121,397 research outputs found

    Allpass VFD Filter Design

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    This correspondence proposes a general design for allpass variable fractional delay (VFD) digital filters with minimum weighted integral squared error subject to constraints on maximum error deviation from the desired response. The resulting optimization problem is nonlinear and nonconvex with a nonlinear continuous inequality constraint. Stability of the designed filters are discussed. An effective procedure is proposed for solving the optimization problem. Firstly, a constraint transcription method and a smoothing technique are employed to transform the continuous inequality constraint into one equality constraint. Then, by using the concept of a penalty function, the transformed constraint is incorporated into the cost function to form a new cost function. The nonlinear optimization problem subject to continuous inequality constraints is then approximated by a sequence of unconstraint optimization problems. Finally, a global optimization method using a filled function is employed to solve the unconstraint optimization problem. Design example shows that a trade-off can be achieved between the integral squared error and the maximum error deviation for the design of allpass VFD filters

    A study of optimization and optimal control computation : exact penalty function approach

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    In this thesis, We propose new computational algorithms and methods for solving four classes of constrained optimization and optimal control problems. In Chapter 1, we present a brief review on optimization and optimal control. In Chapter 2, we consider a class of continuous inequality constrained optimization problems. The continuous inequality constraints are first approximated by smooth function in integral form. Then, we construct a new exact penalty function, where the summation of all these approximate smooth functions in integral form, called the constraint violation, is appended to the objective function. In this way, we obtain a sequence of approximate unconstrained optimization problems. It is shown that if the value of the penalty parameter is sufficiently large, then any local minimizer of the corresponding unconstrained optimization problem is a local minimizer of the original problem. For illustration, three examples are solved using the proposed method.From the solutions obtained, we observe that the values of their objective functions are amongst the smallest when compared with those obtained by other existing methods available in the literature. More importantly, our method finds solutions which satisfy the continuous inequality constraints.In Chapter 3, we consider a general class of nonlinear mixed discrete programming problems. By introducing continuous variables to replace the discrete variables, the problem is first transformed into an equivalent nonlinear continuous optimization problem subject to original constraints and additional linear and quadratic constraints. However, the existing gradient-based optimization techniques have difficulty to solve this equivalent nonlinear optimization problem effectively due to the new quadratic inequality constraint. Thus, an exact penalty function is employed to construct a sequence of unconstrained optimization problems, each of which can be solved effectively by unconstrained optimization techniques, such as conjugate gradient or quasi-Newton types of methods.It is shown that any local optimal solution of the unconstrained optimization problem is a local optimal solution of the transformed nonlinear constrained continuous optimization problem when the penalty parameter is sufficiently large. Numerical experiments are carried out to test the efficiency of the proposed method.In Chapter 4, we investigate the optimal design of allpass variable fractional delay (VFD) filters with coefficients expressed as sums of signed powers-of-two terms, where the weighted integral squared error is minimized. A new optimization procedure is proposed to generate a reduced discrete search region. Then, a new exact penalty function method is developed to solve the optimal design of allpass variable fractional delay filter with signed powers-of-two coefficients. Design examples show that the proposed method is highly effective. Compared with the conventional quantization method, the solutions obtained by our method are of much higher accuracy. Furthermore, the computational complexity is low.In Chapter 5, we consider an optimal control problem in which the control takes values from a discrete set and the state and control are subject to continuous inequality constraints. By introducing auxiliary controls and applying a time-scaling transformation, we transform this optimal control problem into an equivalent optimal control problem subject to original constraints and additional linear and quadratic constraints, where the decision variables are taking values from a feasible region, which is the union of some continuous sets. However, due to the new quadratic constraints, standard optimization techniques do not perform well when they are applied to solve the transformed problem directly.We introduce a novel exact penalty function to penalize constraint violations, and then append this penalty function to the objective function, forming a penalized objective function. This leads to a sequence of approximate optimal control problems, each of which can be solved by using optimal control techniques, and consequently, many optimal control software packages, such as MISER 3.4, can be used. Convergence results how that when the penalty parameter is sufficiently large, any local solution of the approximate problem is also a local solution of the original problem. We conclude this chapter with some numerical results for two train control problems.In Chapter 6, some concluding remarks and suggestions for future research directions are made

    Computational methods for solving optimal industrial process control problems

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    In this thesis, we develop new computational methods for three classes of dynamic optimization problems: (i) A parameter identification problem for a general nonlinear time-delay system; (ii) an optimal control problem involving systems with both input and output delays, and subject to continuous inequality state constraints; and (iii) a max-min optimal control problem arising in gradient elution chromatography.In the first problem, we consider a parameter identification problem involving a general nonlinear time-delay system, where the unknown time delays and system parameters are to be identified. This problem is posed as a dynamic optimization problem, where its cost function is to measure the discrepancy between predicted output and observed system output. The aim is to find unknown time-delays and system parameters such that the cost function is minimized. We develop a gradient-based computational method for solving this dynamic optimization problem. We show that the gradients of the cost function with respect to these unknown parameters can be obtained via solving a set of auxiliary time-delay differential systems from t = 0 to t = T. On this basis, the parameter identification problem can be solved as a nonlinear optimization problem and existing optimization techniques can be used. Two numerical examples are solved using the proposed computational method. Simulation results show that the proposed computational method is highly effective. In particular, the convergence is very fast even when the initial guess of the parameter values is far away from the optimal values.Unlike the first problem, in the second problem, we consider a time delay identification problem, where the input function for the nonlinear time-delay system is piecewise-constant. We assume that the time-delays—one involving the state variables and the other involving the input variables—are unknown and need to be estimated using experimental data. We also formulate the problem of estimating the unknown delays as a nonlinear optimization problem in which the cost function measures the least-squares error between predicted output and measured system output. This estimation problem can be viewed as a switched system optimal control problem with time-delays. We show that the gradient of the cost function with respect to the unknown state delay can be obtained via solving a auxiliary time-delay differential system. Furthermore, the gradient of the cost function with respect to the unknown input delay can be obtained via solving an auxiliary time-delay differential system with jump conditions at the delayed control switching time points. On this basis, we develop a heuristic computational algorithm for solving this problem using gradient based optimization algorithms. Time-delays in two industrial processes are estimated using the proposed computational method. Simulation results show that the proposed computational method is highly effective.For the third problem, we consider a general optimal control problem governed by a system with input and output delays, and subject to continuous inequality constraints on the state and control. We focus on developing an effective computational method for solving this constrained time delay optimal control problem. For this, the control parameterization technique is used to approximate the time planning horizon [0, T] into N subintervals. Then, the control is approximated by a piecewise constant function with possible discontinuities at the pre-assigned partition points, which are also called the switching time points. The heights of the piecewise constant function are decision variables which are to be chosen such that a given cost function is minimized. For the continuous inequality constraints on the state, we construct approximating smooth functions in integral form. Then, the summation of these approximating smooth functions in integral form, which is called the constraint violation, is appended to the cost function to form a new augmented cost function. In this way, we obtain a sequence of approximate optimization problems subject to only boundedness constraints on the decision variables. Then, the gradient of the augmented cost function is derived. On this basis, we develop an effective computational method for solving the time-delay optimal control problem with continuous inequality constraints on the state and control via solving a sequence of approximate optimization problems, each of which can be solved as a nonlinear optimization problem by using existing gradient-based optimization techniques. This proposed method is then used to solve a practical optimal control problem arising in the study of a real evaporation process. The results obtained are highly satisfactory, showing that the proposed method is highly effective.The fourth problem that we consider is a max-min optimal control problem arising in the study of gradient elution chromatography, where the manipulative variables in the chromatographic process are to be chosen such that the separation efficiency is maximized. This problem has three non-standard characteristics: (i) The objective function is nonsmooth; (ii) each state variable is defined over a different time horizon; and (iii) the order of the final times for the state variable, the so-called retention times, are not fixed. To solve this problem, we first introduce a set of auxiliary decision variables to govern the ordering of the retention times. The integer constraints on these auxiliary decision variables are approximated by continuous boundedness constraints. Then, we approximate the control by a piecewise constant function, and apply a novel time-scaling transformation to map the retention times and control switching times to fixed points in a new time horizon. The retention times and control switching times become decision variables in the new time horizon. In addition, the max-min objective function is approximated by a minimization problem subject to an additional constraint. On this basis, the optimal control problem is reduced to an approximate nonlinear optimization problem subject to smooth constraints, which is then solved using a recently developed exact penalty function method. Numerical results obtained show that this approach is highly effective.Finally, some concluding remarks and suggestions for further study are made in the conclusion chapter

    Upper bound limit analysis of slope stability using rigid finite elements and nonlinear programming

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    In this paper, the development and application of a new upper bound limit method for two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) slope stability problems is presented. Rigid finite elements are used to construct a kinematically admissible velocity field. Kinematically admissible velocity discontinuities are permitted to occur at all inter-element boundaries. The proposed method formulates the slope stability problem as an optimization problem based on the upper bound theorem. The objective function for determination of the minimum value of the factor of safety has a number of unknowns that are subject to a set of linear and nonlinear equality constraints as well as linear inequality constraints. The objective function and constrain equations are derived from an energy-work balance equation, the Mohr-Coulomb failure (yield) criterion, an associated flow rule, and a number of boundary conditions. The objective function with constraints leads to a standard nonlinear programming problem, which can be solved by a sequential quadratic algorithm. A computer program has been developed for finding the factor of safety of a slope, which makes the present method simple to implement. Four typical 2D and 3D slope stability problems are selected from the literature and are analysed using the present method. The results of the present limit analysis are compared with those produced by other approaches reported in the literature.published_or_final_versio

    Global optimization method for design problems

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    In structural design optimization method, numerical techniques are increasingly used. In typical structural optimization problems there may be many locally minimum configurations. For that reason, the application of a global method, which may escape from the locally minimum points, remains essential. In this paper, a new hybrid simulated annealing algorithm for global optimization with constraints is proposed. We have developed a new algorithm called Adaptive Simulated Annealing Penalty Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation algorithm (ASAPSPSA) that uses Adaptive Simulated Annealing algorithm (ASA); ASA is a series of modifications done to the traditional simulated annealing algorithm that gives the global solution of an objective function. In addition, the stochastic method Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) for solving unconstrained optimization problems is used to refine the solution. We also propose Penalty SPSA (PSPSA) for solving constrained optimization problems. The constraints are handled using exterior point penalty functions. The hybridization of both techniques ASA and PSPSA provides a powerful hybrid heuristic optimization method; the proposed method is applicable to any problem where the topology of the structure is not fixed; it is simple and capable of handling problems subject to any number of nonlinear constraints. Extensive tests on the ASAPSPSA as a global optimization method are presented; its performance as a viable optimization method is demonstrated by applying it first to a series of benchmark functions with 2 - 50 dimensions and then it is used in structural design to demonstrate its applicability and efficiency

    New Procedures for the Reconciliation of Time Series

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    We propose new simultaneous and two-step procedures for reconciling systems of time series subject to temporal and contemporaneous constraints according to a Growth Rates Preservation (GRP) principle. Two nonlinear optimization algorithms are used: an interior-point method applied to the constrained problem and a Newton’s method with Hessian modification applied to a suitably reduced-unconstrained problem. Both techniques exploit the analytic gradient and Hessian of the GRP objective function, making full use of all the derivative information at disposal. We apply the proposed GRP procedures to two large systems of economic series, and compare the results with those of other reconciliation procedures based on the Proportional First Differences (PFD) principle, a linear approximation of the GRP principle widely used by data-producing agencies. Our experiments show that (i) an optimal solution to the nonlinear GRP problem can be efficiently achieved through the proposed Newton’s optimization algorithms, and (ii) GRP-based procedures preserve better the growth rates in the system than linear PFD solutions, especially for series with high temporal discrepancy and high volatility

    A general algorithm for manipulating non-linear and linear entanglement witnesses by using exact convex optimization

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    A generic algorithm is developed to reduce the problem of obtaining linear and nonlinear entanglement witnesses of a given quantum system, to convex optimization problem. This approach is completely general and can be applied for the entanglement detection of any N-partite quantum system. For this purpose, a map from convex space of separable density matrices to a convex region called feasible region is defined, where by using exact convex optimization method, the linear entanglement witnesses can be obtained from polygonal shape feasible regions, while for curved shape feasible regions, envelope of the family of linear entanglement witnesses can be considered as nonlinear entanglement witnesses. This method proposes a new methodological framework within which most of previous EWs can be studied. To conclude and in order to demonstrate the capability of the proposed approach, besides providing some nonlinear witnesses for entanglement detection of density matrices in unextendible product bases, W-states, and GHZ with W-states, some further examples of three qubits systems and their classification and entanglement detection are included. Also it is explained how one can manipulate most of the non-decomposable linear and nonlinear three qubits entanglement witnesses appearing in some of the papers published by us and other authors, by the method proposed in this paper. Keywords: non-linear and linear entanglement witnesses, convex optimization. PACS number(s): 03.67.Mn, 03.65.UdComment: 37 page
