3,145 research outputs found

    Novel Application of Neutrosophic Logic in Classifiers Evaluated under Region-Based Image Categorization System

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    Neutrosophic logic is a relatively new logic that is a generalization of fuzzy logic. In this dissertation, for the first time, neutrosophic logic is applied to the field of classifiers where a support vector machine (SVM) is adopted as the example to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of neutrosophic logic. The proposed neutrosophic set is integrated into a reformulated SVM, and the performance of the achieved classifier N-SVM is evaluated under an image categorization system. Image categorization is an important yet challenging research topic in computer vision. In this dissertation, images are first segmented by a hierarchical two-stage self organizing map (HSOM), using color and texture features. A novel approach is proposed to select the training samples of HSOM based on homogeneity properties. A diverse density support vector machine (DD-SVM) framework that extends the multiple-instance learning (MIL) technique is then applied to the image categorization problem by viewing an image as a bag of instances corresponding to the regions obtained from the image segmentation. Using the instance prototype, every bag is mapped to a point in the new bag space, and the categorization is transformed to a classification problem. Then, the proposed N-SVM based on the neutrosophic set is used as the classifier in the new bag space. N-SVM treats samples differently according to the weighting function, and it helps reduce the effects of outliers. Experimental results on a COREL dataset of 1000 general purpose images and a Caltech 101 dataset of 9000 images demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method

    Text Classification Aided by Clustering: a Literature Review

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    Bibliometric Survey on Incremental Learning in Text Classification Algorithms for False Information Detection

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    The false information or misinformation over the web has severe effects on people, business and society as a whole. Therefore, detection of misinformation has become a topic of research among many researchers. Detecting misinformation of textual articles is directly connected to text classification problem. With the massive and dynamic generation of unstructured textual documents over the web, incremental learning in text classification has gained more popularity. This survey explores recent advancements in incremental learning in text classification and review the research publications of the area from Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, and IEEE databases and perform quantitative analysis by using methods such as publication statistics, collaboration degree, research network analysis, and citation analysis. The contribution of this study in incremental learning in text classification provides researchers insights on the latest status of the research through literature survey, and helps the researchers to know the various applications and the techniques used recently in the field

    Enhanced ontology-based text classification algorithm for structurally organized documents

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    Text classification (TC) is an important foundation of information retrieval and text mining. The main task of a TC is to predict the text‟s class according to the type of tag given in advance. Most TC algorithms used terms in representing the document which does not consider the relations among the terms. These algorithms represent documents in a space where every word is assumed to be a dimension. As a result such representations generate high dimensionality which gives a negative effect on the classification performance. The objectives of this thesis are to formulate algorithms for classifying text by creating suitable feature vector and reducing the dimension of data which will enhance the classification accuracy. This research combines the ontology and text representation for classification by developing five algorithms. The first and second algorithms namely Concept Feature Vector (CFV) and Structure Feature Vector (SFV), create feature vector to represent the document. The third algorithm is the Ontology Based Text Classification (OBTC) and is designed to reduce the dimensionality of training sets. The fourth and fifth algorithms, Concept Feature Vector_Text Classification (CFV_TC) and Structure Feature Vector_Text Classification (SFV_TC) classify the document to its related set of classes. These proposed algorithms were tested on five different scientific paper datasets downloaded from different digital libraries and repositories. Experimental obtained from the proposed algorithm, CFV_TC and SFV_TC shown better average results in terms of precision, recall, f-measure and accuracy compared against SVM and RSS approaches. The work in this study contributes to exploring the related document in information retrieval and text mining research by using ontology in TC
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