767 research outputs found

    A TCP Driven CAC scheme: efficient resource utilization in a leaky HAP-satellite integrated scenario

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    An integrated high altitude platform (HAP)-satellite communication system appears to be very suitable for a large set of scenarios including emergency situations, exceptional events, etc. In fact, the satellite capability to provide a broadband and ubiquitous access can be enhanced by the deployment of HAP that allows the use of low-power consuming, cost-efficient, and portable terminals. To obtain an optimum utilization of radio resource, without renouncing to QoS satisfaction, a suitable call admission control scheme must be implemented. Nevertheless, transmission control protocol (TCP) behavior, mainly affected by the high latency and shadowing events, can impact call admission control (CAC) performance. Therefore, it would be desirable that the CAC scheme takes into account also the TCP congestion window real evolution. We present an innovative CAC scheme that uses TCP statistics as one of its inputs and is able to manage different classes of users. Results show that CAC performance is significantly improved by introducing TCP statistics about network congestion as an input parameter

    Network emulation focusing on QoS-Oriented satellite communication

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    This chapter proposes network emulation basics and a complete case study of QoS-oriented Satellite Communication

    Partners in Prevention: Community-Wide Homelessness Prevention in Massachusetts and the United States

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    Examines six community initiatives to prevent homelessness involving cross-organizational resource-sharing, policies, and interventions. Looks at each program's strategy, organization, interventions, and approaches to partnerships, outcomes, and funding

    Emulation of Industrial Control Field Device Protocols

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    It has been shown that thousands of industrial control devices are exposed to the Internet, however, the extent and nature of attacks on such devices remains unknown. The first step to understanding security problems that face modern supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and industrial controls networks is to understand the various attacks launched on Internet-connected field devices. This thesis describes the design and implementation of an industrial control emulator on a Gumstix single-board computer as a solution. This emulator acts as a decoy field device, or honeypot, intended to be probed and attacked via an Internet connection. Evaluation techniques are developed to assess the accuracy of the emulation implemented on the Gumstix and are compared against the implementation on a standard PC and the emulation target, a Koyo DirectLogic 405 programmable logic controller. The results show that both the Gumstix and PC emulator platforms are very accurate to the workloads presented. This suggests that a honeypot implemented on a Gumstix emulator and a standard PC are both suitable for applications in SCADA attack-landscape research

    Computer based simulation of optical wireless communications for the development of optimized error protection and correction schemes

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    Commercial application of optical wireless communications is currently limited to the area of short range near ground connections, like networks between buildings over a few kilometers. For other areas of application, like data downlinks from flying platforms, demonstrations have been done, but commercial systems for long range communications over many kilometers are not yet available for general usage. The biggest challenge for reliable optical communications is to mitigate the fading of the received optical signal. A possible solution is to implement error protection and correction mechanisms for securing transmitted data. In this dissertation a simplified channel model is developed which can be used for computer based simulation. This simplified channel model is then used for the evaluation of error protection and correction mechanisms applied to the optical wireless channel. Finally generally proposed communication scenarios are evaluated if optical wireless communication is possible, based on the developed channel model. The results show that the combination of forward error correction and selective repeat automatic repeat request protocols can be used to realize reliable optical communication links in all proposed scenarios, even the most challenging ones. The back channel traffic for automatic repeat request protocols leads to a significant reduction of the transmittable user data rate in worst-case scenarios and has to be taken into account for the system design. The developed simulation approach can be used to optimize protocols for the optical wireless channel in order to reduce the load on the back channel and the over all required memory.Die kommerzielle Anwendung der optischen Freiraumkommunikation ist gegenwärtig auf den Bereich der bodennahen Kurzstreckenverbindungen mit wenigen Kilometern Länge begrenzt, beispielsweise Netzwerkverbindung zwischen Gebäuden. In anderen Anwendungsbereichen, z.B. Datendownlinks von fliegenden Plattformen, wurden zwar Technologiedemonstrationen durchgeführt, jedoch sind für solche Langstreckenverbindungen keine alltagstauglichen kommerziellen Systeme verfügbar. Die größte Herausforderung für zuverlässige optische Kommunikation ist die Kompensation der Signalschwankungen des empfangenen optischen Signals. Eine mögliche Lösung für dieses Problem ist die Implementierung von Fehlersicherungs- und Fehlerkorrekturmechanismen, um die Datenübertragung abzusichern. In dieser Dissertation wird ein vereinfachtes Kanalmodell entwickelt, welches für die Simulationen mittels Computern geeignet ist. Dieses vereinfachte Modell wird anschließend für die Bewertung von Fehlersicherungs- und Fehlerkorrekturmechanismen für den optischen Kanal verwendet. Abschliessend wird basierend auf dem entwickelten Kanalmodell der mögliche Einsatz von optischer Freiraumkommunikation in häufig vorgeschlagenen Szenarien untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Kombination von Vorwärtsfehlerkorrektur und Protokollen mit selektiver Wiederholung und automatischer Wiederholungsanfrage geeignet ist, um zuverlässige optische Kommunikationsverbindungen in allen vorgeschlagenen Szenarien zu realisieren, selbst in den anspruchsvollsten. Die Datenübertragung auf dem Rückkanal von Protokollen mit automatischer Wiederholungsanfrage führt im schlechtesten Fall zu einer signifikanten Reduzierung der übertragbaren Nutzdatenrate und muss bei der Systemauslegung berücksichtigt werden. Mit dem entwickelten Simulationsansatz können Protokolle für den optischen Funkkanal optimiert werden, um die Belastung des Rückkanals zu reduzieren und um den allgemeinen Speicherbedarf zu reduzieren

    Review on free-space optical communications for delay and disruption tolerant networks

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    The increase of data-rates that are provided by free-space optical (FSO) communications is essential in our data-driven society. When used in satellite and interplanetary networks, these optical links can ensure fast connections, yet they are susceptible to atmospheric disruptions and long orbital delays. The Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) architecture ensures a reliable connection between two end nodes, without the need for a direct connection. This can be an asset when used with FSO links, providing protocols that can handle the intermittent nature of the connection. This paper provides a review on the theoretical and state-of-the-art studies on FSO and DTN. The aim of this review is to provide motivation for the research of an optical wireless satellite network, with focus on the use of the Licklider Transmission Protocol. The assessment presented establishes the viability of these networks, providing many examples to rely on, and summarizing the most recent stage of the development of the technologies addressed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio