78 research outputs found

    Geometric and asymptotic properties associated with linear switched systems

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    Consider continuous-time linear switched systems on R^n associated with compact convex sets of matrices. When the system is irreducible and the largest Lyapunov exponent is equal to zero, there always exists a Barabanov norm (i.e. a norm which is non increasing along trajectories of the linear switched system together with extremal trajectories starting at every point, that is trajectories of the linear switched system with constant norm). This paper deals with two sets of issues: (a) properties of Barabanov norms such as uniqueness up to homogeneity and strict convexity; (b) asymptotic behaviour of the extremal solutions of the linear switched system. Regarding Issue (a), we provide partial answers and propose four open problems motivated by appropriate examples. As for Issue (b), we establish, when n = 3, a Poincar\'e-Bendixson theorem under a regularity assumption on the set of matrices defining the system. Moreover, we revisit the noteworthy result of N.E. Barabanov [5] dealing with the linear switched system on R^3 associated with a pair of Hurwitz matrices {A, A + bcT }. We first point out a fatal gap in Barabanov's argument in connection with geometric features associated with a Barabanov norm. We then provide partial answers relative to the asymptotic behavior of this linear switched system.Comment: 37 page

    Mather sets for sequences of matrices and applications to the study of joint spectral radii

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    The joint spectral radius of a compact set of d-times-d matrices is defined ?to be the maximum possible exponential growth rate of products of matrices drawn from that set. In this article we investigate the ergodic-theoretic structure of those sequences of matrices drawn from a given set whose products grow at the maximum possible rate. This leads to a notion of Mather set for matrix sequences which is analogous to the Mather set in Lagrangian dynamics. We prove a structure theorem establishing the general properties of these Mather sets and describing the extent to which they characterise matrix sequences of maximum growth. We give applications of this theorem to the study of joint spectral radii and to the stability theory of discrete linear inclusions. These results rest on some general theorems on the structure of orbits of maximum growth for subadditive observations of dynamical systems, including an extension of the semi-uniform subadditive ergodic theorem of Schreiber, Sturman and Stark, and an extension of a noted lemma of Y. Peres. These theorems are presented in the appendix

    Extremal norms for positive linear inclusions

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    For finite-dimensional linear semigroups which leave a proper cone invariant it is shown that irreducibility with respect to the cone implies the existence of an extremal norm. In case the cone is simplicial a similar statement applies to absolute norms. The semigroups under consideration may be generated by discrete-time systems, continuous-time systems or continuous-time systems with jumps. The existence of extremal norms is used to extend results on the Lipschitz continuity of the joint spectral radius beyond the known case of semigroups that are irreducible in the representation theory interpretation of the word

    Properties of Barabanov norms and extremal trajectories associated with continuous-time linear switched systems

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    International audienceConsider continuous-time linear switched systems on R^n associated with compact convex sets of matrices. When the system is irreducible and the largest Lyapunov exponent is equal to zero, a Barabanov norm always exists. This paper deals with two sets of issues: (a) properties of Barabanov norms such as uniqueness up to homogeneity and strict convexity; (b) asymptotic behaviour of the extremal solutions of the system. Regarding Issue (a), we provide partial answers and propose two open problems motivated by appropriate examples. As for Issue (b), we establish, when n = 3, a Poincaré-Bendixson theorem under a regularity assumption on the set of matrices defining the system

    Non-linear eigenvalue problems arising from growth maximization of positive linear dynamical systems

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    We study a growth maximization problem for a continuous time positive linear system with switches. This is motivated by a problem of mathematical biology (modeling growth-fragmentation processes and the PMCA protocol). We show that the growth rate is determined by the non-linear eigenvalue of a max-plus analogue of the Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius operator, or equivalently, by the ergodic constant of a Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) partial differential equation, the solutions or subsolutions of which yield Barabanov and extremal norms, respectively. We exploit contraction properties of order preserving flows, with respect to Hilbert's projective metric, to show that the non-linear eigenvector of the operator, or the "weak KAM" solution of the HJ equation, does exist. Low dimensional examples are presented, showing that the optimal control can lead to a limit cycle.Comment: 8 page

    Canonical construction of polytope Barabanov norms and antinorms for sets of matrices

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    Barabanov norms have been introduced in Barabanov (Autom. Remote Control, 49 (1988), pp. 152\u2013157) and constitute an important instrument in analyzing the joint spectral radius of a family of matrices and related issues. However, although they have been studied extensively, even in very simple cases it is very difficult to construct them explicitly (see, e.g., Kozyakin (Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 14 (2010), pp. 143\u2013158)). In this paper we give a canonical procedure to construct them exactly, which associates a polytope extremal norm\u2014constructed by using the methodologies described in Guglielmi, Wirth, and Zennaro (SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 27 (2005), pp. 721\u2013743) and Guglielmi and Protasov (Found. Comput. Math., 13 (2013), pp. 37\u201397)\u2014to a polytope Barabanov norm. Hence, the existence of a polytope Barabanov norm has the same genericity of an extremal polytope norm. Moreover, we extend the result to polytope antinorms, which have been recently introduced to compute the lower spectral radius of a finite family of matrices having an invariant cone

    Resonance and marginal instability of switching systems

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    We analyse the so-called Marginal Instability of linear switching systems, both in continuous and discrete time. This is a phenomenon of unboundedness of trajectories when the Lyapunov exponent is zero. We disprove two recent conjectures of Chitour, Mason, and Sigalotti (2012) stating that for generic systems, the resonance is sufficient for marginal instability and for polynomial growth of the trajectories. We provide a characterization of marginal instability under some mild assumptions on the sys- tem. These assumptions can be verified algorithmically and are believed to be generic. Finally, we analyze possible types of fastest asymptotic growth of trajectories. An example of a pair of matrices with sublinear growth is given
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