23 research outputs found

    A comprehensive integrated drug similarity resource for in-silico drug repositioning and beyond.

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    Drug similarity studies are driven by the hypothesis that similar drugs should display similar therapeutic actions and thus can potentially treat a similar constellation of diseases. Drug-drug similarity has been derived by variety of direct and indirect sources of evidence and frequently shown high predictive power in discovering validated repositioning candidates as well as other in-silico drug development applications. Yet, existing resources either have limited coverage or rely on an individual source of evidence, overlooking the wealth and diversity of drug-related data sources. Hence, there has been an unmet need for a comprehensive resource integrating diverse drug-related information to derive multi-evidenced drug-drug similarities. We addressed this resource gap by compiling heterogenous information for an exhaustive set of small-molecule drugs (total of 10 367 in the current version) and systematically integrated multiple sources of evidence to derive a multi-modal drug-drug similarity network. The resulting database, 'DrugSimDB' currently includes 238 635 drug pairs with significant aggregated similarity, complemented with an interactive user-friendly web interface (http://vafaeelab.com/drugSimDB.html), which not only enables database ease of access, search, filtration and export, but also provides a variety of complementary information on queried drugs and interactions. The integration approach can flexibly incorporate further drug information into the similarity network, providing an easily extendable platform. The database compilation and construction source-code has been well-documented and semi-automated for any-time upgrade to account for new drugs and up-to-date drug information

    Novel drug-target interactions via link prediction and network embedding

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    BACKGROUND: As many interactions between the chemical and genomic space remain undiscovered, computational methods able to identify potential drug-target interactions (DTIs) are employed to accelerate drug discovery and reduce the required cost. Predicting new DTIs can leverage drug repurposing by identifying new targets for approved drugs. However, developing an accurate computational framework that can efficiently incorporate chemical and genomic spaces remains extremely demanding. A key issue is that most DTI predictions suffer from the lack of experimentally validated negative interactions or limited availability of target 3D structures. RESULTS: We report DT2Vec, a pipeline for DTI prediction based on graph embedding and gradient boosted tree classification. It maps drug-drug and protein–protein similarity networks to low-dimensional features and the DTI prediction is formulated as binary classification based on a strategy of concatenating the drug and target embedding vectors as input features. DT2Vec was compared with three top-performing graph similarity-based algorithms on a standard benchmark dataset and achieved competitive results. In order to explore credible novel DTIs, the model was applied to data from the ChEMBL repository that contain experimentally validated positive and negative interactions which yield a strong predictive model. Then, the developed model was applied to all possible unknown DTIs to predict new interactions. The applicability of DT2Vec as an effective method for drug repurposing is discussed through case studies and evaluation of some novel DTI predictions is undertaken using molecular docking. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed method was able to integrate and map chemical and genomic space into low-dimensional dense vectors and showed promising results in predicting novel DTIs. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12859-022-04650-w

    Small molecule-mediated targeting of microRNAs for drug discovery: experiments, computational techniques, and disease implications

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    Small molecules have been providing medical breakthroughs for human diseases for more than a century. Recently, identifying small molecule inhibitors that target microRNAs (miRNAs) has gained importance, despite the challenges posed by labour-intensive screening experiments and the significant efforts required for medicinal chemistry optimization. Numerous experimentally-verified cases have demonstrated the potential of miRNA-targeted small molecule inhibitors for disease treatment. This new approach is grounded in their posttranscriptional regulation of the expression of disease-associated genes. Reversing dysregulated gene expression using this mechanism may help control dysfunctional pathways. Furthermore, the ongoing improvement of algorithms has allowed for the integration of computational strategies built on top of laboratory-based data, facilitating a more precise and rational design and discovery of lead compounds. To complement the use of extensive pharmacogenomics data in prioritising potential drugs, our previous work introduced a computational approach based on only molecular sequences. Moreover, various computational tools for predicting molecular interactions in biological networks using similarity-based inference techniques have been accumulated in established studies. However, there are a limited number of comprehensive reviews covering both computational and experimental drug discovery processes. In this review, we outline a cohesive overview of both biological and computational applications in miRNA-targeted drug discovery, along with their disease implications and clinical significance. Finally, utilizing drug-target interaction (DTIs) data from DrugBank, we showcase the effectiveness of deep learning for obtaining the physicochemical characterization of DTIs

    Network modeling helps to tackle the complexity of drug-disease systems

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    From the (patho)physiological point of view, diseases can be considered as emergent properties of living systems stemming from the complexity of these systems. Complex systems display some typical features, including the presence of emergent behavior and the organization in successive hierarchic levels. Drug treatments increase this complexity scenario, and from some years the use of network models has been introduced to describe drug-disease systems and to make predictions about them with regard to several aspects related to drug discovery. Here, we review some recent examples thereof with the aim to illustrate how network science tools can be very effective in addressing both tasks. We will examine the use of bipartite networks that lead to the important concept of "disease module", as well as the introduction of more articulated models, like multi-scale and multiplex networks, able to describe disease systems at increasing levels of organization. Examples of predictive models will then be discussed, considering both those that exploit approaches purely based on graph theory and those that integrate machine learning methods. A short account of both kinds of methodological applications will be provided. Finally, the point will be made on the present situation of modeling complex drug-disease systems highlighting some open issues.This article is categorized under:Neurological Diseases > Computational ModelsInfectious Diseases > Computational ModelsCardiovascular Diseases > Computational Model