1,876 research outputs found

    Astrophysical Supercomputing with GPUs: Critical Decisions for Early Adopters

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    General purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) is dramatically changing the landscape of high performance computing in astronomy. In this paper, we identify and investigate several key decision areas, with a goal of simplyfing the early adoption of GPGPU in astronomy. We consider the merits of OpenCL as an open standard in order to reduce risks associated with coding in a native, vendor-specific programming environment, and present a GPU programming philosophy based on using brute force solutions. We assert that effective use of new GPU-based supercomputing facilities will require a change in approach from astronomers. This will likely include improved programming training, an increased need for software development best-practice through the use of profiling and related optimisation tools, and a greater reliance on third-party code libraries. As with any new technology, those willing to take the risks, and make the investment of time and effort to become early adopters of GPGPU in astronomy, stand to reap great benefits.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Genetic Algorithm Modeling with GPU Parallel Computing Technology

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    We present a multi-purpose genetic algorithm, designed and implemented with GPGPU / CUDA parallel computing technology. The model was derived from a multi-core CPU serial implementation, named GAME, already scientifically successfully tested and validated on astrophysical massive data classification problems, through a web application resource (DAMEWARE), specialized in data mining based on Machine Learning paradigms. Since genetic algorithms are inherently parallel, the GPGPU computing paradigm has provided an exploit of the internal training features of the model, permitting a strong optimization in terms of processing performances and scalability.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, refereed proceedings; Neural Nets and Surroundings, Proceedings of 22nd Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, WIRN 2012; Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol. 19, Springe

    GPU acceleration of brain image proccessing

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    Durante los últimos años se ha venido demostrando el alto poder computacional que ofrecen las GPUs a la hora de resolver determinados problemas. Al mismo tiempo, existen campos en los que no es posible beneficiarse completamente de las mejoras conseguidas por los investigadores, debido principalmente a que los tiempos de ejecución de las aplicaciones llegan a ser extremadamente largos. Este es por ejemplo el caso del registro de imágenes en medicina. A pesar de que se han conseguido aceleraciones sobre el registro de imágenes, su uso en la práctica clínica es aún limitado. Entre otras cosas, esto se debe al rendimiento conseguido. Por lo tanto se plantea como objetivo de este proyecto, conseguir mejorar los tiempos de ejecución de una aplicación dedicada al resgitro de imágenes en medicina, con el fin de ayudar a aliviar este problema

    OpenCL Actors - Adding Data Parallelism to Actor-based Programming with CAF

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    The actor model of computation has been designed for a seamless support of concurrency and distribution. However, it remains unspecific about data parallel program flows, while available processing power of modern many core hardware such as graphics processing units (GPUs) or coprocessors increases the relevance of data parallelism for general-purpose computation. In this work, we introduce OpenCL-enabled actors to the C++ Actor Framework (CAF). This offers a high level interface for accessing any OpenCL device without leaving the actor paradigm. The new type of actor is integrated into the runtime environment of CAF and gives rise to transparent message passing in distributed systems on heterogeneous hardware. Following the actor logic in CAF, OpenCL kernels can be composed while encapsulated in C++ actors, hence operate in a multi-stage fashion on data resident at the GPU. Developers are thus enabled to build complex data parallel programs from primitives without leaving the actor paradigm, nor sacrificing performance. Our evaluations on commodity GPUs, an Nvidia TESLA, and an Intel PHI reveal the expected linear scaling behavior when offloading larger workloads. For sub-second duties, the efficiency of offloading was found to largely differ between devices. Moreover, our findings indicate a negligible overhead over programming with the native OpenCL API.Comment: 28 page