240 research outputs found

    Automated damage diagnosis of concrete jack arch beam using optimized deep stacked autoencoders and multi-sensor fusion

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    A novel hybrid framework of optimized deep learning models combined with multi-sensor fusion is developed for condition diagnosis of concrete arch beam. The vibration responses of structure are first processed by principal component analysis for dimensionality reduction and noise elimination. Then, the deep network based on stacked autoencoders (SAE) is established at each sensor for initial condition diagnosis, where extracted principal components and corresponding condition categories are inputs and output, respectively. To enhance diagnostic accuracy of proposed deep SAE, an enhanced whale optimization algorithm is proposed to optimize network meta-parameters. Eventually, Dempster-Shafer fusion algorithm is employed to combine initial diagnosis results from each sensor to make a final diagnosis. A miniature structural component of Sydney Harbour Bridge with artificial multiple progressive damages is tested in laboratory. The results demonstrate that the proposed method can detect structural damage accurately, even under the condition of limited sensors and high levels of uncertainties

    Machine Learning Applications in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Spotlight on Mild TBI

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    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) poses a significant global public health challenge, contributing to high morbidity and mortality rates and placing a substantial economic burden on healthcare systems worldwide. The diagnosis of TBI relies on clinical information along with Computed Tomography (CT) scans. Addressing the multifaceted challenges posed by TBI has seen the development of innovative, data-driven approaches, for this complex condition. Particularly noteworthy is the prevalence of mild TBI (mTBI), which constitutes the majority of TBI cases where conventional methods often fall short. As such, we review the state-of-the-art Machine Learning (ML) techniques applied to clinical information and CT scans in TBI, with a particular focus on mTBI. We categorize ML applications based on their data sources, and there is a spectrum of ML techniques used to date. Most of these techniques have primarily focused on diagnosis, with relatively few attempts at predicting the prognosis. This review may serve as a source of inspiration for future research studies aimed at improving the diagnosis of TBI using data-driven approaches and standard diagnostic data.Comment: The manuscript has 34 pages, 3 figures, and 4 table

    "Task-relevant autoencoding" enhances machine learning for human neuroscience

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    In human neuroscience, machine learning can help reveal lower-dimensional neural representations relevant to subjects' behavior. However, state-of-the-art models typically require large datasets to train, so are prone to overfitting on human neuroimaging data that often possess few samples but many input dimensions. Here, we capitalized on the fact that the features we seek in human neuroscience are precisely those relevant to subjects' behavior. We thus developed a Task-Relevant Autoencoder via Classifier Enhancement (TRACE), and tested its ability to extract behaviorally-relevant, separable representations compared to a standard autoencoder, a variational autoencoder, and principal component analysis for two severely truncated machine learning datasets. We then evaluated all models on fMRI data from 59 subjects who observed animals and objects. TRACE outperformed all models nearly unilaterally, showing up to 12% increased classification accuracy and up to 56% improvement in discovering "cleaner", task-relevant representations. These results showcase TRACE's potential for a wide variety of data related to human behavior.Comment: 41 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables including supplemental materia

    Unsupervised Video Domain Adaptation for Action Recognition: A Disentanglement Perspective

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    Unsupervised video domain adaptation is a practical yet challenging task. In this work, for the first time, we tackle it from a disentanglement view. Our key idea is to handle the spatial and temporal domain divergence separately through disentanglement. Specifically, we consider the generation of cross-domain videos from two sets of latent factors, one encoding the static information and another encoding the dynamic information. A Transfer Sequential VAE (TranSVAE) framework is then developed to model such generation. To better serve for adaptation, we propose several objectives to constrain the latent factors. With these constraints, the spatial divergence can be readily removed by disentangling the static domain-specific information out, and the temporal divergence is further reduced from both frame- and video-levels through adversarial learning. Extensive experiments on the UCF-HMDB, Jester, and Epic-Kitchens datasets verify the effectiveness and superiority of TranSVAE compared with several state-of-the-art methods. The code with reproducible results is publicly accessible.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables. Code at https://github.com/ldkong1205/TranSVA

    Autoencoding sensory substitution

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    Tens of millions of people live blind, and their number is ever increasing. Visual-to-auditory sensory substitution (SS) encompasses a family of cheap, generic solutions to assist the visually impaired by conveying visual information through sound. The required SS training is lengthy: months of effort is necessary to reach a practical level of adaptation. There are two reasons for the tedious training process: the elongated substituting audio signal, and the disregard for the compressive characteristics of the human hearing system. To overcome these obstacles, we developed a novel class of SS methods, by training deep recurrent autoencoders for image-to-sound conversion. We successfully trained deep learning models on different datasets to execute visual-to-auditory stimulus conversion. By constraining the visual space, we demonstrated the viability of shortened substituting audio signals, while proposing mechanisms, such as the integration of computational hearing models, to optimally convey visual features in the substituting stimulus as perceptually discernible auditory components. We tested our approach in two separate cases. In the first experiment, the author went blindfolded for 5 days, while performing SS training on hand posture discrimination. The second experiment assessed the accuracy of reaching movements towards objects on a table. In both test cases, above-chance-level accuracy was attained after a few hours of training. Our novel SS architecture broadens the horizon of rehabilitation methods engineered for the visually impaired. Further improvements on the proposed model shall yield hastened rehabilitation of the blind and a wider adaptation of SS devices as a consequence

    Generative Methods, Meta-learning, and Meta-heuristics for Robust Cyber Defense

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    Cyberspace is the digital communications network that supports the internet of battlefield things (IoBT), the model by which defense-centric sensors, computers, actuators and humans are digitally connected. A secure IoBT infrastructure facilitates real time implementation of the observe, orient, decide, act (OODA) loop across distributed subsystems. Successful hacking efforts by cyber criminals and strategic adversaries suggest that cyber systems such as the IoBT are not secure. Three lines of effort demonstrate a path towards a more robust IoBT. First, a baseline data set of enterprise cyber network traffic was collected and modelled with generative methods allowing the generation of realistic, synthetic cyber data. Next, adversarial examples of cyber packets were algorithmically crafted to fool network intrusion detection systems while maintaining packet functionality. Finally, a framework is presented that uses meta-learning to combine the predictive power of various weak models. This resulted in a meta-model that outperforms all baseline classifiers with respect to overall accuracy of packets, and adversarial example detection rate. The National Defense Strategy underscores cybersecurity as an imperative to defend the homeland and maintain a military advantage in the information age. This research provides both academic perspective and applied techniques to to further the cybersecurity posture of the Department of Defense into the information age

    Multimodal Data Fusion and Quantitative Analysis for Medical Applications

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    Medical big data is not only enormous in its size, but also heterogeneous and complex in its data structure, which makes conventional systems or algorithms difficult to process. These heterogeneous medical data include imaging data (e.g., Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Computerized Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)), and non-imaging data (e.g., laboratory biomarkers, electronic medical records, and hand-written doctor notes). Multimodal data fusion is an emerging vital field to address this urgent challenge, aiming to process and analyze the complex, diverse and heterogeneous multimodal data. The fusion algorithms bring great potential in medical data analysis, by 1) taking advantage of complementary information from different sources (such as functional-structural complementarity of PET/CT images) and 2) exploiting consensus information that reflects the intrinsic essence (such as the genetic essence underlying medical imaging and clinical symptoms). Thus, multimodal data fusion benefits a wide range of quantitative medical applications, including personalized patient care, more optimal medical operation plan, and preventive public health. Though there has been extensive research on computational approaches for multimodal fusion, there are three major challenges of multimodal data fusion in quantitative medical applications, which are summarized as feature-level fusion, information-level fusion and knowledge-level fusion: • Feature-level fusion. The first challenge is to mine multimodal biomarkers from high-dimensional small-sample multimodal medical datasets, which hinders the effective discovery of informative multimodal biomarkers. Specifically, efficient dimension reduction algorithms are required to alleviate "curse of dimensionality" problem and address the criteria for discovering interpretable, relevant, non-redundant and generalizable multimodal biomarkers. • Information-level fusion. The second challenge is to exploit and interpret inter-modal and intra-modal information for precise clinical decisions. Although radiomics and multi-branch deep learning have been used for implicit information fusion guided with supervision of the labels, there is a lack of methods to explicitly explore inter-modal relationships in medical applications. Unsupervised multimodal learning is able to mine inter-modal relationship as well as reduce the usage of labor-intensive data and explore potential undiscovered biomarkers; however, mining discriminative information without label supervision is an upcoming challenge. Furthermore, the interpretation of complex non-linear cross-modal associations, especially in deep multimodal learning, is another critical challenge in information-level fusion, which hinders the exploration of multimodal interaction in disease mechanism. • Knowledge-level fusion. The third challenge is quantitative knowledge distillation from multi-focus regions on medical imaging. Although characterizing imaging features from single lesions using either feature engineering or deep learning methods have been investigated in recent years, both methods neglect the importance of inter-region spatial relationships. Thus, a topological profiling tool for multi-focus regions is in high demand, which is yet missing in current feature engineering and deep learning methods. Furthermore, incorporating domain knowledge with distilled knowledge from multi-focus regions is another challenge in knowledge-level fusion. To address the three challenges in multimodal data fusion, this thesis provides a multi-level fusion framework for multimodal biomarker mining, multimodal deep learning, and knowledge distillation from multi-focus regions. Specifically, our major contributions in this thesis include: • To address the challenges in feature-level fusion, we propose an Integrative Multimodal Biomarker Mining framework to select interpretable, relevant, non-redundant and generalizable multimodal biomarkers from high-dimensional small-sample imaging and non-imaging data for diagnostic and prognostic applications. The feature selection criteria including representativeness, robustness, discriminability, and non-redundancy are exploited by consensus clustering, Wilcoxon filter, sequential forward selection, and correlation analysis, respectively. SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) method and nomogram are employed to further enhance feature interpretability in machine learning models. • To address the challenges in information-level fusion, we propose an Interpretable Deep Correlational Fusion framework, based on canonical correlation analysis (CCA) for 1) cohesive multimodal fusion of medical imaging and non-imaging data, and 2) interpretation of complex non-linear cross-modal associations. Specifically, two novel loss functions are proposed to optimize the discovery of informative multimodal representations in both supervised and unsupervised deep learning, by jointly learning inter-modal consensus and intra-modal discriminative information. An interpretation module is proposed to decipher the complex non-linear cross-modal association by leveraging interpretation methods in both deep learning and multimodal consensus learning. • To address the challenges in knowledge-level fusion, we proposed a Dynamic Topological Analysis framework, based on persistent homology, for knowledge distillation from inter-connected multi-focus regions in medical imaging and incorporation of domain knowledge. Different from conventional feature engineering and deep learning, our DTA framework is able to explicitly quantify inter-region topological relationships, including global-level geometric structure and community-level clusters. K-simplex Community Graph is proposed to construct the dynamic community graph for representing community-level multi-scale graph structure. The constructed dynamic graph is subsequently tracked with a novel Decomposed Persistence algorithm. Domain knowledge is incorporated into the Adaptive Community Profile, summarizing the tracked multi-scale community topology with additional customizable clinically important factors

    Advanced machine learning methods for oncological image analysis

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    Cancer is a major public health problem, accounting for an estimated 10 million deaths worldwide in 2020 alone. Rapid advances in the field of image acquisition and hardware development over the past three decades have resulted in the development of modern medical imaging modalities that can capture high-resolution anatomical, physiological, functional, and metabolic quantitative information from cancerous organs. Therefore, the applications of medical imaging have become increasingly crucial in the clinical routines of oncology, providing screening, diagnosis, treatment monitoring, and non/minimally- invasive evaluation of disease prognosis. The essential need for medical images, however, has resulted in the acquisition of a tremendous number of imaging scans. Considering the growing role of medical imaging data on one side and the challenges of manually examining such an abundance of data on the other side, the development of computerized tools to automatically or semi-automatically examine the image data has attracted considerable interest. Hence, a variety of machine learning tools have been developed for oncological image analysis, aiming to assist clinicians with repetitive tasks in their workflow. This thesis aims to contribute to the field of oncological image analysis by proposing new ways of quantifying tumor characteristics from medical image data. Specifically, this thesis consists of six studies, the first two of which focus on introducing novel methods for tumor segmentation. The last four studies aim to develop quantitative imaging biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and prognosis. The main objective of Study I is to develop a deep learning pipeline capable of capturing the appearance of lung pathologies, including lung tumors, and integrating this pipeline into the segmentation networks to leverage the segmentation accuracy. The proposed pipeline was tested on several comprehensive datasets, and the numerical quantifications show the superiority of the proposed prior-aware DL framework compared to the state of the art. Study II aims to address a crucial challenge faced by supervised segmentation models: dependency on the large-scale labeled dataset. In this study, an unsupervised segmentation approach is proposed based on the concept of image inpainting to segment lung and head- neck tumors in images from single and multiple modalities. The proposed autoinpainting pipeline shows great potential in synthesizing high-quality tumor-free images and outperforms a family of well-established unsupervised models in terms of segmentation accuracy. Studies III and IV aim to automatically discriminate the benign from the malignant pulmonary nodules by analyzing the low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) scans. In Study III, a dual-pathway deep classification framework is proposed to simultaneously take into account the local intra-nodule heterogeneities and the global contextual information. Study IV seeks to compare the discriminative power of a series of carefully selected conventional radiomics methods, end-to-end Deep Learning (DL) models, and deep features-based radiomics analysis on the same dataset. The numerical analyses show the potential of fusing the learned deep features into radiomic features for boosting the classification power. Study V focuses on the early assessment of lung tumor response to the applied treatments by proposing a novel feature set that can be interpreted physiologically. This feature set was employed to quantify the changes in the tumor characteristics from longitudinal PET-CT scans in order to predict the overall survival status of the patients two years after the last session of treatments. The discriminative power of the introduced imaging biomarkers was compared against the conventional radiomics, and the quantitative evaluations verified the superiority of the proposed feature set. Whereas Study V focuses on a binary survival prediction task, Study VI addresses the prediction of survival rate in patients diagnosed with lung and head-neck cancer by investigating the potential of spherical convolutional neural networks and comparing their performance against other types of features, including radiomics. While comparable results were achieved in intra- dataset analyses, the proposed spherical-based features show more predictive power in inter-dataset analyses. In summary, the six studies incorporate different imaging modalities and a wide range of image processing and machine-learning techniques in the methods developed for the quantitative assessment of tumor characteristics and contribute to the essential procedures of cancer diagnosis and prognosis