasis and blood in urine. Models contained covariates representing climatic and demographic effects and random effects for spatial clustering. Degree of urbanisation, median elevation of the ward and median normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) were significantly and negatively associated with schistosomiasis prevalence. Most regions contained wards that had >95% certainty of schistosomiasis prevalence being >10%, the selected threshold for bi-annual mass chemotherapy of school-age children. Wards with >95% certainty of schistosomiasis prevalence being >30%, the selected threshold for annual mass chemotherapy of school-age children, were clustered in north-western, south-western and south-eastern regions. Large sample sizes in most wards meant raw prevalence estimates were robust. However, when uncertainties were investigated, intervention status was equivocal in 6.7-13.0% of wards depending on the criterion used. The resulting maps are being used to plan the distribution of praziquantel to participating districts; they will be applied to prioritising control in those wards where prevalence was unequivocally above thresholds for intervention and might direct decision-makers to obtain more information in wards where intervention status was uncertain

    Geography of Udi Cuesta Contribution to Hydro- Meteorological Pattern of the South Eastern Nigeria

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    The presence of cuesta with escarpment plays an important role in the distribution of rainfall. Its role was studied and was put together in this work. Various parameters were studied and they include: amount of rainfall, elevation, latitude and the distance from the sea. In this research, frequency analysis was performed on the parameters and the log-pearson type III was considered the most suitable distribution method. Also, principal component analysis was used to determine that two components best estimates the variables with close correlation to be rainfall, elevation, latitude and distance from the sea as component 1 and distance to nearest neighbour and longitude as component 2. With regional coefficient of variation of 22%, the area has low variability which is an indication of high rainfall values with good consistency. Annual average rainfall of South Eastern Nigeria is at 1744 mm with bi-modal double peaks in July and September as in most parts of Southern Nigeria. High rain bearing wind speed of the area with escarpment obviously affect the rainfall pattern. From the determination of the difference in mean of rainfall, it is again obvious that areas close to Udi escarpment of the cuesta have difference in mean below or slightly above mean, hence indicating the effect on rainfall

    Looking ahead: long-term prospects for Africa's agricultural development and food security

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    "Sub-Saharan Africa is the only developing region in the world where food insecurity has worsened instead of improved in recent decades. In this discussion paper, Mark W. Rosegrant, Sarah A. Cline, Weibo Li, Timothy B. Sulser, and Rowena A. Valmonte-Santos show that this discouraging trend need not be a blueprint for the future. The research contained in this discussion paper was conducted in preparation for the IFPRI 2020 Africa conference “Assuring Food and Nutrition Security in Africa by 2020: Prioritizing Actions, Strengthening Actors, and Facilitating Partnerships,” held in Kampala, Uganda, April 1–3, 2004. The authors examine the implications of several different policy scenarios based on IFPRI's International Model for Policy Analysis of Agricultural Commodities and Trade (IMPACT). This model, developed at IFPRI in the early 1990s, has been continually updated to incorporate more food sectors and geographic regions. In this paper, the authors use IMPACT to assess the consequences of a wide range of policy and investment choices for Africa, including a business as usual scenario (continuation of current policy and investment trends through 2025), a pessimistic scenario (declining trends in key investments and in agricultural productivity), and a vision scenario (improving trends in investments and hence in agricultural productivity and human capital), as well as scenarios for more effective use of rainfall in agriculture, reduced marketing margins, and three different scenarios for trade liberalization. The wide variation in results reveals how much these choices will matter. For example, the number of malnourished children under five years old in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2025 is projected to be 38.3 million under business as usual, 55.1 million under the pessimistic scenario, and 9.4 million under the vision scenario. It is our hope that this research will clarify the steps needed to help stimulate the actions contributing to approaching the vision scenario. " From Foreword by Joachim von BraunImpact model, Food insecurity, Forecasting, Agricultural productivity, Human capital, Malnutrition in children,
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