708 research outputs found

    Adding run history to CLIPS

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    To debug a C Language Integrated Production System (CLIPS) program, certain 'historical' information about a run is needed. It would be convenient for system builders to have the capability to request such information. We will discuss how historical Rete networks can be used for answering questions that help a system builder detect the cause of an error in a CLIPS program. Moreover, the cost of maintaining a historical Rete network is compared with that for a classical Rete network. We will demonstrate that the cost for assertions is only slightly higher for a historical Rete network. The cost for handling retraction could be significantly higher; however, we will show that by using special data structures that rely on hashing, it is also possible to implement retractions efficiently

    Second CLIPS Conference Proceedings, volume 1

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    Topics covered at the 2nd CLIPS Conference held at the Johnson Space Center, September 23-25, 1991 are given. Topics include rule groupings, fault detection using expert systems, decision making using expert systems, knowledge representation, computer aided design and debugging expert systems

    Knowledge-based design support and inductive learning

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    Designing and learning are closely related activities in that design as an ill-structure problem involves identifying the problem of the design as well as finding its solutions. A knowledge-based design support system should support learning by capturing and reusing design knowledge. This thesis addresses two fundamental problems in computational support to design activities: the development of an intelligent design support system architecture and the integration of inductive learning techniques in this architecture.This research is motivated by the belief that (1) the early stage of the design process can be modelled as an incremental learning process in which the structure of a design problem or the product data model of an artefact is developed using inductive learning techniques, and (2) the capability of a knowledge-based design support system can be enhanced by accumulating and storing reusable design product and process information.In order to incorporate inductive learning techniques into a knowledge-based design model and an integrated knowledge-based design support system architecture, the computational techniques for developing a knowledge-based design support system architecture and the role of inductive learning in Al-based design are investigated. This investigation gives a background to the development of an incremental learning model for design suitable for a class of design tasks whose structures are not well known initially.This incremental learning model for design is used as a basis to develop a knowledge-based design support system architecture that can be used as a kernel for knowledge-based design applications. This architecture integrates a number of computational techniques to support the representation and reasoning of design knowledge. In particular, it integrates a blackboard control system with an assumption-based truth maintenance system in an object-oriented environment to support the exploration of multiple design solutions by supporting the exploration and management of design contexts.As an integral part of this knowledge-based design support architecture, a design concept learning system utilising a number of unsupervised inductive learning techniques is developed. This design concept learning system combines concept formation techniques with design heuristics as background knowledge to build a design concept tree from raw data or past design examples. The design concept tree is used as a conceptual structure for the exploration of new designs.The effectiveness of this knowledge-based design support architecture and the design concept learning system is demonstrated through a realistic design domain, the design of small-molecule drugs one of the key tasks of which is to identify a pharmacophore description (the structure of a design problem) from known molecule examples.In this thesis, knowledge-based design and inductive learning techniques are first reviewed. Based on this review, an incremental learning model and an integrated architecture for intelligent design support are presented. The implementation of this architecture and a design concept learning system is then described. The application of the architecture and the design concept learning system in the domain of small-molecule drug design is then discussed. The evaluation of the architecture and the design concept learning system within and beyond this particular domain, and future research directions are finally discussed

    Facilitating the modelling and automated analysis of cryptographic protocols

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    Includes bibliographical references.Multi-dimensional security protocol engineering is effective for creating cryptographic protocols since it encompasses a variety of design, analysis and deployment techniques, thereby providing a higher level of confidence than individual approaches. SPEAR II, the Security Protocol Engineering and Analysis Resource n, is a protocol engineering tool built on the foundation of previous experience garnered during the SPEAR I project in 1997. The goal of the SPEAR II tool is to facilitate cryptographic protocol engineering and aid users in distilling the critical issues during an engineering session by presenting them with an appropriate level of detail and guiding them as much as possible. The SPEAR II tool currently consists of four components that have been created as part of this dissertation and integrated into one consistent and unified graphical interface: a protocol specification environment (GYPSIE), a GNY statement construction interface (Visual GNY), a Prolog-based GNY analysis engine (GYNGER) and a message rounds calculator

    Second CLIPS Conference Proceedings, volume 2

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    Papers presented at the 2nd C Language Integrated Production System (CLIPS) Conference held at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) on 23-25 September 1991 are documented in these proceedings. CLIPS is an expert system tool developed by the Software Technology Branch at NASA JSC and is used at over 4000 sites by government, industry, and business. During the three days of the conference, over 40 papers were presented by experts from NASA, Department of Defense, other government agencies, universities, and industry

    First CLIPS Conference Proceedings, volume 2

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    The topics of volume 2 of First CLIPS Conference are associated with following applications: quality control; intelligent data bases and networks; Space Station Freedom; Space Shuttle and satellite; user interface; artificial neural systems and fuzzy logic; parallel and distributed processing; enchancements to CLIPS; aerospace; simulation and defense; advisory systems and tutors; and intelligent control