4 research outputs found

    Integrating Incidence Angle Dependencies Into the Clustering-Based Segmentation of SAR Images

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    Synthetic aperture radar systems perform signal acquisition under varying incidence angles and register an implicit intensity decay from near to far range. Owing to the geometrical interaction between microwaves and the imaged targets, the rates at which intensities decay depend on the nature of the targets, thus rendering single-rate image correction approaches only partially successful. The decay, also known as the incidence angle effect, impacts the segmentation of wide-swath images performed on absolute intensity values. We propose to integrate the target-specific intensity decay rates into a nonstationary statistical model, for use in a fully automatic and unsupervised segmentation algorithm. We demonstrate this concept by assuming Gaussian distributed log-intensities and linear decay rates, a fitting approximation for the smooth systematic decay observed for extended flat targets. The segmentation is performed on Sentinel-1, Radarsat-2, and UAVSAR wide-swath scenes containing open water, sea ice, and oil slicks. As a result, we obtain segments connected throughout the entire incidence angle range, thus overcoming the limitations of modeling that does not account for different per-target decays. The model simplicity also allows for short execution times and presents the segmentation approach as a potential operational algorithm. In addition, we estimate the log-linear decay rates and examine their potential for a physical interpretation of the segments

    A Multisensor Comparison of Experimental Oil Spills in Polarimetric SAR for High Wind Conditions

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    In this paper, we present the experimental setup and data collection during the Norwegian Radar oil Spill Experiment 2015, followed by a comparison of a subset of the multisensory synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery collected during the experiment. Multipolarization SAR data acquired by Radarsat-2, TerraSAR-X, and the uninhabited aerial vehicle synthetic aperture radar (UAVSAR) less than 6 min apart are investigated and compared. All three sensors detect the four slicks of varying physiochemical composition under challenging conditions posed by small slicks in high wind conditions of ∼ 12 m/s. The detectability is best in TerraSAR-X and UAVSAR. The high wind allows for large signal-to-noise ratios over the slicks, even in the satellite data and in cross-polarization channels. Although detection is possible, discrimination between slick types, using multipolarization parameters previously found useful for this purpose, is not possible under these conditions for the acquisitions in the instance studied

    A Sensitivity Study of L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Measurements to the Internal Variations and Evolving Nature of Oil Slicks

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    This thesis focuses on the use of multi-polarization synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for characterization of marine oil spills. In particular, the potential of detecting internal zones within oil slicks in SAR scenes are investigated by a direct within-slick segmentation scheme, along with a sensitivity study of SAR measurements to the evolving nature of oil slicks. A simple, k-means clustering algorithm, along with a Gaussian Mixture Model are separately applied, giving rise to a comparative study of the internal class structures obtained by both strategies. As no optical imagery is available for verification, the within-slick segmentations are evaluated with respect to the behavior of a set of selected polarimetric features, the prevailing wind conditions and weathering processes. In addition, a fake zone detection scheme is established to help determine if the class structures obtained potentially reflect actual internal variations within the slicks. Further, the evolving nature of oil slicks is studied based on the temporal development of a set of selected geometric region descriptors. Two data sets are available for the investigation presented in this thesis, both captured by a full-polarization L-band airborne SAR system with high spatial- and temporal resolution. The results obtained with respect to the zone detection scheme developed supports the hypothesis of the existence of detectable zones within oil spills in SAR scenes. Additionally, the method established for studying the evolving nature of oil slicks is found convenient for accessing the general behavior of the slicks, and simplifies interpretation

    A Multisensor Comparison of Experimental Oil Spills in Polarimetric SAR for High Wind Conditions

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