10 research outputs found

    Inferencia estadĂ­stica robusta basada en divergencias para dispositivos de un sĂłlo uso

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas, leída el 30-06-2021A one-shot device is a unit that performs its function only once and, after use, the device either gets destroyed or must be rebuilt. For this kind of device, one can only know whether the failure time is either before or after a speci c inspection time, and consequently the lifetimes are either left- or right-censored, with the lifetime being less than the inspection time if the test outcome is a failure (resulting in left censoring) and the lifetime being more than the inspection time if the test outcome is a success (resulting in right censoring). An accelerated life test (ALT) plan is usually employed to evaluate the reliability of such products by increasing the levels of stress factors and then extrapolating the life characteristics from high stress conditions to normal operating conditions. This acceleration process will shorten the life span of devices and reduce the costs associated with the experiment. The study of one-shot device from ALT data has been developed considerably recently, mainly motivated by the work of Fan et al. [2009]...Los dispositivos de un solo uso (one shot devices en ingles), son aquellos que, una vez usados, dejan de funcionar. La mayor dificultad a la hora de modelizar su tiempo de vida es que solo se puede saber si el momento de fallo se produce antes o despues de un momento específico de inspeccion. As pues, se trata de un caso extremo de censura intervalica: si el tiempo de vida es inferior al de inspeccion observaremos un fallo (censura por la izquierda), mientras que si el tiempo de vida es mayor que el tiempo de inspeccion, observaremos un exito (censura por la derecha). Para la observacion y modelizacion de este tipo de dispositivos es comun el uso de tests de vida acelerados. Los tests de vida acelerados permiten evaluar la fiabilidad de los productos en menos tiempo, incrementando las condiciones a las que se ven sometidos los dispositivos para extrapolar despues estos resultados a condiciones mas normales. El estudio de los dispositivos de un solo uso por medio de tests de vida acelerados se ha incrementado considerablemente en los ultimos a~nos motivado, principalmente, por el trabajo de Fan et al. [2009]...Fac. de Ciencias MatemáticasTRUEunpu

    Robust Procedures for Estimating and Testing in the Framework of Divergence Measures

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    The scope of the contributions to this book will be to present new and original research papers based on MPHIE, MHD, and MDPDE, as well as test statistics based on these estimators from a theoretical and applied point of view in different statistical problems with special emphasis on robustness. Manuscripts given solutions to different statistical problems as model selection criteria based on divergence measures or in statistics for high-dimensional data with divergence measures as loss function are considered. Reviews making emphasis in the most recent state-of-the art in relation to the solution of statistical problems base on divergence measures are also presented

    Activity report. 2012

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    Advancing Human Assessment: The Methodological, Psychological and Policy Contributions of ETS

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    ​This book describes the extensive contributions made toward the advancement of human assessment by scientists from one of the world’s leading research institutions, Educational Testing Service. The book’s four major sections detail research and development in measurement and statistics, education policy analysis and evaluation, scientific psychology, and validity. Many of the developments presented have become de-facto standards in educational and psychological measurement, including in item response theory (IRT), linking and equating, differential item functioning (DIF), and educational surveys like the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the Programme of international Student Assessment (PISA), the Progress of International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) and the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). In addition to its comprehensive coverage of contributions to the theory and methodology of educational and psychological measurement and statistics, the book gives significant attention to ETS work in cognitive, personality, developmental, and social psychology, and to education policy analysis and program evaluation. The chapter authors are long-standing experts who provide broad coverage and thoughtful insights that build upon decades of experience in research and best practices for measurement, evaluation, scientific psychology, and education policy analysis. Opening with a chapter on the genesis of ETS and closing with a synthesis of the enormously diverse set of contributions made over its 70-year history, the book is a useful resource for all interested in the improvement of human assessment

    Advancing Human Assessment: The Methodological, Psychological and Policy Contributions of ETS

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    Educational Testing Service (ETS); large-scale assessment; policy research; psychometrics; admissions test

    Essentials of Business Analytics

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    Brand Response to Consumer Backlash in Social Media: A Typology

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    The use of social media by consumers to admonish firms for their conduct has become increasingly common. Such backlash can take many forms and often occurs rapidly, spreads widely and is highly visible. The potential damage to brands can be severe if these situations are not dealt with effectively. To date, the issue has been examined relatively superficially in a range of disciplines without specific regard to the management of consumer-brand relationships in online environments. Our research examines the nature of company reactions to social media backlash and conceptualises a typology that categorises reputational damage and effective response. We present four typical reactionary scenarios and conclude that insufficient research exists in this domain proportionate to the level of consumer-brand social media discourse to the peril of practitioners operating via these channel