77 research outputs found

    Analisis Arus Bocor pada Sistem PLTS Terhubung ke Jaringan Tanpa Transformator Terhadap Keselamatan Manusia

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    Intisari — Sistem PLTS yang terhubung ke jaringan tanpa transformator merasakan arus bocor akibat adanya kapasitansi parasitik pada panel surya yang diketanahkan dan hubungan galvanis antara sumber DC dan jaringan. Arus bocor berbahaya bagi keselamatan manusia yang menyentuh panel surya. Penelitian ini menghitung arus bocor melalui simulasi menggunakan Matlab. Rangkaian simulasi terdiri dari sumber DC PLTS, inverter satu fasa, sumber AC jaringan, filter dan kapasitansi parasitik. Kapasitansi Parasitik dimodelkan dengan sebuah kapasitor tunggal. Kondisi panel basah atau kering memberikan nilai kapasitansi yang berbeda. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa kondisi panel basah menghasilkan arus bocor sepuluh kali lebih tinggi dari kondisi panel kering. Arus bocor pada kedua kondisi masih dibawah batas maksimum standar keselamatan mengacu pada DIN VDE 0126-1-1.Kata kunci — arus bocor, PLTS, kapasitansi parasit, arus common mode, inverter.Abstract — PV system on grid transformerless experiences leakage current due to parasitic capacitance on grounded-PV panel and a galvanic connection between the grid and the dc source. Leakage current is harmful for human who touch the PV panel. This research calculates the leakage current via simulation using Matlab. Simulation circuit consists of DC source as PV system, one phase inverter, grid AC source, filter and parasitic capacitance. A single capacitor is used to model parasitic capacitance. Wet and dry condition of PV panel generate a different capacitance. The simulation results show wet PV panel produce a leakage current ten times higher than that in dry PV panel. The leakage curent either in wet and drycondition are below maximum limit of DIN VDE 0126-1-1 safety standard.Keywords— leakage current, PV system, parasitic capacitance, common mode current, inverter

    Optimal Design of Modern Transformerless PV Inverter Topologies

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    Mat Lab Simulation and Programming for Wireless Power Transfer through Concrete

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    Wireless power transmission using circuits resonating at the frequency of 50 Hz and 60 Hz. The purpose of this research paper is to develop a matlab simulation and matlab programming for calculating efficiency and max efficiency of the system for transmitting electrical power through concrete walls. The transmission efficiency that considers the copper and core losses was derived through equivalent circuit analysis. The transmission efficiency was found to be dependent on the shape of the magnet pole pieces. A transmission efficiency of 78.54%. And max efficiency of 76.57% for a load of 146.5 ohms for a rectangular shape magnet. In this paper for two different frequencies, efficiency and max efficiency is calculated and tabulated along with the magnetic field distribution. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150710

    Single-phase inverter for small voltage supplies for use in distributed measurement systems

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    This paper presents the simulation details of a single-phase 50Hz inverter that could be used for obtaining small-voltage AC or DC supply source needed for powering small electronic devices that could be employed for distributed measurement in monitoring systems. Energy harvesting from solar presents a source that may prove viable alternative to conventional battery sources. It provides high power density in outdoor applications. This work obtains 220V 50Hz AC using 12V DC supply voltage using appropriately configured switching devices operated by 1KHz to 10KHz sampling frequency. The output is normalized by a low pass filter (LPF) made from 500 micro-H inductance with 10 micro-F capacitance

    Analysis and Design of Solar Photo voltaic Grid Connected Inverter

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    This paper presents common mode voltage analysis of single phase grid connected photovoltaic inverter. Many researchers proposed different grid tie inverters for applications like domestic powering, street lighting, water pumping, cooling and heating applications, however traditional grid tie PV inverter uses either a line frequency or a high frequency transformer between the inverter and grid but losses will increase in the network leading to reduced efficiency of the system. In order to increase the efficiency, with reduced size and cost of the system, the effective solution is to remove the isolation transformer. But common mode (CM) ground leakage current due to parasitic capacitance between the PV panels and the ground making the system unreliable. The common mode current reduces the efficiency of power conversion stage, affects the quality of grid current, deteriorate the electric magnetic compatibility and give rise to the safety threats. In order to eliminate the common mode leakage current in Transformerless PV systm two control algorithms of multi-carrier pwm are implemented and compared for performance analysis.The shoot-through issue that is encountered by traditional voltage source inverter is analyzed for enhanced system reliability. These control algorithms are compared for common mode voltage and THD comparisons. The proposed system is designed using MATLAB/SIMULINK software for analysis

    A high efficiency transformerless PV grid- Connected inverter with leakage current suppression

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    © 2016 IEEE. This paper presents a new diode free freewheeling and common-mode voltage (CMV) clamping branches for single phase transformerless grid connected photovoltaic (PV) inverter for complete leakage current elimination and low conduction losses. In the past, various isolation techniques have been proposed for leakage current elimination in transformerless PV inverters. However, galvanic isolation only cannot completely eliminate leakage current due to that a resonant path is created by the switch junction capacitors, which also generate leakage current. The proposed freewheeling branch consists of four MOSFETs along with a clamping branch, which consists of two MOSFETs and a capacitor divider. The divider is connected to the DC side of the converter to keep constant CMV in the freewheeling path. As a result, the improved CMV clamping has been achieved for complete leakage current elimination. The unipolar sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) technique and modified HERIC topology with AC-decoupling for galvanic isolation is adopted for lower conduction losses. The proposed topology consists of only MOSFET in the freewheeling and clamping path which provides lower conduction losses compared with diode based topologies. The performances of the proposed topology in terms of common mode characteristics, leakage current, total harmonic distortion and conversion efficiency are analyzed and compared with H5, H6, HERIC and HBZBR topologies. The detail analyses are performed using MATLAB/Simulink and PSIM

    Three-Phase ZVR Topology and Modulation Strategy for Transformerless PV System

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    Leakage Current Elimination of Four-Leg Inverter for Transformerless Three-Phase PV Systems

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