132 research outputs found

    Resource Allocation in Ad Hoc Networks

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    Unlike the centralized network, the ad hoc network does not have any central administrations and energy is constrained, e.g. battery, so the resource allocation plays a very important role in efficiently managing the limited energy in ad hoc networks. This thesis focuses on the resource allocation in ad hoc networks and aims to develop novel techniques that will improve the network performance from different network layers, such as the physical layer, Medium Access Control (MAC) layer and network layer. This thesis examines the energy utilization in High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) systems at the physical layer. Two resource allocation techniques, known as channel adaptive HSDPA and two-group HSDPA, are developed to improve the performance of an ad hoc radio system through reducing the residual energy, which in turn, should improve the data rate in HSDPA systems. The channel adaptive HSDPA removes the constraint on the number of channels used for transmissions. The two-group allocation minimizes the residual energy in HSDPA systems and therefore enhances the physical data rates in transmissions due to adaptive modulations. These proposed approaches provide better data rate than rates achieved with the current HSDPA type of algorithm. By considering both physical transmission power and data rates for defining the cost function of the routing scheme, an energy-aware routing scheme is proposed in order to find the routing path with the least energy consumption. By focusing on the routing paths with low energy consumption, computational complexity is significantly reduced. The data rate enhancement achieved by two-group resource allocation further reduces the required amount of energy per bit for each path. With a novel load balancing technique, the information bits can be allocated to each path in such that a way the overall amount of energy consumed is minimized. After loading bits to multiple routing paths, an end-to-end delay minimization solution along a routing path is developed through studying MAC distributed coordination function (DCF) service time. Furthermore, the overhead effect and the related throughput reduction are studied. In order to enhance the network throughput at the MAC layer, two MAC DCF-based adaptive payload allocation approaches are developed through introducing Lagrange optimization and studying equal data transmission period

    Cross-layer aided energy-efficient routing design for ad hoc networks

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    In this treatise, we first review some basic routing protocols conceived for ad hoc networks, followed by some design examples of cross-layer operation aided routing protocols. Specifically, cross-layer operation across the PHYsical layer (PHY), the Data Link layer (DL) and even the NETwork layer (NET) is exemplified for improving the energy efficiency of the entire system. Moreover, the philosophy of Opportunistic Routing (OR) is reviewed for the sake of further reducing the system's energy dissipation with the aid of optimized Power Allocation (PA). The system's end-to-end throughput is also considered in the context of a design example

    Energy-efficient diversity combining for different access schemes in a multi-path dispersive channel

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e ComputadoresThe forthcoming generation of mobile communications, 5G, will settle a new standard for a larger bandwidth and better Quality of Service (QoS). With the exploding growth rate of user generated data, wireless standards must cope with this growth and at the same time be energy efficient to avoid depleting the batteries of wireless devices. Besides these issues, in a broadband wireless setting QoS can be severely affected from a multipath dispersive channel and therefore be energy demanding. Cross-layered architectures are a good choice to enhance the overall performance of a wireless system. Examples of cross-layered Physical (PHY) - Medium Access Control (MAC) architectures are type-II Diversity Combining (DC) Hybrid-ARQ (H-ARQ) and Multi-user Detection (MUD) schemes. Cross-layered type-II DC H-ARQ schemes reuse failed packet transmissions to enhance data reception on posterior retransmissions; MUD schemes reuse data information from previously collided packets on posterior retransmissions to enhance data reception. For a multipath dispersive channel, a PHY layer analytical model is proposed for Single-Carrier with Frequency Domain Equalization (SC-FDE) that supports DC H-ARQ and MUD. Based on this analytical model, three PHY-MAC protocols are proposed. A crosslayered Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) scheme that uses DC H-ARQ is modeled and its performance is studied in this document; the performance analysis shows that the scheme performs better with DC and achieves a better energy efficiency at the cost of a higher delay. A novel cross-layered prefix-assisted Direct-Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) scheme is proposed and modeled in this document, it uses principles of DC and MUD. This protocol performs better by means of additional retransmissions, achieving better energy efficiency, at the cost of higher redundancy from a code spreading gain. Finally, a novel cross-layered protocol H-ARQ Network Division Multiple Access (H-NDMA) is proposed and modeled, where the combination of DC H-ARQ and MUD is used with the intent of maximizing the system capacity with a lower delay; system results show that the proposed scheme achieves better energy efficiency and a better performance at the cost of a higher number of retransmissions. A comparison of the three cross-layered protocols is made, using the PHY analytical model, under normalized conditions using the same amount of maximum redundancy. Results show that the H-NDMA protocol, in general, obtains the best results, achieving a good performance and a good energy efficiency for a high channel load and low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). TDMA with DC H-ARQ achieves the best energy efficiency, although presenting the worst delay. Prefix-assisted DS-CDMA in the other hand shows good delay results but presents the worst throughput and energy efficiency

    Enabling Technologies for Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications: From PHY and MAC Layer Perspectives

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    © 1998-2012 IEEE. Future 5th generation networks are expected to enable three key services-enhanced mobile broadband, massive machine type communications and ultra-reliable and low latency communications (URLLC). As per the 3rd generation partnership project URLLC requirements, it is expected that the reliability of one transmission of a 32 byte packet will be at least 99.999% and the latency will be at most 1 ms. This unprecedented level of reliability and latency will yield various new applications, such as smart grids, industrial automation and intelligent transport systems. In this survey we present potential future URLLC applications, and summarize the corresponding reliability and latency requirements. We provide a comprehensive discussion on physical (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) layer techniques that enable URLLC, addressing both licensed and unlicensed bands. This paper evaluates the relevant PHY and MAC techniques for their ability to improve the reliability and reduce the latency. We identify that enabling long-term evolution to coexist in the unlicensed spectrum is also a potential enabler of URLLC in the unlicensed band, and provide numerical evaluations. Lastly, this paper discusses the potential future research directions and challenges in achieving the URLLC requirements

    State-of-the-art in Power Line Communications: from the Applications to the Medium

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    In recent decades, power line communication has attracted considerable attention from the research community and industry, as well as from regulatory and standardization bodies. In this article we provide an overview of both narrowband and broadband systems, covering potential applications, regulatory and standardization efforts and recent research advancements in channel characterization, physical layer performance, medium access and higher layer specifications and evaluations. We also identify areas of current and further study that will enable the continued success of power line communication technology.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. Special Issue on Power Line Communications and its Integration with the Networking Ecosystem. 201

    The SoftPHY Abstraction: from Packets to Symbols in Wireless Network Design

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    At ever-increasing rates, we are using wireless systems to communicatewith others and retrieve content of interest to us. Current wirelesstechnologies such as WiFi or Zigbee use forward error correction todrive bit error rates down when there are few interferingtransmissions. However, as more of us use wireless networks toretrieve increasingly rich content, interference increases inunpredictable ways. This results in errored bits, degradedthroughput, and eventually, an unusable network. We observe that thisis the result of higher layers working at the packet granularity,whereas they would benefit from a shift in perspective from wholepackets to individual symbols.From real-world experiments on a 31-node testbed of Zigbee andsoftware-defined radios, we find that often, not all of the bitsin corrupted packets share fate. Thus, today's wireless protocolsretransmit packets where only a small number of the constituent bitsin a packet are in error, wasting network resources. In thisdissertation, we will describe a physical layer that passesinformation about its confidence in each decoded symbol up to higherlayers. These SoftPHY hints have many applications, one ofwhich, more efficient link-layer retransmissions, we will describe indetail. PP-ARQ is a link-layer reliable retransmission protocolthat allows a receiver to compactly encode a request forretransmission of only the bits in a packet that are likely in error.Our experimental results show that PP-ARQ increases aggregate networkthroughput by a factor of approximately 2x under variousconditions. Finally, we will place our contributions in the contextof related work and discuss other uses of SoftPHY throughout thewireless networking stack

    Learning for Cross-layer Resource Allocation in the Framework of Cognitive Wireless Networks

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    The framework of cognitive wireless networks is expected to endow wireless devices with a cognition-intelligence ability with which they can efficiently learn and respond to the dynamic wireless environment. In this dissertation, we focus on the problem of developing cognitive network control mechanisms without knowing in advance an accurate network model. We study a series of cross-layer resource allocation problems in cognitive wireless networks. Based on model-free learning, optimization and game theory, we propose a framework of self-organized, adaptive strategy learning for wireless devices to (implicitly) build the understanding of the network dynamics through trial-and-error. The work of this dissertation is divided into three parts. In the first part, we investigate a distributed, single-agent decision-making problem for real-time video streaming over a time-varying wireless channel between a single pair of transmitter and receiver. By modeling the joint source-channel resource allocation process for video streaming as a constrained Markov decision process, we propose a reinforcement learning scheme to search for the optimal transmission policy without the need to know in advance the details of network dynamics. In the second part of this work, we extend our study from the single-agent to a multi-agent decision-making scenario, and study the energy-efficient power allocation problems in a two-tier, underlay heterogeneous network and in a self-sustainable green network. For the heterogeneous network, we propose a stochastic learning algorithm based on repeated games to allow individual macro- or femto-users to find a Stackelberg equilibrium without flooding the network with local action information. For the self-sustainable green network, we propose a combinatorial auction mechanism that allows mobile stations to adaptively choose the optimal base station and sub-carrier group for transmission only from local payoff and transmission strategy information. In the third part of this work, we study a cross-layer routing problem in an interweaved Cognitive Radio Network (CRN), where an accurate network model is not available and the secondary users that are distributed within the CRN only have access to local action/utility information. In order to develop a spectrum-aware routing mechanism that is robust against potential insider attackers, we model the uncoordinated interaction between CRN nodes in the dynamic wireless environment as a stochastic game. Through decomposition of the stochastic routing game, we propose two stochastic learning algorithm based on a group of repeated stage games for the secondary users to learn the best-response strategies without the need of information flooding

    Resource Allocation for Interference Management in Wireless Networks

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    Interference in wireless networks is a major problem that impacts system performance quite substantially. Combined with the fact that the spectrum is limited and scarce, the performance and reliability of wireless systems significantly deteriorates and, hence, communication sessions are put at the risk of failure. In an attempt to make transmissions resilient to interference and, accordingly, design robust wireless systems, a diverse set of interference mitigation techniques are investigated in this dissertation. Depending on the rationale motivating the interfering node, interference can be divided into two categories, communication and jamming. For communication interference such as the interference created by legacy users(e.g., primary user transmitters in a cognitive radio network) at non-legacy or unlicensed users(e.g.,secondary user receivers), two mitigation techniques are presented in this dissertation. One exploits permutation trellis codes combined with M-ary frequency shift keying in order to make SU transmissions resilient to PUs’ interference, while the other utilizes frequency allocation as a mitigation technique against SU interference using Matching theory. For jamming interference, two mitigation techniques are also investigated here. One technique exploits time and structures a jammer mitigation framework through an automatic repeat request protocol. The other one utilizes power and, following a game-theoretic framework, employs a defense strategy against jamming based on a strategic power allocation. Superior performance of all of the proposed mitigation techniques is shown via numerical results