520 research outputs found

    A unique factorization theorem for matroids

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    We study the combinatorial, algebraic and geometric properties of the free product operation on matroids. After giving cryptomorphic definitions of free product in terms of independent sets, bases, circuits, closure, flats and rank function, we show that free product, which is a noncommutative operation, is associative and respects matroid duality. The free product of matroids MM and NN is maximal with respect to the weak order among matroids having MM as a submatroid, with complementary contraction equal to NN. Any minor of the free product of MM and NN is a free product of a repeated truncation of the corresponding minor of MM with a repeated Higgs lift of the corresponding minor of NN. We characterize, in terms of their cyclic flats, matroids that are irreducible with respect to free product, and prove that the factorization of a matroid into a free product of irreducibles is unique up to isomorphism. We use these results to determine, for K a field of characteristic zero, the structure of the minor coalgebra C\cal C of a family of matroids M\cal M that is closed under formation of minors and free products: namely, C\cal C is cofree, cogenerated by the set of irreducible matroids belonging to M\cal M.Comment: Dedicated to Denis Higgs. 25 pages, 3 figures. Submitted for publication in the Journal of Combinatorial Theory (A). See arXiv:math.CO/0409028 arXiv:math.CO/0409080 for preparatory work on this subjec

    A free subalgebra of the algebra of matroids

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    This paper is an initial inquiry into the structure of the Hopf algebra of matroids with restriction-contraction coproduct. Using a family of matroids introduced by Crapo in 1965, we show that the subalgebra generated by a single point and a single loop in the dual of this Hopf algebra is free.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in the European Journal of Combinatorics. This version incorporates a few minor corrections suggested by the publisher

    Lagrangian Matroids: Representations of Type BnB_n

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    We introduce the concept of orientation for Lagrangian matroids represented in the flag variety of maximal isotropic subspaces of dimension N in the real vector space of dimension 2N+1. The paper continues the study started in math.CO/0209100.Comment: Requires amssymb.sty; 17 page

    Finiteness theorems for matroid complexes with prescribed topology

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    It is known that there are finitely many simplicial complexes (up to isomorphism) with a given number of vertices. Translating to the language of hh-vectors, there are finitely many simplicial complexes of bounded dimension with h1=kh_1=k for any natural number kk. In this paper we study the question at the other end of the hh-vector: Are there only finitely many (d−1)(d-1)-dimensional simplicial complexes with hd=kh_d=k for any given kk? The answer is no if we consider general complexes, but when focus on three cases coming from matroids: (i) independence complexes, (ii) broken circuit complexes, and (iii) order complexes of geometric lattices. We prove the answer is yes in cases (i) and (iii) and conjecture it is also true in case (ii).Comment: to appear in European Journal of Combinatoric
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