329 research outputs found

    On the minimum distance of elliptic curve codes

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    Computing the minimum distance of a linear code is one of the fundamental problems in algorithmic coding theory. Vardy [14] showed that it is an \np-hard problem for general linear codes. In practice, one often uses codes with additional mathematical structure, such as AG codes. For AG codes of genus 00 (generalized Reed-Solomon codes), the minimum distance has a simple explicit formula. An interesting result of Cheng [3] says that the minimum distance problem is already \np-hard (under \rp-reduction) for general elliptic curve codes (ECAG codes, or AG codes of genus 11). In this paper, we show that the minimum distance of ECAG codes also has a simple explicit formula if the evaluation set is suitably large (at least 2/32/3 of the group order). Our method is purely combinatorial and based on a new sieving technique from the first two authors [8]. This method also proves a significantly stronger version of the MDS (maximum distance separable) conjecture for ECAG codes.Comment: 13 page

    Subspace subcodes of Reed-Solomon codes

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    We introduce a class of nonlinear cyclic error-correcting codes, which we call subspace subcodes of Reed-Solomon (SSRS) codes. An SSRS code is a subset of a parent Reed-Solomon (RS) code consisting of the RS codewords whose components all lie in a fixed ν-dimensional vector subspace S of GF (2m). SSRS codes are constructed using properties of the Galois field GF(2m). They are not linear over the field GF(2ν), which does not come into play, but rather are Abelian group codes over S. However, they are linear over GF(2), and the symbol-wise cyclic shift of any codeword is also a codeword. Our main result is an explicit but complicated formula for the dimension of an SSRS code. It implies a simple lower bound, which gives the true value of the dimension for most, though not all, subspaces. We also prove several important duality properties. We present some numerical examples, which show, among other things, that (1) SSRS codes can have a higher dimension than comparable subfield subcodes of RS codes, so that even if GF(2ν) is a subfield of GF(2m), it may not be the best ν-dimensional subspace for constructing SSRS codes; and (2) many high-rate SSRS codes have a larger dimension than any previously known code with the same values of n, d, and q, including algebraic-geometry codes. These examples suggest that high-rate SSRS codes are promising candidates to replace Reed-Solomon codes in high-performance transmission and storage systems

    On the number of k-dominating independent sets

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    We study the existence and the number of kk-dominating independent sets in certain graph families. While the case k=1k=1 namely the case of maximal independent sets - which is originated from Erd\H{o}s and Moser - is widely investigated, much less is known in general. In this paper we settle the question for trees and prove that the maximum number of kk-dominating independent sets in nn-vertex graphs is between ck22knc_k\cdot\sqrt[2k]{2}^n and ck2k+1nc_k'\cdot\sqrt[k+1]{2}^n if k2k\geq 2, moreover the maximum number of 22-dominating independent sets in nn-vertex graphs is between c1.22nc\cdot 1.22^n and c1.246nc'\cdot1.246^n. Graph constructions containing a large number of kk-dominating independent sets are coming from product graphs, complete bipartite graphs and with finite geometries. The product graph construction is associated with the number of certain MDS codes.Comment: 13 page

    New Non-Equivalent (Self-Dual) MDS Codes From Elliptic Curves

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    It is well known that MDS codes can be constructed as algebraic geometric (AG) codes from elliptic curves. It is always interesting to construct new non-equivalent MDS codes and self-dual MDS codes. In recent years several constructions of new self-dual MDS codes from the generalized twisted Reed-Solomon codes were proposed. In this paper we construct new non-equivalent MDS and almost MDS codes from elliptic curve codes. 1) We show that there are many MDS AG codes from elliptic curves defined over Fq{\bf F}_q for any given small consecutive lengths nn, which are not equivalent to Reed-Solomon codes and twisted Reed-Solomon codes. 2) New self-dual MDS AG codes over F2s{\bf F}_{{2^s}} from elliptic curves are constructed, which are not equivalent to Reed-Solomon codes and twisted Reed-Solomon codes. 3) Twisted versions of some elliptic curve codes are introduced such that new non-equivalent almost MDS codes are constructed. Moreover there are some non-equivalent MDS elliptic curve codes with the same length and the same dimension. The application to MDS entanglement-assisted quantum codes is given.We also construct non-equivalent new MDS codes of short lengths from higher genus curves.Comment: 28 pages, new non-equivalent MDS codes from higher genus curves are discusse

    The Weights in MDS Codes

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    The weights in MDS codes of length n and dimension k over the finite field GF(q) are studied. Up to some explicit exceptional cases, the MDS codes with parameters given by the MDS conjecture are shown to contain all k weights in the range n-k+1 to n. The proof uses the covering radius of the dual codeComment: 5 pages, submitted to IEEE Trans. IT. This version 2 is the revised version after the refereeing process. Accepted for publicatio

    A characterization of MDS codes that have an error correcting pair

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    Error-correcting pairs were introduced in 1988 by R. Pellikaan, and were found independently by R. K\"otter (1992), as a general algebraic method of decoding linear codes. These pairs exist for several classes of codes. However little or no study has been made for characterizing those codes. This article is an attempt to fill the vacuum left by the literature concerning this subject. Since every linear code is contained in an MDS code of the same minimum distance over some finite field extension we have focused our study on the class of MDS codes. Our main result states that an MDS code of minimum distance 2t+12t+1 has a tt-ECP if and only if it is a generalized Reed-Solomon code. A second proof is given using recent results Mirandola and Z\'emor (2015) on the Schur product of codes

    On the similarities between generalized rank and Hamming weights and their applications to network coding

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    Rank weights and generalized rank weights have been proven to characterize error and erasure correction, and information leakage in linear network coding, in the same way as Hamming weights and generalized Hamming weights describe classical error and erasure correction, and information leakage in wire-tap channels of type II and code-based secret sharing. Although many similarities between both cases have been established and proven in the literature, many other known results in the Hamming case, such as bounds or characterizations of weight-preserving maps, have not been translated to the rank case yet, or in some cases have been proven after developing a different machinery. The aim of this paper is to further relate both weights and generalized weights, show that the results and proofs in both cases are usually essentially the same, and see the significance of these similarities in network coding. Some of the new results in the rank case also have new consequences in the Hamming case