921 research outputs found

    Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation Using Multi-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Networks from Geostationary Satellite Data

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    For a long time, researchers have tried to find a way to analyze tropical cyclone (TC) intensity in real-time. Since there is no standardized method for estimating TC intensity and the most widely used method is a manual algorithm using satellite-based cloud images, there is a bias that varies depending on the TC center and shape. In this study, we adopted convolutional neural networks (CNNs) which are part of a state-of-art approach that analyzes image patterns to estimate TC intensity by mimicking human cloud pattern recognition. Both two dimensional-CNN (2D-CNN) and three-dimensional-CNN (3D-CNN) were used to analyze the relationship between multi-spectral geostationary satellite images and TC intensity. Our best-optimized model produced a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 8.32 kts, resulting in better performance (~35%) than the existing model using the CNN-based approach with a single channel image. Moreover, we analyzed the characteristics of multi-spectral satellite-based TC images according to intensity using a heat map, which is one of the visualization means of CNNs. It shows that the stronger the intensity of the TC, the greater the influence of the TC center in the lower atmosphere. This is consistent with the results from the existing TC initialization method with numerical simulations based on dynamical TC models. Our study suggests the possibility that a deep learning approach can be used to interpret the behavior characteristics of TCs

    Deep Learning Techniques in Extreme Weather Events: A Review

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    Extreme weather events pose significant challenges, thereby demanding techniques for accurate analysis and precise forecasting to mitigate its impact. In recent years, deep learning techniques have emerged as a promising approach for weather forecasting and understanding the dynamics of extreme weather events. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art deep learning in the field. We explore the utilization of deep learning architectures, across various aspects of weather prediction such as thunderstorm, lightning, precipitation, drought, heatwave, cold waves and tropical cyclones. We highlight the potential of deep learning, such as its ability to capture complex patterns and non-linear relationships. Additionally, we discuss the limitations of current approaches and highlight future directions for advancements in the field of meteorology. The insights gained from this systematic review are crucial for the scientific community to make informed decisions and mitigate the impacts of extreme weather events

    Modern Climatology - Full Text

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    Climatology, the study of climate, is no longer regarded as a single discipline that treats climate as something that fluctuates only within the unchanging boundaries described by historical statistics. The field has recognized that climate is something that changes continually under the influence of physical and biological forces and so, cannot be understood in isolation but rather, is one that includes diverse scientific disciplines that play their role in understanding a highly complex coupled “whole system” that is the Earth’s climate. The modern era of climatology is echoed in this book. On the one hand it offers a broad synoptic perspective but also considers the regional standpoint as it is this that affects what people need from climatology, albeit water resource managers or engineers etc. Aspects on the topic of climate change – what is often considered a contradiction in terms – is also addressed. It is all too evident these days that what recent work in climatology has revealed carries profound implications for economic and social policy; it is with these in mind that the final chapters consider acumens as to the application of what has been learned to date. This book is divided into four sections that cover sub-disciplines in climatology. The first section contains four chapters that pertain to synoptic climatology, i.e., the study of weather disturbances including hurricanes, monsoon depressions, synoptic waves, and severe thunderstorms; these weather systems directly impact humanity. The second section on regional climatology has four chapters that describe the climate features within physiographically defined areas. The third section is on climate change which involves both past (paleoclimate) and future climate: The first two chapters cover certain facets of paleoclimate while the third is centered towards the signals (observed or otherwise) of climate change. The fourth and final section broaches the sub-discipline that is often referred to as applied climatology; this represents the important goal of all studies in climatology–one that affects modes of living. Here, three chapters are devoted towards the application of climatological research that might have useful application for operational purposes in industrial, manufacturing, agricultural, technological and environmental affairs. Please click here to explore the components of this work.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/modern_climatology/1014/thumbnail.jp

    The HOAPS Climatology - Evaluation and Applications

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    Observing and Studying Extreme Low Pressure Events with Altimetry

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    The ability of altimetry to detect extreme low pressure events and the relationship between sea level pressure and sea level anomalies during extra-tropical depressions have been investigated. Specific altimeter treatments have been developed for tropical cyclones and applied to obtain a relevant along-track sea surface height (SSH) signal: the case of tropical cyclone Isabel is presented here. The S- and C-band measurements are used because they are less impacted by rain than the Ku-band, and new sea state bias (SSB) and wet troposphere corrections are proposed. More accurate strong altimeter wind speeds are computed thanks to the Young algorithm. Ocean signals not related to atmospheric pressure can be removed with accuracy, even within a Near Real Time context, by removing the maps of sea level anomaly (SLA) provided by SSALTO/Duacs. In the case of Extra-Tropical Depressions, the classical altimeter processing can be used. Ocean signal not related to atmospheric pressure is along-track filtered. The sea level pressure (SLP)-SLA relationship is investigated for the North Atlantic, North Pacific and Indian oceans; three regression models are proposed allowing restoring an altimeter SLP with a mean error of 5 hPa if compared to ECMWF or buoys SLP. The analysis of barotropic simulation outputs points out the regional variability of the SLP/Model Sea Level relationship and the wind effects

    Study of Climate Variability Patterns at Different Scales – A Complex Network Approach

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    Das Klimasystem der Erde besteht aus zahlreichen interagierenden Teilsystemen, die sich ĂŒber verschiedene Zeitskalen hinweg verĂ€ndern, was zu einer Ă€ußerst komplizierten rĂ€umlich-zeitlichen KlimavariabilitĂ€t fĂŒhrt. Das VerstĂ€ndnis von Prozessen, die auf verschiedenen rĂ€umlichen und zeitlichen Skalen ablaufen, ist ein entscheidender Aspekt bei der numerischen Wettervorhersage. Die VariabilitĂ€t des Klimas, ein sich selbst konstituierendes System, scheint in Mustern auf großen Skalen organisiert zu sein. Die Verwendung von Klimanetzwerken hat sich als erfolgreicher Ansatz fĂŒr die Erkennung der rĂ€umlichen Ausbreitung dieser großrĂ€umigen Muster in der VariabilitĂ€t des Klimasystems erwiesen. In dieser Arbeit wird mit Hilfe von Klimanetzwerken gezeigt, dass die KlimavariabilitĂ€t nicht nur auf grĂ¶ĂŸeren Skalen (Asiatischer Sommermonsun, El Niño/Southern Oscillation), sondern auch auf kleineren Skalen, z.B. auf Wetterzeitskalen, in Mustern organisiert ist. Dies findet Anwendung bei der Erkennung einzelner tropischer WirbelstĂŒrme, bei der Charakterisierung binĂ€rer Wirbelsturm-Interaktionen, die zu einer vollstĂ€ndigen Verschmelzung fĂŒhren, und bei der Untersuchung der intrasaisonalen und interannuellen VariabilitĂ€t des Asiatischen Sommermonsuns. Schließlich wird die Anwendbarkeit von Klimanetzwerken zur Analyse von Vorhersagefehlern demonstriert, was fĂŒr die Verbesserung von Vorhersagen von immenser Bedeutung ist. Da korrelierte Fehler durch vorhersagbare Beziehungen zwischen Fehlern verschiedener Regionen aufgrund von zugrunde liegenden systematischen oder zufĂ€lligen Prozessen auftreten können, wird gezeigt, dass Fehler-Netzwerke helfen können, die rĂ€umlich kohĂ€renten Strukturen von Vorhersagefehlern zu untersuchen. Die Analyse der Fehler-Netzwerk-Topologie von Klimavariablen liefert ein erstes VerstĂ€ndnis der vorherrschenden Fehlerquelle und veranschaulicht das Potenzial von Klimanetzwerken als vielversprechendes Diagnoseinstrument zur Untersuchung von Fehlerkorrelationen.The Earth’s climate system consists of numerous interacting subsystems varying over a multitude of time scales giving rise to highly complicated spatio-temporal climate variability. Understanding processes occurring at different scales, both spatial and temporal, has been a very crucial problem in numerical weather prediction. The variability of climate, a self-constituting system, appears to be organized in patterns on large scales. The climate networks approach has been very successful in detecting the spatial propagation of these large scale patterns of variability in the climate system. In this thesis, it is demonstrated using climate network approach that climate variability is organized in patterns not only at larger scales (Asian Summer Monsoon, El Niño-Southern Oscillation) but also at shorter scales, e.g., weather time scales. This finds application in detecting individual tropical cyclones, characterizing binary cyclone interaction leading to a complete merger, and studying the intraseasonal and interannual variability of the Asian Summer Monsoon. Finally, the applicability of the climate network framework to understand forecast error properties is demonstrated, which is crucial for improvement of forecasts. As correlated errors can arise due to the presence of a predictable relationship between errors of different regions because of some underlying systematic or random process, it is shown that error networks can help to analyze the spatially coherent structures of forecast errors. The analysis of the error network topology of a climate variable provides a preliminary understanding of the dominant source of error, which shows the potential of climate networks as a very promising diagnostic tool to study error correlations

    A simple forecasting scheme for predicting low rainfalls in Funafuti, Tuvalu

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    The development of some ability for forecasting low rainfalls would be helpful in Tuvalu as rainwater is the only source of fresh water in the country. The subsurface water is brackish and saline so the entire country depends totally on rainwater for daily domestic supplies, agricultural and farming activities. More importantly, these atolls are often influenced by droughts which consequently make inadequate drinking water an issue. A simple graph-based forecasting scheme is developed and presented in this thesis for forecasting below average mean rainfall in Funafuti over the next n-month period. The approach uses precursor ocean surface temperature data to make predictions of below average rainfall for n = 1, 2 12. The simplicity of the approach makes it a suitable method for the country and thus for the Tuvalu Meteorological Service to use as an operational forecasting tool in the climate forecasting desk. The graphical method was derived from standardised monthly rainfalls from the Funafuti manual raingauge for the period January 1945 to July 2007. The method uses lag-1 and-lag 2 NINO4 sea surface temperatures to define whether prediction conditions hold. The persistence of predictability tends to be maintained when the observed NINO4 ocean surface temperatures fall below 26.0oC. Although the developed method has a high success probability of up to 80 percent, this can only be achieved when conditions are within the predictable field. A considerable number of below average rainfall periods are not within the predictable field and therefore cannot be forecast by this method. However, the graphical approach has particular value in warning when an existing drought is likely to continue
