6,114 research outputs found

    Steerable Discrete Cosine Transform

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    In image compression, classical block-based separable transforms tend to be inefficient when image blocks contain arbitrarily shaped discontinuities. For this reason, transforms incorporating directional information are an appealing alternative. In this paper, we propose a new approach to this problem, namely a discrete cosine transform (DCT) that can be steered in any chosen direction. Such transform, called steerable DCT (SDCT), allows to rotate in a flexible way pairs of basis vectors, and enables precise matching of directionality in each image block, achieving improved coding efficiency. The optimal rotation angles for SDCT can be represented as solution of a suitable rate-distortion (RD) problem. We propose iterative methods to search such solution, and we develop a fully fledged image encoder to practically compare our techniques with other competing transforms. Analytical and numerical results prove that SDCT outperforms both DCT and state-of-the-art directional transforms

    On the rate-distortion performance and computational efficiency of the Karhunen-Loeve transform for lossy data compression

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    We examine the rate-distortion performance and computational complexity of linear transforms for lossy data compression. The goal is to better understand the performance/complexity tradeoffs associated with using the Karhunen-Loeve transform (KLT) and its fast approximations. Since the optimal transform for transform coding is unknown in general, we investigate the performance penalties associated with using the KLT by examining cases where the KLT fails, developing a new transform that corrects the KLT's failures in those examples, and then empirically testing the performance difference between this new transform and the KLT. Experiments demonstrate that while the worst KLT can yield transform coding performance at least 3 dB worse than that of alternative block transforms, the performance penalty associated with using the KLT on real data sets seems to be significantly smaller, giving at most 0.5 dB difference in our experiments. The KLT and its fast variations studied here range in complexity requirements from O(n^2) to O(n log n) in coding vectors of dimension n. We empirically investigate the rate-distortion performance tradeoffs associated with traversing this range of options. For example, an algorithm with complexity O(n^3/2) and memory O(n) gives 0.4 dB performance loss relative to the full KLT in our image compression experiment

    Rate-Distortion Analysis of Multiview Coding in a DIBR Framework

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    Depth image based rendering techniques for multiview applications have been recently introduced for efficient view generation at arbitrary camera positions. Encoding rate control has thus to consider both texture and depth data. Due to different structures of depth and texture images and their different roles on the rendered views, distributing the available bit budget between them however requires a careful analysis. Information loss due to texture coding affects the value of pixels in synthesized views while errors in depth information lead to shift in objects or unexpected patterns at their boundaries. In this paper, we address the problem of efficient bit allocation between textures and depth data of multiview video sequences. We adopt a rate-distortion framework based on a simplified model of depth and texture images. Our model preserves the main features of depth and texture images. Unlike most recent solutions, our method permits to avoid rendering at encoding time for distortion estimation so that the encoding complexity is not augmented. In addition to this, our model is independent of the underlying inpainting method that is used at decoder. Experiments confirm our theoretical results and the efficiency of our rate allocation strategy

    Design and Optimization of Graph Transform for Image and Video Compression

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    The main contribution of this thesis is the introduction of new methods for designing adaptive transforms for image and video compression. Exploiting graph signal processing techniques, we develop new graph construction methods targeted for image and video compression applications. In this way, we obtain a graph that is, at the same time, a good representation of the image and easy to transmit to the decoder. To do so, we investigate different research directions. First, we propose a new method for graph construction that employs innovative edge metrics, quantization and edge prediction techniques. Then, we propose to use a graph learning approach and we introduce a new graph learning algorithm targeted for image compression that defines the connectivities between pixels by taking into consideration the coding of the image signal and the graph topology in rate-distortion term. Moreover, we also present a new superpixel-driven graph transform that uses clusters of superpixel as coding blocks and then computes the graph transform inside each region. In the second part of this work, we exploit graphs to design directional transforms. In fact, an efficient representation of the image directional information is extremely important in order to obtain high performance image and video coding. In this thesis, we present a new directional transform, called Steerable Discrete Cosine Transform (SDCT). This new transform can be obtained by steering the 2D-DCT basis in any chosen direction. Moreover, we can also use more complex steering patterns than a single pure rotation. In order to show the advantages of the SDCT, we present a few image and video compression methods based on this new directional transform. The obtained results show that the SDCT can be efficiently applied to image and video compression and it outperforms the classical DCT and other directional transforms. Along the same lines, we present also a new generalization of the DFT, called Steerable DFT (SDFT). Differently from the SDCT, the SDFT can be defined in one or two dimensions. The 1D-SDFT represents a rotation in the complex plane, instead the 2D-SDFT performs a rotation in the 2D Euclidean space

    Optimal modeling for complex system design

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    The article begins with a brief introduction to the theory describing optimal data compression systems and their performance. A brief outline is then given of a representative algorithm that employs these lessons for optimal data compression system design. The implications of rate-distortion theory for practical data compression system design is then described, followed by a description of the tensions between theoretical optimality and system practicality and a discussion of common tools used in current algorithms to resolve these tensions. Next, the generalization of rate-distortion principles to the design of optimal collections of models is presented. The discussion focuses initially on data compression systems, but later widens to describe how rate-distortion theory principles generalize to model design for a wide variety of modeling applications. The article ends with a discussion of the performance benefits to be achieved using the multiple-model design algorithms

    Improved Method to Select the Lagrange Multiplier for Rate-Distortion Based Motion Estimation in Video Coding

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    The motion estimation (ME) process used in the H.264/AVC reference software is based on minimizing a cost function that involves two terms (distortion and rate) that are properly balanced through a Lagrangian parameter, usually denoted as lambda(motion). In this paper we propose an algorithm to improve the conventional way of estimating lambda(motion) and, consequently, the ME process. First, we show that the conventional estimation of lambda(motion) turns out to be significantly less accurate when ME-compromising events, which make the ME process to perform poorly, happen. Second, with the aim of improving the coding efficiency in these cases, an efficient algorithm is proposed that allows the encoder to choose between three different values of lambda(motion) for the Inter 16x16 partition size. To be more precise, for this partition size, the proposed algorithm allows the encoder to additionally test lambda(motion) = 0 and lambda(motion) arbitrarily large, which corresponds to minimum distortion and minimum rate solutions, respectively. By testing these two extreme values, the algorithm avoids making large ME errors. The experimental results on video segments exhibiting this type of ME-compromising events reveal an average rate reduction of 2.20% for the same coding quality with respect to the JM15.1 reference software of H.264/AVC. The algorithm has been also tested in comparison with a state-of-the-art algorithm called context adaptive Lagrange multiplier. Additionally, two illustrative examples of the subjective performance improvement are provided.This work has been partially supported by the National Grant TEC2011-26807 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Publicad

    Vision Science and Technology at NASA: Results of a Workshop

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    A broad review is given of vision science and technology within NASA. The subject is defined and its applications in both NASA and the nation at large are noted. A survey of current NASA efforts is given, noting strengths and weaknesses of the NASA program

    Towards visualization and searching :a dual-purpose video coding approach

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    In modern video applications, the role of the decoded video is much more than filling a screen for visualization. To offer powerful video-enabled applications, it is increasingly critical not only to visualize the decoded video but also to provide efficient searching capabilities for similar content. Video surveillance and personal communication applications are critical examples of these dual visualization and searching requirements. However, current video coding solutions are strongly biased towards the visualization needs. In this context, the goal of this work is to propose a dual-purpose video coding solution targeting both visualization and searching needs by adopting a hybrid coding framework where the usual pixel-based coding approach is combined with a novel feature-based coding approach. In this novel dual-purpose video coding solution, some frames are coded using a set of keypoint matches, which not only allow decoding for visualization, but also provide the decoder valuable feature-related information, extracted at the encoder from the original frames, instrumental for efficient searching. The proposed solution is based on a flexible joint Lagrangian optimization framework where pixel-based and feature-based processing are combined to find the most appropriate trade-off between the visualization and searching performances. Extensive experimental results for the assessment of the proposed dual-purpose video coding solution under meaningful test conditions are presented. The results show the flexibility of the proposed coding solution to achieve different optimization trade-offs, notably competitive performance regarding the state-of-the-art HEVC standard both in terms of visualization and searching performance.Em modernas aplicações de vídeo, o papel do vídeo decodificado é muito mais que simplesmente preencher uma tela para visualização. Para oferecer aplicações mais poderosas por meio de sinais de vídeo,é cada vez mais crítico não apenas considerar a qualidade do conteúdo objetivando sua visualização, mas também possibilitar meios de realizar busca por conteúdos semelhantes. Requisitos de visualização e de busca são considerados, por exemplo, em modernas aplicações de vídeo vigilância e comunicações pessoais. No entanto, as atuais soluções de codificação de vídeo são fortemente voltadas aos requisitos de visualização. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma solução de codificação de vídeo de propósito duplo, objetivando tanto requisitos de visualização quanto de busca. Para isso, é proposto um arcabouço de codificação em que a abordagem usual de codificação de pixels é combinada com uma nova abordagem de codificação baseada em features visuais. Nessa solução, alguns quadros são codificados usando um conjunto de pares de keypoints casados, possibilitando não apenas visualização, mas também provendo ao decodificador valiosas informações de features visuais, extraídas no codificador a partir do conteúdo original, que são instrumentais em aplicações de busca. A solução proposta emprega um esquema flexível de otimização Lagrangiana onde o processamento baseado em pixel é combinado com o processamento baseado em features visuais objetivando encontrar um compromisso adequado entre os desempenhos de visualização e de busca. Os resultados experimentais mostram a flexibilidade da solução proposta em alcançar diferentes compromissos de otimização, nomeadamente desempenho competitivo em relação ao padrão HEVC tanto em termos de visualização quanto de busca
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