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    The Dual tree complex wavelet transforms (DTCWTs) have been found to be successful in many applications of signal and image processing. DTCWTs employ two real wavelet transforms, where one wavelet corresponds to the real part of complex wavelet and the other is the imaginary part. Two wavelet bases are required to be a Hilbert transform pair. Thus, DTCWTs are nearly shift invariant and have a good directional selectivity in two or higher dimensions with limited redundancies. In this dissertation, we propose two new classes of DTCWTs with improved properties. In Chapter 2, we review the Fourier transform at first and then introduce the fundamentals of dual tree complex wavelet transform. The wavelet transform has been proved to be a successful tool to express the signal in time and frequency domain simultaneously. To obtain the wavelet coefficients efficiently, the discrete wavelet transform has been introduced since it can be achieved by a tree of two-channel filter banks. Then, we discuss the design conditions of two-channel filter banks, i.e., the perfect reconstruction and orthonormality. Additionally, some properties of scaling and wavelet functions including orthonormality, symmetry and vanishing moments are also given. Moreover, the structure of DTCWT is introduced, where two wavelet bases are required to form a Hilbert transform pair. Thus, the corresponding scaling lowpass filters must satisfy the half-sample delay condition. Finally, the objective measures of quality are given to evaluate the performance of the complex wavelet. In Chapter 3, we propose a new class of DTCWTs with improved analyticity and frequency selectivity by using general IIR filters with numerator and denominator of different degree. In the common-factor technique proposed by Selesnick, the maximally at allpass filter was used to satisfy the halfsample delay condition, resulting in poor analyticity of complex wavelets. Thus, to improve the analyticity of complex wavelets, we present a method for designing allpass filters with the specified degree of flatness and equiripple phase response in the approximation band. Moreover, to improve the frequency selectivity of scaling lowpass filters, we locate the specified number of zeros at z = -1 and minimize the stopband error. The well-known Remez exchange algorithm has been applied to approximate the equiripple response. Therefore, a set of filter coefficients can be easily obtained by solving the eigenvalue problem. Furthermore, we investigate the performance on the proposed DTCWTs and dedicate how to choose the approximation band and stopband properly. It is shown that the conventional DTCWTs proposed by Selesnick are only the special cases of DTCWTs proposed in this dissertation. In Chapter 4, we propose another class of almost symmetric DTCWTs with arbitrary center of symmetry. We specify the degree of flatness of group delay, and the number of vanishing moments, then apply the Remez exchange algorithm to minimize the difference between two scaling lowpass filters in the frequency domain, in order to improve the analyticity of complex wavelets. Therefore, the equiripple behaviour of the error function can be obtained through a few iterations. Moreover, two scaling lowpass filters can be obtained simultaneously. As a result, the complex wavelets are orthogonal and almost symmetric, and have the improved analyticity. Since the group delay of scaling lowpass filters can be arbitrarily specified, the scaling functions have the arbitrary center of symmetry. Finally, several experiments of signal denoising are carried out to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed DTCWTs. It is clear that the proposed DTCWTs can achieve better performance on noise reduction.電気通信大学201

    Modular frames for Hilbert C*-modules and symmetric approximation of frames

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    We give a comprehensive introduction to a general modular frame construction in Hilbert C*-modules and to related modular operators on them. The Hilbert space situation appears as a special case. The reported investigations rely on the idea of geometric dilation to standard Hilbert C*-modulesover unital C*-algebras that admit an orthonormal Riesz basis. Interrelations and applications to classical linear frame theory are indicated. As an application we describe the nature of families of operators {S_i} such that SUM_i S*_iS_i=id_H, where H is a Hilbert space. Resorting to frames in Hilbert spaces we discuss some measures for pairs of frames to be close to one another. Most of the measures are expressed in terms of norm-distances of different kinds of frame operators. In particular, the existence and uniqueness of the closest (normalized) tight frame to a given frame is investigated. For Riesz bases with certain restrictions the set of closetst tight frames often contains a multiple of its symmetric orthogonalization (i.e. L\"owdin orthogonalization).Comment: SPIE's Annual Meeting, Session 4119: Wavelets in Signal and Image Processing; San Diego, CA, U.S.A., July 30 - August 4, 2000. to appear in: Proceedings of SPIE v. 4119(2000), 12 p

    Time-frequency transforms of white noises and Gaussian analytic functions

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    A family of Gaussian analytic functions (GAFs) has recently been linked to the Gabor transform of white Gaussian noise [Bardenet et al., 2017]. This answered pioneering work by Flandrin [2015], who observed that the zeros of the Gabor transform of white noise had a very regular distribution and proposed filtering algorithms based on the zeros of a spectrogram. The mathematical link with GAFs provides a wealth of probabilistic results to inform the design of such signal processing procedures. In this paper, we study in a systematic way the link between GAFs and a class of time-frequency transforms of Gaussian white noises on Hilbert spaces of signals. Our main observation is a conceptual correspondence between pairs (transform, GAF) and generating functions for classical orthogonal polynomials. This correspondence covers some classical time-frequency transforms, such as the Gabor transform and the Daubechies-Paul analytic wavelet transform. It also unveils new windowed discrete Fourier transforms, which map white noises to fundamental GAFs. All these transforms may thus be of interest to the research program `filtering with zeros'. We also identify the GAF whose zeros are the extrema of the Gabor transform of the white noise and derive their first intensity. Moreover, we discuss important subtleties in defining a white noise and its transform on infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. Finally, we provide quantitative estimates concerning the finite-dimensional approximations of these white noises, which is of practical interest when it comes to implementing signal processing algorithms based on GAFs.Comment: to appear in Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysi

    Rebricking frames and bases

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    In 1949, Denis Gabor introduced the ``complex signal'' (nowadays called ``analytic signal'') by combining a real function ff with its Hilbert transform HfHf to a complex function f+iHff+ iHf. His aim was to extract phase information, an idea that has inspired techniques as the monogenic signal and the complex dual tree wavelet transform. In this manuscript, we consider two questions: When do two real-valued bases or frames {fn:nN}\{f_{n} : n\in\mathbb{N}\} and {gn:nN}\{g_{n} : n\in\mathbb{N}\} form a complex basis or frame of the form {fn+ign:nN}\{f_{n} + i g_{n}: n\in\mathbb{N}\}? And for which bounded linear operators AA forms {fn+iAfn:nN}\{f_{n} + i A f_{n} : n\in\mathbb{N}\} a complex-valued orthonormal basis, Riesz basis or frame, when {fn:nN}\{f_{n} : n\in\mathbb{N}\} is a real-valued orthonormal basis, Riesz basis or frame? We call this approach \emph{rebricking}. It is well-known that the analytic signals don't span the complex vector space L2(R;C)L^{2}(\mathbb{R}; \mathbb{C}), hence HH is not a rebricking operator. We give a full characterization of rebricking operators for bases, in particular orthonormal and Riesz bases, Parseval frames, and frames in general. We also examine the special case of finite dimensional vector spaces and show that we can use any real, invertible matrix for rebricking if we allow for permutations in the imaginary part.Comment: 39 pages, 1 tabl