451 research outputs found

    The κ-µ Shadowed Fading Model with Integer Fading Parameters

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    (c) 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2017.2678430We show that the popular and general κ-μ shadowed fading model with integer fading parameters μ and m can be represented as a mixture of squared Nakagami- m̂ (or Gamma) distributions. Thus, its PDF and CDF can be expressed in closed-form in terms of a finite number of elementary functions (powers and exponentials). The main implications arising from such connection are then discussed, which can be summarized as: (1) the performance evaluation of communication systems operating in κ-μ shadowed fading becomes as simple as if a Nakagami- m̂ fading channel was assumed; (2) the κ-μ shadowed distribution can be used to approximate the κ-μ distribution using a closed-form representation in terms of elementary functions, by choosing a sufficiently large value of m; and (3) restricting the parameters μ and m to take integer values has limited impact in practice when fitting the κ-μ shadowed fading model to field measurements. As an application example, the average channel capacity of communication systems operating under κ-μ shadowed fading is obtained in closed-form.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional. Andalucía Tech

    A Tractable Line-of-Sight Product Channel Model: Application to Wireless Powered Communications

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    We here present a general and tractable fading model for line-of-sight (LOS) scenarios, which is based on the product of two independent and non-identically distributed κ- μ shadowed random variables. Simple closed-form expressions for the probability density function and cumulative distribution function are derived, which are as tractable as the corresponding expressions derived from a product of Nakagami-m random variables. This newly proposed model simplifies the challenging characterization of LOS product channels, as well as combinations of LOS channels with non-LOS ones. Results are used to analyze performance measures of interest in the context of wireless powered communications.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A Tractable Product Channel Model for Line-of-Sight Scenarios

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    We present a general and tractable fading model for line-of-sight (LOS) scenarios, which is based on the product of two independent and non-identically distributed κ\kappa-μ\mu shadowed random variables. Simple closed-form expressions for the probability density function, cumulative distribution function and moment-generating function are derived, which are as tractable as the corresponding expressions derived from a product of Nakagami-mm random variables. This model simplifies the challenging characterization of LOS product channels, as well as combinations of LOS channels with non-LOS ones. We leverage these results to analyze performance measures of interest in the contexts of wireless powered and backscatter communications, where both forward and reverse links are inherently of LOS nature, as well as in device-to-device communications subject to composite fading. In these contexts, the model shows a higher flexibility when fitting field measurements with respect to conventional approaches based on product distributions with deterministic LOS, together with a more complete physical interpretation of the underlying propagation characteristics.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    On Some Unifications Arising from the MIMO Rician Shadowed Model

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    This paper shows that the proposed Rician shadowed model for multi-antenna communications allows for the unification of a wide set of models, both for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and single- input single-output (SISO) communications. The MIMO Rayleigh and MIMO Rician can be deduced from the MIMO Rician shadowed, and so their SISO counterparts. Other more general SISO models, besides the Rician shadowed, are included in the model, such as the κ-μ, and its recent generalization, the κ-μ shadowed model. Moreover, the SISO η-μ and Nakagami-q models are also included in the MIMO Rician shadowed model. The literature already presents the probability density function (pdf) of the Rician shadowed Gram channel matrix in terms of the well-known gamma- Wishart distribution. We here derive its moment generating function in a tractable form. Closed- form expressions for the cumulative distribution function and the pdf of the maximum eigenvalue are also carried out.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A Comprehensive Analysis of 5G Heterogeneous Cellular Systems operating over κ\kappa-μ\mu Shadowed Fading Channels

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    Emerging cellular technologies such as those proposed for use in 5G communications will accommodate a wide range of usage scenarios with diverse link requirements. This will include the necessity to operate over a versatile set of wireless channels ranging from indoor to outdoor, from line-of-sight (LOS) to non-LOS, and from circularly symmetric scattering to environments which promote the clustering of scattered multipath waves. Unfortunately, many of the conventional fading models adopted in the literature to develop network models lack the flexibility to account for such disparate signal propagation mechanisms. To bridge the gap between theory and practical channels, we consider κ\kappa-μ\mu shadowed fading, which contains as special cases, the majority of the linear fading models proposed in the open literature, including Rayleigh, Rician, Nakagami-m, Nakagami-q, One-sided Gaussian, κ\kappa-μ\mu, η\eta-μ\mu, and Rician shadowed to name but a few. In particular, we apply an orthogonal expansion to represent the κ\kappa-μ\mu shadowed fading distribution as a simplified series expression. Then using the series expressions with stochastic geometry, we propose an analytic framework to evaluate the average of an arbitrary function of the SINR over κ\kappa-μ\mu shadowed fading channels. Using the proposed method, we evaluate the spectral efficiency, moments of the SINR, bit error probability and outage probability of a KK-tier HetNet with KK classes of BSs, differing in terms of the transmit power, BS density, shadowing characteristics and small-scale fading. Building upon these results, we provide important new insights into the network performance of these emerging wireless applications while considering a diverse range of fading conditions and link qualities