1,291 research outputs found

    Adaptive CSLBP compressed image hashing

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    Hashing is popular technique of image authentication to identify malicious attacks and it also allows appearance changes in an image in controlled way. Image hashing is quality summarization of images. Quality summarization implies extraction and representation of powerful low level features in compact form. Proposed adaptive CSLBP compressed hashing method uses modified CSLBP (Center Symmetric Local Binary Pattern) as a basic method for texture extraction and color weight factor derived from L*a*b* color space. Image hash is generated from image texture. Color weight factors are used adaptively in average and difference forms to enhance discrimination capability of hash. For smooth region, averaging of colours used while for non-smooth region, color differencing is used. Adaptive CSLBP histogram is a compressed form of CSLBP and its quality is improved by adaptive color weight factor. Experimental results are demonstrated with two benchmarks, normalized hamming distance and ROC characteristics. Proposed method successfully differentiate between content change and content persevering modifications for color images

    Texture Synthesis Guided Deep Hashing for Texture Image Retrieval

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    With the large-scale explosion of images and videos over the internet, efficient hashing methods have been developed to facilitate memory and time efficient retrieval of similar images. However, none of the existing works uses hashing to address texture image retrieval mostly because of the lack of sufficiently large texture image databases. Our work addresses this problem by developing a novel deep learning architecture that generates binary hash codes for input texture images. For this, we first pre-train a Texture Synthesis Network (TSN) which takes a texture patch as input and outputs an enlarged view of the texture by injecting newer texture content. Thus it signifies that the TSN encodes the learnt texture specific information in its intermediate layers. In the next stage, a second network gathers the multi-scale feature representations from the TSN's intermediate layers using channel-wise attention, combines them in a progressive manner to a dense continuous representation which is finally converted into a binary hash code with the help of individual and pairwise label information. The new enlarged texture patches also help in data augmentation to alleviate the problem of insufficient texture data and are used to train the second stage of the network. Experiments on three public texture image retrieval datasets indicate the superiority of our texture synthesis guided hashing approach over current state-of-the-art methods.Comment: IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2019 Video Presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXaXTGhzaJ

    Rhythmic Representations: Learning Periodic Patterns for Scalable Place Recognition at a Sub-Linear Storage Cost

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    Robotic and animal mapping systems share many challenges and characteristics: they must function in a wide variety of environmental conditions, enable the robot or animal to navigate effectively to find food or shelter, and be computationally tractable from both a speed and storage perspective. With regards to map storage, the mammalian brain appears to take a diametrically opposed approach to all current robotic mapping systems. Where robotic mapping systems attempt to solve the data association problem to minimise representational aliasing, neurons in the brain intentionally break data association by encoding large (potentially unlimited) numbers of places with a single neuron. In this paper, we propose a novel method based on supervised learning techniques that seeks out regularly repeating visual patterns in the environment with mutually complementary co-prime frequencies, and an encoding scheme that enables storage requirements to grow sub-linearly with the size of the environment being mapped. To improve robustness in challenging real-world environments while maintaining storage growth sub-linearity, we incorporate both multi-exemplar learning and data augmentation techniques. Using large benchmark robotic mapping datasets, we demonstrate the combined system achieving high-performance place recognition with sub-linear storage requirements, and characterize the performance-storage growth trade-off curve. The work serves as the first robotic mapping system with sub-linear storage scaling properties, as well as the first large-scale demonstration in real-world environments of one of the proposed memory benefits of these neurons.Comment: Pre-print of article that will appear in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter

    A deep representation for depth images from synthetic data

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) trained on large scale RGB databases have become the secret sauce in the majority of recent approaches for object categorization from RGB-D data. Thanks to colorization techniques, these methods exploit the filters learned from 2D images to extract meaningful representations in 2.5D. Still, the perceptual signature of these two kind of images is very different, with the first usually strongly characterized by textures, and the second mostly by silhouettes of objects. Ideally, one would like to have two CNNs, one for RGB and one for depth, each trained on a suitable data collection, able to capture the perceptual properties of each channel for the task at hand. This has not been possible so far, due to the lack of a suitable depth database. This paper addresses this issue, proposing to opt for synthetically generated images rather than collecting by hand a 2.5D large scale database. While being clearly a proxy for real data, synthetic images allow to trade quality for quantity, making it possible to generate a virtually infinite amount of data. We show that the filters learned from such data collection, using the very same architecture typically used on visual data, learns very different filters, resulting in depth features (a) able to better characterize the different facets of depth images, and (b) complementary with respect to those derived from CNNs pre-trained on 2D datasets. Experiments on two publicly available databases show the power of our approach

    X-Ray Image Processing and Visualization for Remote Assistance of Airport Luggage Screeners

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    X-ray technology is widely used for airport luggage inspection nowadays. However, the ever-increasing sophistication of threat-concealment measures and types of threats, together with the natural complexity, inherent to the content of each individual luggage make x-ray raw images obtained directly from inspection systems unsuitable to clearly show various luggage and threat items, particularly low-density objects, which poses a great challenge for airport screeners. This thesis presents efforts spent in improving the rate of threat detection using image processing and visualization technologies. The principles of x-ray imaging for airport luggage inspection and the characteristics of single-energy and dual-energy x-ray data are first introduced. The image processing and visualization algorithms, selected and proposed for improving single energy and dual energy x-ray images, are then presented in four categories: (1) gray-level enhancement, (2) image segmentation, (3) pseudo coloring, and (4) image fusion. The major contributions of this research include identification of optimum combinations of common segmentation and enhancement methods, HSI based color-coding approaches and dual-energy image fusion algorithms —spatial information-based and wavelet-based image fusions. Experimental results generated with these image processing and visualization algorithms are shown and compared. Objective image quality measures are also explored in an effort to reduce the overhead of human subjective assessments and to provide more reliable evaluation results. Two application software are developed − an x-ray image processing application (XIP) and a wireless tablet PC-based remote supervision system (RSS). In XIP, we implemented in a user-friendly GUI the preceding image processing and visualization algorithms. In RSS, we ported available image processing and visualization methods to a wireless mobile supervisory station for screener assistance and supervision. Quantitative and on-site qualitative evaluations for various processed and fused x-ray luggage images demonstrate that using the proposed algorithms of image processing and visualization constitutes an effective and feasible means for improving airport luggage inspection

    Reduced reference image and video quality assessments: review of methods

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    With the growing demand for image and video-based applications, the requirements of consistent quality assessment metrics of image and video have increased. Different approaches have been proposed in the literature to estimate the perceptual quality of images and videos. These approaches can be divided into three main categories; full reference (FR), reduced reference (RR) and no-reference (NR). In RR methods, instead of providing the original image or video as a reference, we need to provide certain features (i.e., texture, edges, etc.) of the original image or video for quality assessment. During the last decade, RR-based quality assessment has been a popular research area for a variety of applications such as social media, online games, and video streaming. In this paper, we present review and classification of the latest research work on RR-based image and video quality assessment. We have also summarized different databases used in the field of 2D and 3D image and video quality assessment. This paper would be helpful for specialists and researchers to stay well-informed about recent progress of RR-based image and video quality assessment. The review and classification presented in this paper will also be useful to gain understanding of multimedia quality assessment and state-of-the-art approaches used for the analysis. In addition, it will help the reader select appropriate quality assessment methods and parameters for their respective applications
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