37,495 research outputs found

    Value Iteration Networks on Multiple Levels of Abstraction

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    Learning-based methods are promising to plan robot motion without performing extensive search, which is needed by many non-learning approaches. Recently, Value Iteration Networks (VINs) received much interest since---in contrast to standard CNN-based architectures---they learn goal-directed behaviors which generalize well to unseen domains. However, VINs are restricted to small and low-dimensional domains, limiting their applicability to real-world planning problems. To address this issue, we propose to extend VINs to representations with multiple levels of abstraction. While the vicinity of the robot is represented in sufficient detail, the representation gets spatially coarser with increasing distance from the robot. The information loss caused by the decreasing resolution is compensated by increasing the number of features representing a cell. We show that our approach is capable of solving significantly larger 2D grid world planning tasks than the original VIN implementation. In contrast to a multiresolution coarse-to-fine VIN implementation which does not employ additional descriptive features, our approach is capable of solving challenging environments, which demonstrates that the proposed method learns to encode useful information in the additional features. As an application for solving real-world planning tasks, we successfully employ our method to plan omnidirectional driving for a search-and-rescue robot in cluttered terrain

    Enabling a Pepper Robot to provide Automated and Interactive Tours of a Robotics Laboratory

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    The Pepper robot has become a widely recognised face for the perceived potential of social robots to enter our homes and businesses. However, to date, commercial and research applications of the Pepper have been largely restricted to roles in which the robot is able to remain stationary. This restriction is the result of a number of technical limitations, including limited sensing capabilities, and have as a result, reduced the number of roles in which use of the robot can be explored. In this paper, we present our approach to solving these problems, with the intention of opening up new research applications for the robot. To demonstrate the applicability of our approach, we have framed this work within the context of providing interactive tours of an open-plan robotics laboratory.Comment: 8 pages, Submitted to IROS 2018 (2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems), see https://bitbucket.org/pepper_qut/ for access to the softwar

    Autonomous Robot Navigation with Rich Information Mapping in Nuclear Storage Environments

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    This paper presents our approach to develop a method for an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) to perform inspection tasks in nuclear environments using rich information maps. To reduce inspectors' exposure to elevated radiation levels, an autonomous navigation framework for the UGV has been developed to perform routine inspections such as counting containers, recording their ID tags and performing gamma measurements on some of them. In order to achieve autonomy, a rich information map is generated which includes not only the 2D global cost map consisting of obstacle locations for path planning, but also the location and orientation information for the objects of interest from the inspector's perspective. The UGV's autonomy framework utilizes this information to prioritize locations to navigate to perform the inspections. In this paper, we present our method of generating this rich information map, originally developed to meet the requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Robotics Challenge. We demonstrate the performance of our method in a simulated testbed environment containing uranium hexafluoride (UF6) storage container mock ups

    Deep Forward and Inverse Perceptual Models for Tracking and Prediction

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    We consider the problems of learning forward models that map state to high-dimensional images and inverse models that map high-dimensional images to state in robotics. Specifically, we present a perceptual model for generating video frames from state with deep networks, and provide a framework for its use in tracking and prediction tasks. We show that our proposed model greatly outperforms standard deconvolutional methods and GANs for image generation, producing clear, photo-realistic images. We also develop a convolutional neural network model for state estimation and compare the result to an Extended Kalman Filter to estimate robot trajectories. We validate all models on a real robotic system.Comment: 8 pages, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 201

    Learning Models for Following Natural Language Directions in Unknown Environments

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    Natural language offers an intuitive and flexible means for humans to communicate with the robots that we will increasingly work alongside in our homes and workplaces. Recent advancements have given rise to robots that are able to interpret natural language manipulation and navigation commands, but these methods require a prior map of the robot's environment. In this paper, we propose a novel learning framework that enables robots to successfully follow natural language route directions without any previous knowledge of the environment. The algorithm utilizes spatial and semantic information that the human conveys through the command to learn a distribution over the metric and semantic properties of spatially extended environments. Our method uses this distribution in place of the latent world model and interprets the natural language instruction as a distribution over the intended behavior. A novel belief space planner reasons directly over the map and behavior distributions to solve for a policy using imitation learning. We evaluate our framework on a voice-commandable wheelchair. The results demonstrate that by learning and performing inference over a latent environment model, the algorithm is able to successfully follow natural language route directions within novel, extended environments.Comment: ICRA 201

    Conceptual spatial representations for indoor mobile robots

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    We present an approach for creating conceptual representations of human-made indoor environments using mobile robots. The concepts refer to spatial and functional properties of typical indoor environments. Following ļ¬ndings in cognitive psychology, our model is composed of layers representing maps at diļ¬€erent levels of abstraction. The complete system is integrated in a mobile robot endowed with laser and vision sensors for place and object recognition. The system also incorporates a linguistic framework that actively supports the map acquisition process, and which is used for situated dialogue. Finally, we discuss the capabilities of the integrated system
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