1,009 research outputs found

    Forward-backward truncated Newton methods for convex composite optimization

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    This paper proposes two proximal Newton-CG methods for convex nonsmooth optimization problems in composite form. The algorithms are based on a a reformulation of the original nonsmooth problem as the unconstrained minimization of a continuously differentiable function, namely the forward-backward envelope (FBE). The first algorithm is based on a standard line search strategy, whereas the second one combines the global efficiency estimates of the corresponding first-order methods, while achieving fast asymptotic convergence rates. Furthermore, they are computationally attractive since each Newton iteration requires the approximate solution of a linear system of usually small dimension

    Newton-MR: Inexact Newton Method With Minimum Residual Sub-problem Solver

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    We consider a variant of inexact Newton Method, called Newton-MR, in which the least-squares sub-problems are solved approximately using Minimum Residual method. By construction, Newton-MR can be readily applied for unconstrained optimization of a class of non-convex problems known as invex, which subsumes convexity as a sub-class. For invex optimization, instead of the classical Lipschitz continuity assumptions on gradient and Hessian, Newton-MR's global convergence can be guaranteed under a weaker notion of joint regularity of Hessian and gradient. We also obtain Newton-MR's problem-independent local convergence to the set of minima. We show that fast local/global convergence can be guaranteed under a novel inexactness condition, which, to our knowledge, is much weaker than the prior related works. Numerical results demonstrate the performance of Newton-MR as compared with several other Newton-type alternatives on a few machine learning problems.Comment: 35 page

    Manifold Optimization Over the Set of Doubly Stochastic Matrices: A Second-Order Geometry

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    Convex optimization is a well-established research area with applications in almost all fields. Over the decades, multiple approaches have been proposed to solve convex programs. The development of interior-point methods allowed solving a more general set of convex programs known as semi-definite programs and second-order cone programs. However, it has been established that these methods are excessively slow for high dimensions, i.e., they suffer from the curse of dimensionality. On the other hand, optimization algorithms on manifold have shown great ability in finding solutions to nonconvex problems in reasonable time. This paper is interested in solving a subset of convex optimization using a different approach. The main idea behind Riemannian optimization is to view the constrained optimization problem as an unconstrained one over a restricted search space. The paper introduces three manifolds to solve convex programs under particular box constraints. The manifolds, called the doubly stochastic, symmetric and the definite multinomial manifolds, generalize the simplex also known as the multinomial manifold. The proposed manifolds and algorithms are well-adapted to solving convex programs in which the variable of interest is a multidimensional probability distribution function. Theoretical analysis and simulation results testify the efficiency of the proposed method over state of the art methods. In particular, they reveal that the proposed framework outperforms conventional generic and specialized solvers, especially in high dimensions

    On Quasi-Newton Forward--Backward Splitting: Proximal Calculus and Convergence

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    We introduce a framework for quasi-Newton forward--backward splitting algorithms (proximal quasi-Newton methods) with a metric induced by diagonal ±\pm rank-rr symmetric positive definite matrices. This special type of metric allows for a highly efficient evaluation of the proximal mapping. The key to this efficiency is a general proximal calculus in the new metric. By using duality, formulas are derived that relate the proximal mapping in a rank-rr modified metric to the original metric. We also describe efficient implementations of the proximity calculation for a large class of functions; the implementations exploit the piece-wise linear nature of the dual problem. Then, we apply these results to acceleration of composite convex minimization problems, which leads to elegant quasi-Newton methods for which we prove convergence. The algorithm is tested on several numerical examples and compared to a comprehensive list of alternatives in the literature. Our quasi-Newton splitting algorithm with the prescribed metric compares favorably against state-of-the-art. The algorithm has extensive applications including signal processing, sparse recovery, machine learning and classification to name a few.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1206.115

    GIANT: Globally Improved Approximate Newton Method for Distributed Optimization

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    For distributed computing environment, we consider the empirical risk minimization problem and propose a distributed and communication-efficient Newton-type optimization method. At every iteration, each worker locally finds an Approximate NewTon (ANT) direction, which is sent to the main driver. The main driver, then, averages all the ANT directions received from workers to form a {\it Globally Improved ANT} (GIANT) direction. GIANT is highly communication efficient and naturally exploits the trade-offs between local computations and global communications in that more local computations result in fewer overall rounds of communications. Theoretically, we show that GIANT enjoys an improved convergence rate as compared with first-order methods and existing distributed Newton-type methods. Further, and in sharp contrast with many existing distributed Newton-type methods, as well as popular first-order methods, a highly advantageous practical feature of GIANT is that it only involves one tuning parameter. We conduct large-scale experiments on a computer cluster and, empirically, demonstrate the superior performance of GIANT.Comment: Fixed some typos. Improved writin
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