3 research outputs found

    A mobile agent and message ferry mechanism based routing for delay tolerant network

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    Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) is a class of networks characterized by long delays, frequent disconnections and partitioning of communication paths between network nodes. Due to the frequent disconnection and network partitioning, the overall performance of the network will be deteriorated sharply. The problem is how to make the network fairly connected to optimize data routing and enhance the performance of a network. The aim of this study is to improve the performance of DTN by minimizing end-to-end delivery time and increasing message delivery ratio. Therefore, this research tackles the problem of intermittent connectivity and network partitioning by introducing Agents and Ferry Mechanism based Routing (AFMR). The AFMR comprises of two stages by applying two schemes: mobile agents and ferry mechanism. The agents' scheme is proposed to deal with intermittent connectivity and network partitioning by collecting the basic information about network connection such as signal strength, nodes position in the network and distance to the destination nodes to minimize end-to-end delivery time. The second stage is to increase the message delivery ratio by moving the nodes towards the path with available network connectivity based on agents' feedback. The AFMR is evaluated through simulations and the results are compared with those of Epidemic, PRoPHET and Message Ferry (MF). The findings demonstrate that AFMR is superior to all three, with respect to the average end-to-end delivery time, message delivery ratio, network load and message drop ratio, which are regarded as extremely important metrics for the evaluation of DTN routing protocols. The AFMR achieves improved network performance in terms of end-to-end delivery time (56.3%); enhanced message delivery ratio (60.0%); mitigation of message drop (63.5%) and reduced network load (26.1 %). The contributions of this thesis are to enhance the performance of DTN by significantly overcoming the intermittent connectivity and network partitioning problems in the network

    A unified approach to the development and usage of mobile agents

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    Mobile agents are an interesting approach to the development of distributed systems. By moving freely accross the network, they allow for the distribution of computation as well as gathering and filtering of information in an autonomous way. Over the last decade, the agent research community has decidedly achieved tremendous results. However, the community was not able to provide easy to use toolkits to make this paradigm available to a broader audience. By embracing simplicity during the creation of a formal model and a reference implementation to create and execute instances of that model, our aim is to enable a wide audience – even non-experts – to create, adapt and use mobile agents. The proposed model allows for the creation of agents by combining atomic, self-contained building blocks and we provide an approachable, easy to use graphical editor for the creation of model instances. In two evaluations, we could reinforce our believes that, with the achieved results, we could reach our aims