90,142 research outputs found

    Cooperative Compute-and-Forward

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    We examine the benefits of user cooperation under compute-and-forward. Much like in network coding, receivers in a compute-and-forward network recover finite-field linear combinations of transmitters' messages. Recovery is enabled by linear codes: transmitters map messages to a linear codebook, and receivers attempt to decode the incoming superposition of signals to an integer combination of codewords. However, the achievable computation rates are low if channel gains do not correspond to a suitable linear combination. In response to this challenge, we propose a cooperative approach to compute-and-forward. We devise a lattice-coding approach to block Markov encoding with which we construct a decode-and-forward style computation strategy. Transmitters broadcast lattice codewords, decode each other's messages, and then cooperatively transmit resolution information to aid receivers in decoding the integer combinations. Using our strategy, we show that cooperation offers a significant improvement both in the achievable computation rate and in the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff.Comment: submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Cooperative diversity using MIMO systems

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    Multipath fading is one of the primary factors for degrading the performance in a wireless network. Information theoretic and past research suggest the use various diversity techniques to combat fading in wireless networks. Antenna diversity, a form of diversity technique, when incorporated in a wireless transceiver increases the system capacity and is one of the effective methods to combat fading in wireless systems. Also, recent research by Laneman et.al., Sendonaris et.al. suggests that cooperation among users in a wireless networks is an effective approach for a better signal reception in multipath fading environments. The diversity gains obtained by cooperation among the users of a wireless network is termed as cooperative diversity . Although, prior research in cooperative diversity considers users equipped with single antenna, in practical scenarios users may be able to accommodate multiple antennas due to the recent advanced research in semiconductor industry. Hence, the primary purpose of this thesis is to design, simulate and analyze an end-end performance of multi-antenna wireless systems employing cooperative multi antenna relay nodes so as to exploit the cooperative diversity and antenna diversity simultaneously in a wireless networks. Three main contributions to the area of cooperative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless systems is presented in this thesis. First, we perform information theoretic analysis to study the impact of antenna arrays on cooperative wireless networks and propose the best possible distribution of antenna arrays among the three terminals of a simple three terminal cooperative relay network. Second, we design, simulate, and analyze a cooperative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless systems employing orthogonal space-time block codes as proposed by Alamouti in 1998 with a decode-and-forward (DF) relay terminal. We implement a maximal ratio combining receiver that provides almost twice the diversity gain with respect to point-point multiple input multiple output link. Finally, we implement a practical receiver for cooperative reception using multiple antennas at all nodes based on Bell-Labs Layered Space Time architecture (BLAST). We incorporate a practical adaptive decode-and-forward (DF) relaying technique for reliable signal retransmission for both Alamouti space-time coding and the BLAST schemes. Results presented in terms of bit error rates and throughput show that remarkable performance gains are achievable by combining the concepts drawn from space-time coding, cooperative relaying and array processing

    Code-rate-optimized differentially modulated near-capacity cooperation

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    It is widely recognized that half-duplex-relay-aided differential decode-and-forward (DDF) cooperative transmission schemes are capable of achieving a cooperative diversity gain, while circumventing the potentially excessive-complexity and yet inaccurate channel estimation, especially in mobile environments. However, when a cooperative wireless communication system is designed to approach the maximum achievable spectral efficiency by taking the cooperation-induced multiplexing loss into account, it is not obvious whether or not the relay-aided system becomes superior to its direct-transmission based counterpart, especially, when advanced channel coding techniques are employed. Furthermore, the optimization of the transmit-interval durations required by the source and relay is an open issue, which has not been well understood in the context of half-duplex relaying schemes. Hence, we first find the optimum transmission duration, which is proportional to the adaptive channel-code rate of the source and relay in the context of Code-Rate-Optimized (CRO) TDMA-based DDF-aided half-duplex systems for the sake of maximizing the achievable network throughput. Then, we investigate the benefits of introducing cooperative mechanisms into wireless networks, which may be approached in the context of the proposed CRO cooperative system both from a pure capacity perspective and from the practical perspective of approaching the Discrete-input Continuous-output Memoryless Channel (DCMC) capacity with the aid of the proposed Irregular Distributed Differential (IrDD) coding aided scheme. In order to achieve a near-capacity performance at a low-complexity, an adaptive-window-duration based Multiple-Symbol Differential Sphere Detection (MSDSD) scheme is employed in the iterative detection aided receiver. Specifically, upon using the proposed near-capacity system design, the IrDD coding scheme devised becomes capable of performing within about 1.8 dB from the corresponding single-relay-aided DDF cooperative system’s DCMC capacity

    Novel transmission schemes for application in two-way cooperative relay wireless communication networks

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    Recently, cooperative relay networks have emerged as an attractive communications technique that can generate a new form of spatial diversity which is known as cooperative diversity, that can enhance system reliability without sacrificing the scarce bandwidth resource or consuming more transmit power. To achieve cooperative diversity single-antenna terminals in a wireless relay network typically share their antennas to form a virtual antenna array on the basis of their distributed locations. As such, the same diversity gains as in multi-input multi-output systems can be achieved without requiring multiple-antenna terminals. However, there remain technical challenges to maximize the benefit of cooperative communications, e.g. data rate, asynchronous transmission, interference and outage. Therefore, the focus of this thesis is to exploit cooperative relay networks within two-way transmission schemes. Such schemes have the potential to double the data rate as compared to one-way transmission schemes. Firstly, a new approach to two-way cooperative communications via extended distributed orthogonal space-time block coding (E-DOSTBC) based on phase rotation feedback is proposed with four relay nodes. This scheme can achieve full cooperative diversity and full transmission rate in addition to array gain. Then, distributed orthogonal space-time block coding (DOSTBC) is applied within an asynchronous two-way cooperative wireless relay network using two relay nodes. A parallel interference cancelation (PIC) detection scheme with low structural and computational complexity is applied at the terminal nodes in order to overcome the effect of imperfect synchronization among the cooperative relay nodes. Next, a DOSTBC scheme based on cooperative orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) type transmission is proposed for flat fading channels which can overcome imperfect synchronization in the network. As such, this technique can effectively cope with the effects of fading and timing errors. Moreover, to increase the end-to-end data rate, a closed-loop EDOSTBC approach using through a three-time slot framework is proposed. A full interference cancelation scheme with OFDM and cyclic prefix type transmission is used in a two-hop cooperative four relay network with asynchronism in the both hops to achieve full data rate and completely cancel the timing error. The topic of outage probability analysis in the context of multi-relay selection for one-way cooperative amplify and forward networks is then considered. Local measurements of the instantaneous channel conditions are used to select the best single and best two relays from a number of available relays. Asymptotical conventional polices are provided to select the best single and two relays from a number of available relays. Finally, the outage probability of a two-way amplify and forward relay network with best and Mth relay selection is analyzed. The relay selection is performed either on the basis of a max-min strategy or one based on maximizing exact end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio. MATLAB and Maple software based simulations are employed throughout the thesis to support the analytical results and assess the performance of new algorithms and methods

    Optimization Framework and Graph-Based Approach for Relay-Assisted Bidirectional OFDMA Cellular Networks

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    This paper considers a relay-assisted bidirectional cellular network where the base station (BS) communicates with each mobile station (MS) using OFDMA for both uplink and downlink. The goal is to improve the overall system performance by exploring the full potential of the network in various dimensions including user, subcarrier, relay, and bidirectional traffic. In this work, we first introduce a novel three-time-slot time-division duplexing (TDD) transmission protocol. This protocol unifies direct transmission, one-way relaying and network-coded two-way relaying between the BS and each MS. Using the proposed three-time-slot TDD protocol, we then propose an optimization framework for resource allocation to achieve the following gains: cooperative diversity (via relay selection), network coding gain (via bidirectional transmission mode selection), and multiuser diversity (via subcarrier assignment). We formulate the problem as a combinatorial optimization problem, which is NP-complete. To make it more tractable, we adopt a graph-based approach. We first establish the equivalence between the original problem and a maximum weighted clique problem in graph theory. A metaheuristic algorithm based on any colony optimization (ACO) is then employed to find the solution in polynomial time. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed protocol together with the ACO algorithm significantly enhances the system total throughput.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Low-cost Interference Mitigation and Relay Processing for Cooperative DS-CDMA Systems

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    In wireless communications, propagation aspects such as fading, shadowing and path loss are the major constraints that seriously limit the overall performance of systems. Indeed, severe fading has a detrimental effect on the received signals and can lead to a degradation of the transmission of information and the reliability of the network. In this case, diversity techniques are introduced in order to mitigate fading. Among various kinds of diversity techniques, cooperative diversity with relaying nodes is a modern technique that has been widely considered in recent years as an effective tool to deal with this problem. Several cooperative protocols have been proposed in the literature, and among the most effective ones are Amplify-and-Forward (AF) and Decode-and-Forward (DF). Cooperative diversity can be combined with direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems to further enhance the information security. However, due to the multiple access interference (MAI) that arises from nonorthogonal received waveforms in the DS-CDMA systems, the system performance may easily be affected. To deal with this issue, novel multiuser detection (MUD) technique is introduced as a useful relay processing strategy for the uplink of cooperative DS-CDMA systems. Apart from that, distributed space-time coding (DSTC) is another effective approach that can be combined with cooperative diversity to further improve the transmission performance. Moreover, in order to increase the throughput of the cooperative DS-CDMA network, physical-layer network coding (PNC) scheme is then adopted together with the cooperative DS-CDMA network. Clearly, better performance gain and lower power consumption can be obtained when appropriate relaying strategies are applied

    Distributed space-time block coding in cooperative relay networks with application in cognitive radio

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    Spatial diversity is an effective technique to combat the effects of severe fading in wireless environments. Recently, cooperative communications has emerged as an attractive communications paradigm that can introduce a new form of spatial diversity which is known as cooperative diversity, that can enhance system reliability without sacrificing the scarce bandwidth resource or consuming more transmit power. It enables single-antenna terminals in a wireless relay network to share their antennas to form a virtual antenna array on the basis of their distributed locations. As such, the same diversity gains as in multi-input multi-output systems can be achieved without requiring multiple-antenna terminals. In this thesis, a new approach to cooperative communications via distributed extended orthogonal space-time block coding (D-EO-STBC) based on limited partial feedback is proposed for cooperative relay networks with three and four relay nodes and then generalized for an arbitrary number of relay nodes. This scheme can achieve full cooperative diversity and full transmission rate in addition to array gain, and it has certain properties that make it alluring for practical systems such as orthogonality, flexibility, low computational complexity and decoding delay, and high robustness to node failure. Versions of the closed-loop D-EO-STBC scheme based on cooperative orthogonal frequency division multiplexing type transmission are also proposed for both flat and frequency-selective fading channels which can overcome imperfect synchronization in the network. As such, this proposed technique can effectively cope with the effects of fading and timing errors. Moreover, to increase the end-to-end data rate, this scheme is extended for two-way relay networks through a three-time slot framework. On the other hand, to substantially reduce the feedback channel overhead, limited feedback approaches based on parameter quantization are proposed. In particular, an optimal one-bit partial feedback approach is proposed for the generalized D-O-STBC scheme to maximize the array gain. To further enhance the end-to-end bit error rate performance of the cooperative relay system, a relay selection scheme based on D-EO-STBC is then proposed. Finally, to highlight the utility of the proposed D-EO-STBC scheme, an application to cognitive radio is studied

    Modified quasi-orthogonal space-time block coding in distributed wireless networks

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    Cooperative networks have developed as a useful technique that can achieve the same advantage as multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) wireless systems such as spatial diversity, whilst resolving the difficulties of co-located multiple antennas at individual nodes and avoiding the effect of path-loss and shadowing. Spatial diversity in cooperative networks is known as cooperative diversity, and can enhance system reliability without sacrificing the scarce bandwidth resource or consuming more transmit power. It enables single-antenna terminals in a wireless relay network to share their antennas to form a virtual antenna array on the basis of their distributed locations. However, there remain technical challenges to maximize the benefit of cooperative communications, e.g. data rate, asynchronous transmission and outage. In this thesis, therefore, firstly, a modified distributed quasi-orthogonal space-time block coding (M-D-QO-STBC) scheme with increased code gain distance (CGD) for one-way and two-way amplify-and-forward wireless relay networks is proposed. This modified code is designed from set partitioning a larger codebook formed from two quasi-orthogonal space time block codes with different signal rotations then the subcodes are combined and pruned to arrive at the modified codebook with the desired rate in order to increase the CGD. Moreover, for higher rate codes the code distance is maximized by using a genetic algorithm to search for the optimum rotation matrix. This scheme has very good performance and significant coding gain over existing codes such as the open-loop and closed-loop QO-STBC schemes. In addition, the topic of outage probability analysis in the context of multi-relay selection from NN available relay nodes for one-way amplify-and-forward cooperative relay networks is considered together with the best relay selection, the NthN^{th} relay selection and best four relay selection in two-way amplify-and-forward cooperative relay networks. The relay selection is performed either on the basis of a max-min strategy or one based on maximizing exact end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio. Furthermore, in this thesis, robust schemes for cooperative relays based on the M-D-QO-STBC scheme for both one-way and two-way asynchronous cooperative relay networks are considered to overcome the issue of a synchronism in wireless cooperative relay networks. In particular, an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) data structure is employed with cyclic prefix (CP) insertion at the source in the one-way cooperative relay network and at the two terminal nodes in the two-way cooperative network to combat the effects of time asynchronism. As such, this technique can effectively cope with the effects of timing errors. Finally, outage probability performance of a proposed amplify-and-forward cooperative cognitive relay network is evaluated and the cognitive relays are assumed to exploit an overlay approach. A closed form expression for the outage probability for multi-relay selection cooperation over Rayleigh frequency flat fading channels is derived for perfect and imperfect spectrum acquisitions. Furthermore, the M-QO-STBC scheme is also proposed for use in wireless cognitive relay networks. MATLAB and Maple software based simulations are employed throughout the thesis to support the analytical results and assess the performance of new algorithms and methods