9 research outputs found

    A Multiple Views Model for Variability Management in Software Product Lines

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    \With current trends towards moving variability from hardware to software, and given the increasing desire to postpone design decisions as much as is economically feasible, managing the variability from requirements elicitation to implementation is becoming a primary business requirement in the product line process. Nowadays, a medium size software system may encompass hundreds if not thousands of variability points introducing a new level of complexity that current techniques struggle to manage. In this paper, we present a new approach to variability management by introducing a multiple views model (4VM) where each view caters for specific set of concerns that relate to a particular group of stakeholders

    A Scalable Multiple Perspective Variability Management CASE Tool

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    One of the main challenges in variability management is the visualization and management of industry size variability models. In this work, we introduce our CASE tool MUSA that uses a multiple perspective approach to variability modeling and is implemented using state-of-the-art multi-touch interfaces. This gives it the power and flexibility to create and manage large-scale variability models

    A NUI Based Multiple Perspective Variability Modelling CASE Tool

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    With current trends towards moving variability from hardware to software, and given the increasing desire to postpone design decisions as much as is economically feasible, managing the variability from requirements elicitation to implementation is becoming a primary business requirement in the product line engineering process. One of the main challenges in variability management is the visualization and management of industry size variability models. In this demonstration, we introduce our CASE tool, MUSA. MUSA is designed around our work on multiple perspective variability modeling and is implemented using the state-of-the-art in NUI, multi-touch interfaces, giving it the power and flexibility to create and manage large-scale variability models with relative ease

    Visualizing Variability Models Using Hyperbolic Trees

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    Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) has emerged in recent years as a viable way to maximize reuse when designing a family of related products. One of the main tasks conducted during the SPLE process is Variability Management (VM). VM is about identifying commonality among the different products being developed while capturing and cataloging variability. In real-life projects, VM models tend to encompass a very large number of variants reaching in many projects the order of thousands. Visualizing these models has been a major challenge for tool developers. In this work, we present our MUSA CASE tool which uses hyperbolic trees for representing VM models and supports gesture based interaction (using multi-touch interfaces). The tool has been successfully used to develop a large scale case study

    Model-based systems engineering with requirements variability for embedded real-time systems

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    Product Line Engineering (PLE) offers the benefits of reducing costs and time to market by reusing requirements and components. Current PLE methods, however, mainly focus on the software aspects and are lacking in support for many system level concerns like physical and non-functional require-ments (Quality of Service attributes) that play an important role in the development of Embedded Real-Time Systems (RTS). This paper proposes a new method to support a combination of variability modelling (a key feature of PLE) and model-based requirement engineering (in SysML) for Embedded RTS. It provides four main contributions: 1. it extends the Orthogonal Variability Model (OVM) to support the separation of function-al, physical and non-functional variability; 2. it proposes a mechanism for the evolution of variability; 3. stakeholders' specifications for variable requirements are extended by the proposed approach; 4. it increases the consistency of system models by directly using SysML Activity Diagrams and Block Definition Diagrams as a base model for refining variability models for requirement representation. The proposed method is illustrated by an Aircraft Engine Control System case study. © 2015 IEEE

    Usability of Web Browsers for Multi-touch Platforms

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    Multi-touch interface is an improvement within the existing touch screen technology, which allows the user to operate the electronic visual display with finger gestures. This work examines how good current web browsers are positioned to avail of the next generation HCI, currently dubbed Natural User Interfaces which are largely multi-touch interfaces at this point in time

    A Scalable Design Framework for Variability Management in Large-Scale Software Product Lines

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    Variability management is one of the major challenges in software product line adoption, since it needs to be efficiently managed at various levels of the software product line development process (e.g., requirement analysis, design, implementation, etc.). One of the main challenges within variability management is the handling and effective visualization of large-scale (industry-size) models, which in many projects, can reach the order of thousands, along with the dependency relationships that exist among them. These have raised many concerns regarding the scalability of current variability management tools and techniques and their lack of industrial adoption. To address the scalability issues, this work employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods to identify the reasons behind the limited scalability of existing variability management tools and techniques. In addition to producing a comprehensive catalogue of existing tools, the outcome form this stage helped understand the major limitations of existing tools. Based on the findings, a novel approach was created for managing variability that employed two main principles for supporting scalability. First, the separation-of-concerns principle was employed by creating multiple views of variability models to alleviate information overload. Second, hyperbolic trees were used to visualise models (compared to Euclidian space trees traditionally used). The result was an approach that can represent models encompassing hundreds of variability points and complex relationships. These concepts were demonstrated by implementing them in an existing variability management tool and using it to model a real-life product line with over a thousand variability points. Finally, in order to assess the work, an evaluation framework was designed based on various established usability assessment best practices and standards. The framework was then used with several case studies to benchmark the performance of this work against other existing tools